How the UK has failed to ramp up testing

Matthew Lesh spoke to the Sun and explained our latest report, Testing Times, to explain how Public Health England’s overly centralised approach to testing has held back the ability to test people for COVID19 effectively — and so hampered the ability of the country to understand and control the spread of the disease.

Our latest paper on the country’s most pressing topic has garnered much attention with Viscount Matt Ridley writing on the issue in the Spectator, Matthew Lesh explaing in the Telegraph that we must not allow bureaucratic fiefdoms to get in the way of saving lives any more (their Science Editor also wrote an article about the report), and for The Critic how to expand capacity quickly. He also appeared on TalkRadio and the Sky News daily podcast

Matt Kilcoyne was quoted in the Sun, saying that we need to summon the Dunkirk spirit to ensure every lab: big, small, public, or private, is used in this fight. And Morgan Schondelmeier was on 1828 explaining the shameful difference between the US and the UK. GuidoCityAMCapXConservativeHome, the Daily ExpressThe Week, and Spiked also led with the report in their coverage of the slow increase in testing.


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