Young Writer on Liberty 2018 Winners

We're delighted to announce the winners of our 2018 Young Writer on Liberty competition, and will be showcasing some of their work in the coming days! The theme of this year's competition was 'Ideas for a Freer, Better, Richer World'. Entrants wrote three, 400-word articles on this theme, each focusing on one of the ASI's three areas of policy priorities for this year: boosting productivityinnovation without permission, and practical liberalism.

As usual, we received many entries and competition was fierce. There were categories for the Under-18s and the 18-21s, with a winner and a runner-up in each.

The runner-up of the Under-18 category is Emmie Lowes, and the winner of the Under-18s is Caitlin Keenan. The runner-up of the 18-21 category is Matt Gillow, and the category winner is Adelina Fendrina.

Runners-up will have one of their entries showcased on the ASI blog tomorrow, and category winners will have all three of their pieces posted next week.

Category winners will also receive £150 prize money, whilst both winners and runners-up will receive boxes filled with liberty-related books.

Keep an eye on the blog to read their entries!


Lord Blencathra is only half right here


There's a reason that wages are as they are