Episode 4: How The Wealth of Nations came to be written
In which Professor Smith explains that it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self interest; why we are all better off as a result; and how many people today still don’t get that obvious point!
Episode 3: How The Wealth of Nations came to be written
In which Professor Smith explains to King George III the folly of his colonial policy and how real source of a nation's wealth lies not in gold but in the productive capacity of its people.
Episode 2: How The Wealth of Nations came to be written
In which Professor Smith explains the huge productivity gains to be had from specialisation and free exchange in the marketplace.
Episode 1: How The Wealth of Nations came to be written
In which Professor Smith points out the cost and absurdity of subsidising home production when you can buy the goods you want far more cheaply from other countries.