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Blog Review 818


Just why housing benefit costs us all so much money. It's quite mindboggling how the government conspires to make its own procurement more expensive.

For those amused by Richard Murphy. It would appear that he's unaware of what an audit is for.

So what that they're spending more money on diagnosing dementia? It's still a social problem, not a medical one.

For those of you who saw the "how to be a lefty writer about Africa" article, here's the author explaining what it all means.

It would appear that at least part of the BBC could be described as the public relations arm of Greenpeace.

Bailing out the car companies. Would thing be different if, instead of each car manufacturing job supporting 5 others, it was actually 0.3 others?

And finally, there are two El Gordo's in Europe and only one of them is worthwhile at a 6% break even chance.


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Film of the Year No. 8


8. There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood is probably the most acclaimed film of 2008, and it's not hard to see why. From a technical perspective, this is filmmaking at its very best. Everything from the cinematography to the soundtrack is absolutely top-notch, and Daniel Day-Lewis' Oscar-winning central performance is everything it's cracked up to be – intense, compelling and, occasionally terrifying.

Loosely based on the novel OIL! by Upton Sinclair, the story follows the rise of Daniel Plainview, a ruthless oil-prospector driven as much by his hatred for others as his seemingly boundless greed. The details of the plot are not so important as its themes: ultimately, There Will Be Blood is about the corruption of the human soul. From its stark opening to its extraordinary conclusion, this is a powerful piece of cinema.

Yet There Will Be Blood is a flawed masterpiece. For all its technical brilliance, the film too often feels artificial, even theatrical. Its characters are unreal, their motivations hard to fathom or accept. They are ciphers rather than people. That's why There Will Be Blood is merely a very good film, rather than a great one. See the trailer here.

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Blog Review 817


Netsmith has been known to predict that this will happen but even Netsmith didn't think it would come this quickly. A major newspaper could now dump it''sentire print operation and distribution and still remain profitable.

The madness of feeding a Pomeranian with a 25 lb turkey.

The banks raised money to cover their losses....so why are people surprised when a bank uses the money raised to cover the losses?

What a hedge fund manager really wanted to be is a cockroach.

Feminism is dead and it's all Maggie's fault.

If we ever get the information from this FOI request it'll be fascinating.

And finally, just small change.

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Film of the Year No. 9


9. Priceless

Audrey Tautou (of Amelie fame) plays Irene, a beautiful young gold-digger in the South of France. One night – after her elderly boyfriend has fallen asleep – she mistakes the mild-mannered (and penniless) bartender in her hotel for a wealthy man. One thing leads to another, and a very glamorous farce ensues.

Priceless is a lightweight, charming comedy that aspires to be the French Breakfast at Tiffany's and comes pretty close. It won't win any awards, but it's stylish, funny and highly entertaining from start to finish. Sure to cheer you up even in the midst of a grim British winter.

Watch the trailer here

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Blog Review 816


It appears that Melanie Read in The Times has been recommending the return of slavery.

More evidence on where all the tax money goes.

One way of putting this is that the fallout from the Bernie Maddox pyramid will be a $17 billion fiscal boost in the US.

Answering two questions: which came first, the chicken or the egg and, which came first, trade and the division of labour or Homo sapiens?

A list of nice enough countries to live in and a list of not so nice countries to live in.

On why that bailout of Detroit may well not work....even though it's bound to be very expensive.

And finally, what they say and what they really mean.

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Miscellaneous Tim Worstall Miscellaneous Tim Worstall

In praise of a feminist bookshop


It will sound strange to some that a classical liberal like myself will praise a feminist bookshop's asking for donations so that it might stay open. Strange, however, only to those who don't quite understand what that classical liberalism is all about.

We know it sounds crazy that a small bookstore in Portland could raise this much money in such a short time, however our community of locals, out-of-town family and friends, as well as feminists nationwide have responded in full force to our plea. They are making online donations, swarming through our doors to support the store by doing their shopping and attending events, and by getting the word out to their own communities that we need help. And its working. We've made nearly $7,000 in the five days since we announced our financial crisis. Clearly, In Other Words is an institution that our community will not let go under.

I've no particular thoughts about feminist book shops, small bookstores or Portland come to that. But I do have thoughts on what is the point of our economic and political system, the most important of which is that if you wish to spend your money in feminist bookshops, small bookstores or even Portland then it is entirely your right to do so.

Just as if you decide that you don't actually want to purchase a book from such a store but would like to send them some money anyway, please, feel free.

For what we're aiming for is not maximal profit, maximal production or maximal anything else but utility. That general ragbag of desires that human beings want to fulfil. And if your utility is maximised (or perhaps increased is better) by your paying more for a book than you would elsewhere, but at the benefit to you of supporting some other goal, say, the social benefits to you of knowing that there is indeed still a feminist bookshop in Portland, then I say good luck to you. So with making a donation but not claiming a book.

As long as you extend the same freedoms to me, that I may spend my money where and as I wish then we'll all get along together fabulously.

That's what being a liberal, classical or otherwise, actually means.

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Film of the Year No. 10


10. Charlie Wilson's War

Set in the early 1980s, and based on a true story, Charlie Wilson's War stars Tom Hanks as the eponymous Texas congressman – a fun-loving, hard-drinking, womanizer (Cinesmith's kind of politician, in other words), who uses his membership of several key committees to covertly fund Afghan rebels fighting against the Soviets.

The film succeeds in being very amusing, and in making its political point – not surprising given that it was written by West Wing creator, Aaron Sorkin. But while Charlie Wilson's War manages to keep the sharp dialogue and tight plotting of Sorkin's TV work, it never falls prey to the preachiness that characterized The West Wing in its lesser moments. Credit for that is probably due to director Mike Nichols, the man behind classics like The Graduate, and top political satire Primary Colours.

Tom Hanks gets excellent support from Philip Seymour Hoffman, as a CIA analyst with 'anger management issues', while Julia Roberts supplies some additional star-power. If only working in politics was really so glamorous. Watch the trailer here.

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Blog Review 815


"I Pencil" turns 50 years old this month. It remains, for the layman, the best explanation of how and why markets work. Worth spreading the word about it.

To a rather more complicated question. How much is climate change likely to cost us and how much should be willing to pay to make sure that it doesn't?

Benford's Law strikes again! Bernie Maddox's investment returns breached the law.

Which is more truthful? That the Maddox strategy was symptomatic of the private investment business or more so of the entire public sector?

A truly excellent idea. Paying banking bonuses in illiquid sub-prime mortgage securities.

Something that various greens (and Greens) could learn from an environmental economist. Yes, those green collar jobs are a cost of such schemes, not a benefit.

And finally, on how the experience of felling your own Christmas tree can be ruined by British public  information films.

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Also showing...


The countdown of the top 10 films of the year starts tomorrow, but first, a few of 2008's also-rans:

Quantum of Solace: James Bond is back, and he wants revenge. This is the shortest and most stylized Bond film to date, and I loved it. True, Quantum lacks some of the things we've come to expect from James Bond  (no Q, no Moneypenny, no 'shaken, not stirred', etc), and it takes itself rather too seriously. Nonetheless, Quantum comes very close to capturing the spirit of Ian Fleming's original books, while also succeeding as a film in its own right.

Flashbacks of a Fool: Also starring Daniel Craig, this one's about a disreputable, embittered Hollywood movie star who is devastated to learn of the death of a childhood friend. Most of the film is a flashback to the actor's youth in rural England, and the terrible chain of events he inadvertently triggers. This won't be to everyone's taste, but it's beautifully shot and packs a real punch at the end. Great soundtrack too.

Mamma Mia
: Speaking of great soundtracks, I can't overlook Mamma Mia, the film adaptation of the Abba-inspired musical. Starring Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth amongst others, this has become the UK's biggest box office hit of all time, and its fastest selling DVD to boot. I found the female characters highly annoying, and the men just can't sing. Somehow though, it doesn't matter – Mamma Mia is pure, escapist fun.

The Dark Knight: Everyone else seemed to like this sequel to 'Batman Begins' a lot more than me. Personally, I thought it was too long and too self-indulgent. Minus half an hour and a handful of sub-plots, it could have been fantastic. The film still succeeds thanks to a brilliant final performance from the late Heath Ledger – as Batman's psychotic nemesis, The Joker – but it should have been so much better.

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Blog Review 814


What type of fiscal boost increases GDP the most? Correct! Tax cuts!

Why Bayou is going to make the Madoff untangling even worse than we thought. Plus, the person who made the most may have been the person we all think has lost the most. And Ms. Horlick does have a question or two to answer.

How to build a really customer centric company.

How BP became a cropper in Russia.

Rum goings on at ACPO. You'd rather like the police themselves to be a tad more truthful, wouldn't you?

Netsmith has been to trade shows that felt like this.

And finally, the next investment craze.

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