Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler

On the ninth day of Christmas...


My true love sent to me: nine ladies dancing, which probably refers in the song to the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, which include Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness and so on.

Well, it's a bit early for dancing, or even joy. Believe it or not, but if you live in the United Kingdom you are going to be working for the government every single day between now and 2 June, which is when Tax Freedom Day falls. Roughly 40 percent of what we make and earn is snatched from us by the tax authorities to be spent on things that our governments in London, Holyrood, Cardiff and Belfast think that we should be given.

It's been scientifically calculated that the average Christmas present costs 14 percent more than the recipient thinks it is worth. If you just gave cash instead, then the recipient could buy something they think is worth the money. When you buy something for them, they never think it's quite right, and sometimes they put it in the cupboard and just forget about it. And it's the same with government. They buy services for us which we don't want - usually because they are very ineffectively delivered. If they gave us the cash - or even vouchers - instead, at least we could get value for our money.

And actually, it's worse. The government isn't giving us all these useless present with their money. It's paying for them with our money!

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 827


Why those free Wi-Fi citywide programmes never quite did take off. Or, if you prefer, why the government here in the UK doesn't need to build the 100 Mbit broadband network.

Possible paths for the economy for the next 12 months.

Propaganda or just bad reporting? Difficult to tell with the BBC sometimes these days.

So, err, just how has that unionised workforce worked out then?

How technological change changes other things. For example, those perfect pitch machines for singers mean that producers deliberaltey pitch those singers a tad sharp.

Did this actually happen last night? 11:59:60 ?

And finally, well, that's it for the internet, the web and blogging. Someone has finally admitted to being in error in a previous blog post. Nothing will ever be the same again, will it?

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Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty

A hopeful message


In response to a blog a wrote a few weeks ago, I was asked, "Does this mean that the competitive free market economy of Adam Smith does not exist in the real world? That it is today a government managed economy through supply side and monetary policies?" It's an interesting question, and it is very easy to get depressed about the state of the world at the moment – but I still don’t know that I'd go that far.

On the one hand, it is probably true that no country in the world has a pure free market economy. In unstable or extremely undeveloped countries, you don't get proper free markets (even in the absence of government intervention) because the institutions needed to support them, like secure property rights and the rule of law, are absent. And when countries do become stable and developed, they almost always end up with governments committed to managing the economy and micromanaging citizens.

So yes, pure free markets (in the theoretical sense) probably do not exist in the real world. What we have instead is varying degrees of state capitalism – the most successful versions being those that maximize individual freedom and allow the greatest degree of competition.

But on the other hand, I don't think we should despair. Maybe there's no free market utopia, and maybe there never will be. But ultimately individual freedom (and, by extension, the free market) will always be more powerful than statism, because it goes with the grain of human nature – people are inherently entrepreneurial, dynamic and individualistic. So while governments will probably never stop trying to manage everything, they're never going to succeed in managing everything either. Indeed, the more complex, diverse and advanced economies become, the harder it will get. There will never be a perfect world, sure, but in the long run liberty has the upper hand.

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Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler

On the eighth day of Christmas...


My true love sent to me: eight maids a-milking. In the Christmas song, A Partridge in a Pear Tree, these may signify the eight beatitudes or blessings in the Sermon on the mount: blessings to the poor, the meek, those who mourn, the just, the merciful, the clean of heart, the peacemakers, and those who suffer persecution.

But what of the milkmaids? Well, they and the cheesemakers are hardly blessed, thanks to a Catch-22 conspiracy of politics and interest groups. Britain's Office of Fair Trading has claimed that the big four supermarkets colluded to keep the prices of milk and dairy products artificially high, pocketing an estimated £270m in the process.

The supermarkets look like being forced to stump up huge fines, though they regard it all as a bit rich. After years of everyone complaining that they screwed down farm gate prices from their suppliers so low that it was threatening the future of the dairy industry, the supermarkets decided it was time to get together and be a bit more generous to the farmers. Prices were duly put up and...then the whistles started blowing. In business, you just can't win.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 826


Some of us were saying that the Detroit Three really did need to go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in order to get themselves sorted out (if that was even possible). Here's a story of what happens when you don't have that legal stucture around such a complex process. Those in the know get preferential treatment.

An excellent point made. All large companies are now software companies.

Wouldn't you like to know where all the tax money goes? Well, here's at least some of it.

Could it be that Krugman's greatest fault as an economist is that he simply doesn't believe public choice theory?

Using barkingly bad statistics to back up an even more barkingly crazed policy prescription.

An 'orrible and foolish idea. Plus someone who doesn't believe in it but doesn't think it's that crazed.

And finally, squeeze 'em and squash 'em good.

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Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler Miscellaneous Dr. Eamonn Butler

On the seventh day of Christmas...


My true love sent to me: seven swans a-swimming. In the song, this could refer to the seven sacraments, or the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which include things like teaching, service, and leadership.

Teaching, of course, is another of those things where there is far too much government, and far too little service and leadership. As in health, it is not that the staff are bad - but they are just badly managed, and the sector is too centrally run. The top-down Stalinist way of running things didn't deliver in the Soviet Union, and it doesn't deliver in health, education, and other public services. So we end up with sink schools from which parents and kids - usually those in the most deprived areas - have no escape.

Now, though, the world is building up experience that decentralization actually works. Instead of the state running every school, give parents and teachers money to run their own. That has led to a flowering of new schools in poor, often black areas of America where the state schools had been overwhelmed with drugs and violence and underwhelmed with learning and achievement. Now Sweden has a similar system - the money follows the choices of parents, not bureaucrats, so it tends to be spent better: and all sorts of new education providers are springing up as a result. A model for the UK? Well, we certainly think so.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Film of the Year No. 1


1. Cloverfield

Given my previous two picks – Gomorrah and Lust, Caution – my choice for the best film of 2008 may seem like an odd one. Cloverfield is, after all, an Americanized take on the Godzilla genre, filmed entirely on handheld camera and aimed squarely at a Hollywood blockbuster audience. But I don’t think that necessarily disqualifies it from movie-greatness: Cloverfield is, in its own way a truly brilliant film.

As the film opens we are told we are watching a camcorder video, recovered by the US military from an 'incident' site known as “Cloverfield". First we see a happy couple spending the day together; then we cut to the preparations for a going-away party. During the party, something attacks New York and the city is plunged into chaos. The party-goers flee the apartment, but the camcorder is kept on, capturing the terrifying events that follow...

Cloverfield succeeds completely as a genre film, keeping you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. It also wins points for its innovative style, telling the story of a disaster entirely from the camcorder-point of view of a small group, and lasting the exact same time as a real DV tape. The feeling of panic that envelopes the whole film is almost overwhelming, such is the skill with which it is put together. But while Cloverfield’s only real intention is to scare you, it is also more than simply a monster movie: the implicit parallels with 9-11, though entirely unforced, give the film a powerful and unexpected resonance.

Watch the trailer here

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Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

Quote of the Year

It is true that we had ten years of record growth when I was prime minister. I have, unfortunately, come to the conclusion that it was luck.

Tony Blair, in a lecture to Yale University

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 825


Well, if you start off with faulty statistics and then ignore the real world, of course you can prove whatever it is that you want to.

Guess who might end up carrying the financial can for the Madoff losses? Yup, the taxpayer. Still, at least it's a $50 billion fiscal boost, eh?

No, food miles are not a good way of measuring environmental impact. Total resource use would be rather better.

So those people approving all those no money down, no income checks, negative amortisation mortgages, what were they, on crack? Umm, no, methamphetamine actually.

Competition time! Who would you nominate as your, err, umm, "coprolites" of the year?

The Angry Economist has obviusly spent too much of the season with young children. The latest Nobel Laureate in economics* is, apparently, a "doody head".

And finally, shades of Roderick Spode and those black footy bags. Can any British politician survive being the butt of the Panto jokes?

*Yes, we know, it's the Swedish Central Bank's prize in honour of etc. And no, we don't care.

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