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Blog Review 856


This idea of "fake charities" is one that should be pursued more vigorously perhaps? The Daycare Trust is found to be parroting the propaganda of its paymasters, just as one example.

Or the NSPCC which seems to be part of the attack upon home schooling.

On which subject, schooling, why should the vouchers be limited to the poor?

"Capitol Hill has become a veritable vortex of stupidity."

Defining heroes, villains and saints: and their beneficial effects on other human beings.

Government asking blogger why government programme is working as it does. And some people think that government can plan things.

And finally, why we love France.

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Blog Review 855


In engineering you can have good, fast or cheap. Pick any two you like. It would seem that the same applies to a stimulus package.

Russian law and history seem to be repeating themselves.

Even the government seems to think that the minimum wage is too high now.

Hyman Minksy's views on the recovery. It doesn't really matter what the banks do at present.

Huge subsidies to solar power don't really seem to work.

These tidal barrages might not be quite all they're cracked up to be.

And finally, Jonathan Porritt's solution. We should all go back to being peasants again.

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Blog Review 854


All this death of capitalism stuff. Worth looking at this chart. Capitalism is the only economic system ever to manage this, a consistent and long lasting rise in the average standard of living.

As an example, it wasn't the introduction of capitalism that killed Russians but the dying of communism.

Big government didn't work so well for Bush. So perhaps big government won't work for Obama, either?

Oh dear, it seems that Thatcher's lesson hasn't been learnt. To cut government you need to cut what government does, not just try to govern more efficiently.

And the evidence against The Shock Doctrine is now approaching that of The Population Bomb.

If you want a temporary stimulus why have one that isn't temporary and doesn't stimulate?

And finally, a blogger being sued for libel. Worth seeing if you can help perhaps, despite Dave's rather odd economic and political views.

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Adam Scavette joins the ASI


Greetings. My name is Adam and I began my internship with the ASI on Monday. I am an international student from the United States, and I am currently studying at City University of London for the semester. I plan to finish my bachelor’s degree in economics next May at Villanova University, a small university in the suburbs of Philadelphia. After I receive my degree I hope to enter a graduate program in public policy. Some of my interests besides economics include music making, film, and literature. I hope that my time spent at the Adam Smith Institute will allow me to gain a new perspective on current economic issues.

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Blog Review 853


Yes, of course markets fail but then so, for very much the same reasons plus others, do governments.

As a minor example, those who insist upon planning seem not to understand, umm, planning.

One reason might be the paucity of explanation and depth we get from the public service broadcaster.

Do we really think that government, for example, knows more about the car industry than Toyota?

Does Will Hutton know how to run a business....or even a charity?

A most amusing and not entirely mad method of dealing with current problems.

And finally, a bank run in cyberspace.

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Chinese New Year


With the Chinese New Year starting yesterday it is worth considering how far the country has come since the death of Mao. Booksmith has just started reading The Elephant and the Dragon by Robyn Meredith. So far it is proving an interesting read. In the opening chapter she gives a vivid description of life before Deng Xiaoping's reforms: very unpleasant. However, life is now considerably better for most following the relative economic freedoms now permitted in much of China. Lets hope political freedoms follow.

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Blog Review 852


A fun time to be a central banker at the moment, don't you think? Although the Zimbabwean one seems to be having more fun than most.

What could it be that would make a magistrate so cynical?

Certain Labour Lords have a record of certain types of actions. That might explain at least some of the cynicism.

It might be stretching things to say that only ill thought out regulation caused the current events, but there certainly were some ill thought out regulations that contributed.

A useful political rubric. If everyone's in agreement then they're wrong.

As an example: even Keynes thought that infrastructure was not a good method of providing a fiscal stimulus.

And finally, what the UN spends our money on.


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Blog Review 851


Greed is good....well, in the public sector at least it seems.

And as Polly says, this bonus culture has to go of course.

And as for the fat cats in the charity sector.

It's very important to note that a large part of the disagreement amongst economists about fiscal boosts, spending and tax cuts, is governed not by economics, but by the economists' prior beliefs. Perhaps it shouldn't be this way but it is.

As this chart shows in part.

The OLPC project: great aim, overtaken by a different technology.

And finally, a measure of the times that one of the few liberal statements upon drinking comes from a satire site.

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