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Blog Review 890


Why is it that people are so scared of free markets?

Guess who just bought the largest CDO ever? Yup, you and me.

It would appear that the Lisbon Treaty allows the death penalty back. No, really.

More on that Scottish Licensing bill.

If we'd taken a liassez faire approach to the problems, wouldn't the current siuation be used as proof that laissez faire doesn't work?

Shockingly, Willem Buiter might not be quite as good a macroeconomist as Willem Buiter thinks Willem Buiter is.

And finally, certainly a woman of strong views here.

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Blog Review 889


Imagine if shops were run like schools, with a lottery as to which ones you could use?

And then think about how well markets work.

Yes, it's true, incentives matter.

This is very disturbing if true. That troops are being asked whether they would fire on a crowd if employed in riot control.

So where is the call for the subsidies to Exxon?

Just what do they think the price inelasticity of demand for booze is?

And finally, a few cans short of a six pack.

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Koch Associate Program 2009-10


The good people of the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation have opened up their Associate Program for 2009-10.

During the year-long program, Associates are based in Washington, D.C., and spend four days each week at non-profit organizations working in full-time positions and one day each week at the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation immersed in a Market-Based Management curriculum.

The non-profit assignments cover fascinating fields such as policy research, leadership and talent development, grassroots education, marketing, network development, and non-profit operations, and allow Associates to explore specific areas of interest within the organizations. Associates have the chance to demonstrate their talents and the opportunity to earn more responsibility if they perform their jobs well. Associates witness first-hand the nuts and bolts of non-profit work, including how decisions are made, how projects are prioritized, which capabilities are necessary for an organization to operate smoothly, and the challenges faced in a non-profit environment. Over the course of the year, Associates share their diverse experiences with the group, creating a unique learning opportunity unparalleled in other development programs.

Click here to find out more

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On this day...


On this day in 1789, Government under the US Constitution began. When he has finished his spending spree, President Obama should take some time to look over it. I understand that the Cato Institute even produce a Pocket Constiution, if he doesn't have time to sit still.

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Blog Review 888


At least someone has a solution.

Has Harriet been studying Zimbabwe?

Not necessarily true but interesting all the same: is HSBC actually to blame?

A return to traditional British foods, that's what we need.

By not allowing companies to contract or go bust are we Sovietising our economy?

Yes, Warren Buffett really is different.

And finally, Lord of the Rings as written by other authors. Conan Doyle for example.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 887


We all agree that monopolies are a bad thing which is why tax competition is such a good thing.

One part of Obama's proposals seems to be to entirely gut the American approach to charitable giving. And replace it with government money.

Yet another proposal that government should simply steal private property.

That's still better than this proposal to abolish the rule of law though.

Is the book industry about to go the way of the music industry?

"There is no threat of deflation in Europe". Netsmith thought that central bankers had actually learned something from the 1930s?

And finally, ever had a day like this?

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Young writer on liberty 2009


This year we're running a competition to find the best Young Writer on Liberty. It is open to all under 19 year olds and requires the submission of three short articles on the subject of: The Three Greatest Threats to Liberty in 21st Century Britain.

1st prize includes a £500 cash prize, so click here to find out more.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 886


It may well not be socialism we're heading for but is corporatism any better?

One more reason why it's really not going to be like the Great Depression: we're all so far above the (real) poverty line.

Yes, it's true, Adolf Hitler really was a Keynesian.

Worth pondering: why has so much time been spent passing new laws when we already have such that address the very same problems?

Also worth pondering. Would the financial markets have been very different if the banks had only lived up to their legal responsibilities rather than their perceived moral ones?

On demonising the rich yet delighting in what they have offered us to generate such riches.

And finally, welcome to the future.

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Politics and the Blog


On the 1st April we will host our Annual Bloggers Bash. This has proven in the past to be a great occasion and is shaping up to be so once again. Three speakers will talk for ten minutes on specific subjects linked to the broad theme of: Politics and the Blog

Two of our speakers are already confirmed as the politician John Redwood MP and top blogger Guido Fawkes. In attendance will be other top bloggers from politics, the media and beyond. As usual, beer will be served.

If you are blogger or are interested in attending, click here to find out more.

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Blog Review 885


"First it is now a public policy requirement of the utmost importance that Sir Fred does not surrender any of his pension."

As Robert Bolt pointed out better to give the very Devil himself the benefit of the law for your own sake.

The confusion is a little odd to, as the truth can be found with a judicious application of the help that Mr. Google can provide.

Yet again we see that the Shock Doctrine of Ms. Klein has a problem with it. It just isn't the neo-liberals that employ it.

Once again we see that government spending plans are a day or more late and a dollar or two short.

California has become France and some suggegstions as to what you might want to do about it.

And finally, the most famous chord in rock and roll explained.

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