Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 905


Yes, there are arguments for subsidising the production of public goods. But remember, education isn't a public good, even if it is publicly provided.

Most shocking: Ken Livingstone is actually correct on a matter more important than whether newts are cute.

The BBC definitely seems to be holding the law in contempt.

Why new regulation when the market itself just isn't going to make that mistake again?

As a little changes, some reasons for optimism.

Bankers aren't the only people getting rewards for failure you know....

And finally, meet Obama's teleprompter.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 904


No, we really don't want children to learn poetry. We want them to enjoy it instead.

The reason no one spoke out about the Staffordshire Hospital is because the person who did was accused of being mad.

Against the stimulus. It simply takes a long time to spend a lot of money.

And it's not as if there aren't problems with economic statistics.

On bananananas and deflation.

Regulation doesn't always achieve its aim, for people will offset their behaviour.

And finally, something is wrong when lawyers are more highly paid than bankers.

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Miscellaneous Tom Bowman Miscellaneous Tom Bowman

Kevin Dowd on free banking


A couple of days ago, we recommended that readers of this blog should attend the Libertarian Alliance's Chris R. Tame Memorial Lecture, at which Professor Kevin Dowd spoke about 'Lessons from the Financial Crisis: A Libertarian Perspective'. In case you missed it, the video is now available online via the LA's blog. If you haven't got time to watch the whole thing, Samizdata's Jonathan Pearce has an excellent write-up here.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 903


Jay Leno tries to defend the free market by banning it.

Would you trust a government that intervened in contracts: like, say, Sir Fred's pension or the AIG bonuses. And don't you think that losing that trust in the government's being constrained by law and contract poses a greater problem than the pension or the bonuses?

Although having the Congresscritters obsessing over those bonuses does at least stop them causing damage elsewhere.

We have the evidence. Free market school systems really do improve results.

Now this is a surprise. Arts graduates journalists do not understand financial markets.

There really are times when doing nothing is the best idea.

And finally, blaming the teachers.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 902


You can't make sense of the unemployment numbers unless you relate them to the size of the workforce.

An unlikely hero for the taxpayers: Alistair Darling.

Companies failing is not an indictment of capitalism, it's the very essence of it, it's the proof that capitalism is working.

What would happen if drugs were decriminalised? Why not look at a place that has done that and see what did happen?

It's all about the gains from trade and the banking system moves those inter-temporarily. That's why we want a banking system.

A doctor talking about Giffen Goods when discussing alcohol consumption? Maybe the economists are starting to make an impact?

And finally, accountants bless the IRS.

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Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty

Highly recommended


The Libertarian Alliance is holding its Chris R. Tame Memorial Lecture tonight at the National Liberal Club in Westminster. It looks set to be an excellent event.

This year’s speaker is Professor Kevin Dowd, a libertarian economist who has written extensively on the banking system and monetary policy. His lecture is titled ‘Lessons from the Financial Crisis: A Libertarian Perspective’.

The event is from 6.30 – 8.30pm, with the speech first and then a drinks reception afterwards. Admission is free. The dress code is lounge suit or smart casual. RSVP to helen@libertarian.co.uk.

Brian Mickelthwait has trailed the lecture in slightly more detail here on Samizdata.

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Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

Quote of the week

It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights – the "right" to education, the "right" to health care, the "right" to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery – hay and a barn for human cattle.

Alexis de Tocqueville P.J. O'Rourke

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 901


African undevelopment...the result of colonialism, the slave trade...or could it be that malaria is the major cause?

For those who would run the world financial system. Show how well you do at this game before we take you seriously.

On the AIG bailout and counterparty list. All financial bailouts are counterparty bailouts. More here.

Not all economists back the wider bailout.

What happens when the economic order is not based upon secure property rights.

Atlas Shrugged, the Guardian and Christian Socialism.

And finally, how to tell when your government is too big.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 900


Remittances are thought to be the saviour of many a poor country. But what are they actually spent upon?

Why nationalised banks might not be all that good an idea. For when the politicians decide what gets subsidised, who would be surprised that it is the politicians who get subsidised?

It appears that the GMC operate in a similar manner. Those who run the doctoring side of the NHS get private health care coverage?

Transparency on government spending. Yes, of course we'd like it but that doesn't mean we're going to get it.

We know that Hugo Chavez knows no economics....but would it be too much to ask him to read a history book?

Berkshire Hathaway's lost it's AAA credit rating. Surprisingly, a good thing for shareholders.

And finally, perhaps this is the real problem with the banks?

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 899


Interesting spoofing of the censors in China. More here.

When we're talking about inequality we have to define whether we're talking about income inequality or consumption inequality.

We also have to be careful how we define poverty.

For example, those teenage summer jobs buy a great deal more now than they did then.

For all that's being said about him Herbert Hoover most certainly did not cut the Federal budget.

Not everyone is convinced, even now, that crude Keynesianism is the answer.

And finally, what we need right now is a little less fear and a lot more greed.

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