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Blog Review 915


It doesn't do to be too cynical. But then you do have to be sufficiently cynical about regulation and the regulators.

A look at the latest proposals for solving everything from the left.

Get the couch and the popcorn ready. This fight could be interesting. More here.

Too good not to note: a journalist who once declined to give Netsmith some work gets a kicking.

Econ geek joke. If you're not an econ geek, don't worry. Even when explained, it's not all that funny an econ geek joke.

What we really need to fear rather than fear itself is progressive corporatism.

And finally, politics is show business for ugly people, right? Well, not entirely. But how far would Ms. Bonk get in UK politics?

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 914


The latest social democratic idea. The rich would really like to have higher taxes, so as to get off that hedonic treadmill. Sheesh.

An interesting question, what actually is the definition of economics?

It simply sin't how much you spend on education. It's how you spend it.

Quite joyous that the first set of regulations cause the effects that lead to the second.

Such as regulations to preserve the environment leading to its degradation.

"Ordinarily, when I disagree with the market, I assume that I am the one who is stupid." Usually a good call, but is it always?

And finally, there are some websites that are just a blessed relief.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 913


There's insanity and then there's law making. Under the child pornography laws have a photo of yourself naked when you were under 10 makes you a sex criminal. More here.

Disraeli's right again. That lies, damned lies and statistics thing.

Yet more proof that Naomi Klein had it wrong. It's government that uses a crisis to increase its own power.

The 95th birthday of the man who has saved more lives than any other single individual.

Ooooh, so cynical about the ability of government to perfect regulation.

Odd corners of the bureaucracy, the Department of Sensitive Words.

And finally, (naughty words alert) talking back to the Great British Public.

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Miscellaneous Philip Salter Miscellaneous Philip Salter

Obituary: R. Max Hartwell


Friend of the ASI, active member and historian of the Mont Pelerin Society, died on March 14. Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow of The Independent Institute and close friend, has penned an obituary. To quote from it:

He was an outstanding economic historian and contributed greatly to the “Standard of Living Debate," defending the view that the Industrial Revolution, far from having been a Marxist nightmare for the working class, was the means by which they were gradually lifted from the poverty that had been their lot from time immemorial.

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Blog Review 912


Yet another set of reasons why the Geithner plan might not work: incentives matter, remember?

On that graduate premium, yes, quality does matter.

Quangoes, like all bureacracies, find things for themselves to do. Wouldn´t it be rather better if we just didn´t have them than that they wasted our money on these sorts of campaigns?

A review of Paul Collier´s new book. As incentives matter we need to improve those for African political leaders.

It looks like the lawyer/client privilege has just been abolished in the UK.

How to discuss economic matters and don´t try this at home.

And finally, the cure for that too much time on your hands problem.


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Blog Review 911


It´s not so much how much wealth flees from Africa as how much stays there: given the likelihood of its expropriation.

There´s nothing like giving a politician a right good kicking, is there?

Econ geek corner: are special drawing rights actually used to price anything?

More geekery...happiness theory butchers marginal utility theory.

For those saying we should just get on and nationalise the banks. That might not be quite so simple: it might be that some cannot be nationalised.

Well, no one said economists were entirely normal.

And finally, The Guardian appeals to your conscience.

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Blog Review 910


It appears that our Lord Chancellor doesn´t in fact understand what a Bill of Rights is. It is what is ours, not what we owe to him. He also rather misses that we already have a Bill of Rights.

Further problems in the political process. No one is overseeing the executive´s use of tax funds. Isn´t that what led to the civil war that preceded that Bill of Rights?

Indeed, power seems to be abdicated to special interest groups.

An alternative reason for rising inequality....other than bankers´greed that is.

For and against (in part) the Geithner plan for the banks.

A snarl at Paul Krugman and a conjecture: Jade Goody and Hotblack Desiato?

And finally, telling the truth with numbers or, if you prefer, gin and your daughter.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 908


If government is willing to violate a contract only a month after passing a law stating that government will uphold that contract, why would anyone believe promises made by government?

Such loss of faith in the word and bond of government will of course make everything worse.

Repudiating the AIG bonuses is an excellent way of killing any method of rescuing the banks. Doesn't achieve much else though.

For example, this on the face of it sensible plan will not work if investors believe that any profits will be taxed at extortionate rates.

Yes, we're in a recession. So worth asking perhaps, "What has capitalism ever done for us?"

A quote on a quote of the day: "In other words, capitalism gets the job done, other systems don't."

And finally, how health and lifestyle issues are decided these days (naughty words alert).

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 907


If you were to look around the world and pick a country whose agricultural system you'd like to emulate: well, it wouldn't be Cuba's system, would it?

You know how so many say that if only the banks had been  mutuals, credit unions, then the disaster would not have happened? Ooops!

And Oops! again as those credit unions that did not go bust have to bail out those who did.

Blogs doing what newspapers no longer do. Long investigative pieces. Here on the NSPCC.

Some argue that the growth of the past few years was phantasmal. We recorded as GDP growth what never actually existed. Well, yes, but doesn't that mean that we're not in a recession now:  writing off GDP that was never there isn't a fall in GDP?

The utter cluelessness of the regulators in the lead up to the storm. Plus Alistair Darling is being blamed for Lehman's falling now.

And finally, spare a thought for the poor bureaucrats in their time of need.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 906


A short guide to the defense of liberty.

Regulators are like generals, always ready to fight the last war.

Are fat tails in a financial market a new discovery? Well, no, they aren't.

Mild mannered economist driven to paroxysms of rage by the AIG outrage.

Not mild mannered economist similarly enraged.

Another explanation of where all the money goes.

And finally, poster design competition.


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