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Blog Review 927


The public sector has higher wages than the private. Better pensions....and they're getting better pay rises too. Something's not right here, surely?

Milton's four ways to spend money and when politicians are acting boldly.

Dealing with climate change and Ben Bernanke's PhD thesis. It's uncertainty that's the real problem.

And in dealing with climate change, we could have a complex system that politicians can game and a simple one that they can't. So guess which politicians have chosen?

It's true that newspapers face some difficult technological changes: but they also seem to have a death wish.

A note for drug war warriors. Even when you should be able to control drug production, in fact, even when you do, the effect is only short term.

And finally, this might explain Johann Hari.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 926


A fascinating paper. Which works best in exploration, public or private? And given the answer, what implications does this have for NASA and the ESA?

Netsmith once bought some old coins to melt for their metal value. So discussing the way in which governments give away an option with their coinage makes sense.

Where the Irish first tread.....although do you think that British politicians should be limited to only a 10% pay cut?

What at first appears to be a strange religious ceremony becomes, in the right hands, a solution to the Middle East.

How to beat the smoking ban.

An awful lot of other so called safety laws don´t work either.

And finally, spelling, musings and sarcasm.


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Miscellaneous Dr. Madsen Pirie Miscellaneous Dr. Madsen Pirie

Peter Kellner at TNG


Tuesday's meeting of The Next Generation group at the ASI was addressed by Peter Kellner, President of the polling organization, YouGov. He told everyone that if they were looking to do spread-betting based on his insights, it would have to be a very broad spread in that anything was possible from a narrow Labour lead to a Tory landslide.

He thought a 2009 election unlikely, and said the outcome of a 2010 election depended heavily on whether the government were perceived to have weathered the economic storms. If people's personal economy (job, spending power) felt good, there would be an upturn for Labour, even if the global economy were still in recession. He could not say how big that upturn might be, but pointed out that the Tories needed to be several points ahead even to get a dead heat with Labour because of quirks in our electoral system.

His basic point was that the uncertainty arose because elections are linked closely to economic ones, and the economy is in uncharted waters.  Although he himself and his TNG audience were concerned about issues, he said the electorate at large was influenced more by 'valence,' whether the parties were felt to be competent and sympathetic, rather than to any specific policies.

He answered questions about which events might influence the election's outcome, and received a chocolate rabbit with his round of applause. The ASI's Next Generation members were delighted to be given Easter eggs in lieu of the usual canapés or sandwiches.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 925


Amazing how complicated it can all get, isn´t it? We balme the banks for having made bad bets and we blame them when they make good ones, too.

Or we could of course just insist that they lend to the government so that the govt can lend to hte banks which can then lend to the g.....you see how this is going, yes?

One problem with modernisers: they always want to do it their way, not allow others to simply get on with their own.

The problems with reforming campaign finance: the sensible solutions aren´t favourable for politicians and it´s the politicians who get to decide which solutions are deemed sensible...

Why is it that green products really seem to suck?

If you´re really angry at government, why not employ this method to frustrate their latest plan to track your every online move? Or this one?

And finally, the state of British policing today.


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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 923


It might not work exactly the same way here but school vouchers in Washington DC seem to provide better results at one quarter of the cost. Yes, one quarter.

More public private: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae both went bust as did AIG. Odd how the bonuses at the first two don't generate quite the same outrage, eh?

Isn't it wonderful the way that our childrens' details will have to be put on a secure database. One so secure that MPs' children won't be on it for security reasons?

No, the theory of comparative advantage is not "fraying". You shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers.

What the culture of targets actually means within the NHS. Fewer appointments with GPs.

If you really want to stimulate the economy, why not liberalise it?

And finally, Sherlock gets to the bottom of the G20 mystery.


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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 924


One more grenade being thrown at the traditional explanation of the Great Depression's causes. Here higher unionisation and thus higher than market clearing labour rates are blamed.

Just what was it that our politicians were doing before they became politicians. Fell happier about their taking hundreds of billions to stave off a depression now, do you?

It is fun when eminent economists put the boot into other eminent economists, isn't it?

The new head office method of investing passes yet another test. Or, how driving through a motorway interchange proved that RBS was doomed.

Explaining politicians of the left, the right and the centre. The best solution to this problem would seem to be to have fewer politicians with less power.

A battle between the photographer and the police not too keen on being photographed. Unfortunately this is all over there where they have a written Constitution to preserve such freedoms.

And finally, an interesting method of working out how to pay those fewer polticians.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 922


It appears that the gay vote leans Conservative. Something of a change, certainly, but then as is said, a pretty natural consistency for a message of personal liberty.

Who knew that the tax cut multiplier was so large?

If it is that large then all this fuss about tax havens is irrelevant.

It´s all of the time or none of the time, not just when it suits your particular cause, no?

Whisper it gently, but many banks are simply getting on with solving their problems without government intervention.

No, we don´t get faced by too many choices. Not if you look at what people actually do, that is.

And finally, yes, Mother is always right.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 921


Just a gentle little reminder of where the money goes. Aren´t you much happier about paying your taxes now?

A handy hint about not trusting statistics....they don´t mean nothing without the causation being explained.

Companies don´t suddenly become greedy. There´s another reason for rising prices than that.

For those planning bailouts, nationalisations, confiscations and the like. Do remember that there is something called the law to constrain you.

To warm the cockles of your heart: putting the boot into a Nobel Laureate.

A reminder that defending free speech means defending vile speech.

And finally, economic wisdom in a cartoon strip.

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