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Blog Review 941


Something to celebrate: only 415 days to go!

And why not celebrate by sending unused shirts to.....

And for the future, could we all try to remember this simple political maxim?

So, did Bastiat actually say this or not? And if he did, where?

What to celebrate for Earth Day? How about capitalism?

This really isn't how to attract hard working foreigners to our shores.

And finally, why you shouldn't trust online polls.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 940


How can we use fewer resources? You know, this walking more lightly upon the earth thing? How about just make the economy grow faster?

There's a certain disconnect between what journalists write about matters economic and what economists write about matters economic. Yes, even at the FT.

Netsmith does wonder though, whether alternative history as written by economists will catch on.

No wonder there is still controversy about what to do about finance: there's still controversy about what happened.

Good grief, a politician with interesting and admirable ideas.

It matters what the law says, not what was the original intention. And the unions aren't helping.

And finally, it appears that menu costs aren't really menu costs.


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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 939


If you think the troughing and corruption here, in Westminster, is bad, have a look at how lucrative the US Senate can be.

The problem being that it is big government itself which breeds such corruption.

Bypass such short term trivialities for a moment and celebrate that as the world gets richer it also gets cleaner.

While it may not ne true that blogging is the route to riches it is at least fun, no?

We've all absorbed the idea that there's a liquidity crisis out there. But who is it with the crisis and why?

Why problems in the NHS don't get solved: look at the way they treat whistleblowers.

And finally, the state of the Labour Party today.


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A rare honour

Guido Fawkes has gained considerable acclamation, and rightly so. Single-handedly he has exposed the brutal thug culture at the heart of this government's Downing Street operation. Other journalists knew of it, but were bought off by titbit 'exclusives' and access to the one-for-one interviews that please their employers. Some just printed Number Ten press releases, altering them only by the addition of their own by-line. Now the whole corrupt system is withering under the glare of public scrutiny.

The latest honour for Guido is that his handsome features now adorn the framed portrait in the loo at the ASI offices. This rare honour is awarded by vote of the ASI staff, and in this case it was unanimous.

Well done, Guido, and don't let up!

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 938


Ghana is an interesting place to go looking for evidence about gender equality, as Polly T just has. Actually, it´s an extremely interesting place to go looking.

St George´s Day is coming. Would help if those urging us to celebrate it knew a little more about it really.

Brain eating zombies and the European Union. The difference is?

This really does have to be beaten into people. The US (and it´s true of the UK too) has not stopped "making things".

The problem with allowing government in to "save your business" is that it´s very difficult indeed to get them to leave again.

Which is what makes this idea of a new Labour industrial policy so scary.

And finally, something completely different. A guide to the nice parts of France....Netsmith assumes this means the parts with few Frenchmen in it.

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Daniel Polak joins the ASI


My name is Daniel and I began my internship with the ASI yesterday. I am currently taking a gap year. Next year I will reading Economics at Birmingham University. Other than Economics, some of my interests include watching and playing sport, a wide variety of music and film. During my time at the ASI, I hope to gain a more in-depth view in current economic and political issues in preparation for my degree. 

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Miscellaneous Steve Bettison Miscellaneous Steve Bettison

This is not a photo opportunity

An Austrian’s obviously unhealthy obsession with architecture and transport meant that the police had to intervene and delete all of his holiday photos. His pictures of Vauxhall bus station were obviously gold dust to either Al-Qaeda or the People’s Front of Austria. The system is broken and change is needed, we need the power returning to us and this is something only we can bring about, until then we shall continue our descent into authoritarian madness.
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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 937


Much is being made of this expedition measuring the polar ice thickness. A climate scientist who knows about it doesn't think much of it.

Just what would it cost to fire a few civil servants? Surely we would profit by doing so?

The best aid policy would be to have the free movement of labour.

Maybe the Pope was right about condoms and AIDS. Ever heard of "offsetting behaviour"?

The Taxpayers' Alliance seems to so provoke certain Town Hall types that they resort to cooking the figures in their response.

Another method of downsizing government.

And finally, how to beat the CCTV.

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