Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

What Say the Reeds at Runnymede?


A poem for our current band of politicians to read:

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
What say the reeds at Runnymede?
The lissom reeds that give and take,
That bend so far, but never break,
They keep the sleepy Thames awake
With tales of John at Runnymede.

At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
Oh, hear the reeds at Runnymede:
'You musn't sell, delay, deny,
A freeman's right or liberty.
It wakes the stubborn Englishry,
We saw 'em roused at Runnymede!

When through our ranks the Barons came,
With little thought of praise or blame,
But resolute to play the game,
They lumbered up to Runnymede;
And there they launched in solid line
The first attack on Right Divine,
The curt uncompromising "Sign!'
They settled John at Runnymede.

At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
Your rights were won at Runnymede!
No freeman shall be fined or bound,
Or dispossessed of freehold ground,
Except by lawful judgment found
And passed upon him by his peers.
Forget not, after all these years,
The Charter signed at Runnymede.'

And still when mob or Monarch lays
Too rude a hand on English ways,
The whisper wakes, the shudder plays,
Across the reeds at Runnymede.
And Thames, that knows the moods of kings,
And crowds and priests and suchlike things,
Rolls deep and dreadful as he brings
Their warning down from Runnymede!

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 954


Ooooooh, yes, let's tax something to make it cheaper!

It would appear that the real cause of global warming is the US Post Office.

How to save the Indy: if anyone wants to, that is.

Contrary to popular belief, yes, you can buy advertisements on the BBC (and it has to be said that Netsmith has a sneaking admiration for the PR type that cooked this one up).

When people start to think that France is a better place to do business from: well, isn't it time to look at why they are?

If you investigate people for fraud, or at least if you investigate certain groups, then you have to compensate them because you are investigating them.

And finally, the names of those who support the Prime Minister are revealed!

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Miscellaneous Andrew Ian Dodge Miscellaneous Andrew Ian Dodge

Hands off our data


It seems the latest moves to "monitor" the internet has enraged the nerds of the land. In keeping with their style, they are criticising policy with humour in the form of a flash web game, Gamepolitics is reporting. Its called Hands off our Data and its features David Cameron as the hero.

Head over and help defend online liberty!

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 953


How often does this have to be said? Incentives matter. And when will our rulers understand it?

So should the jobs of economists be protected? No, despite the desperate need for them.

Sweary but right. Political decisions, despite their lamentable quality,. be the decisions of politicians, not bureaucrats.

For example, look what happened the last time "the consensus" ruled.

It needs to be pointed out: just because someone made a lot of money that doesn't make them wise about money. It makes them wise about making money, something rather different.

Polly won't like this at all. Apparently mothers of the young working reduces the intelligence of the young.

And finally, a description of the politicians of today.

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Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty Miscellaneous Tom Clougherty

Greener grass?


As I wrote yesterday, I'm quite a fan of California (OK, I'll be honest this time – the weather and the beaches do have something to do with it...). All things being equal, I'd rather like to live there. And who knows? Given the way things are going in the UK at the moment, maybe I'll want to join the next 'brain drain' and flee gloomy Britain for the land of the free.

The only trouble is I'm not sure the land of the free is really that free anymore. Take California as an example – assuming I earned the same in relation to the average wage as I do in the UK, I'd end up handing over 30 percent of my income to the government if I lived there (adding up federal and state income taxes, and various payroll taxes). In the UK, it's closer to 25 percent. True, sales and excise taxes are much lower in the US, but property taxes are also much higher. It's hard to see me being much better off.

There are a couple of qualifications I should make. Firstly, California is clearly not the best example to choose, being one of the most left-leaning states in the Union. One could move to Iowa and not pay state income tax at all. Secondly, something like 50 percent of Americans don't pay income tax at all, thanks to their crafty use of credits and exemptions, so it's not that bad for everyone. Of course, single men are not typically the recipients of much legislative largesse, so I doubt there would be much in the complexities of the tax code for me.

Anyway, the main point is, where are we libertarians meant to escape to these days? Are we all going to have to go seasteading?

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 952


Yes, Netsmith supports this. Polly Toynbee for Poet Laureate. She is after all no more than a praise singer....

Quite possibly the best description of the Prime Minister and the influence the Kirk has had on him written to date.

The might not be accurate in each and every particular, this analysis of the interactions between the unions and the Labour Party. But there's certainly some truths in it.

Five things the next government is going to have to do. Anyone believably promising to implement them would get Netsmith's vote, whatever their party label.

The importance of property rights can be difficult to overstate. But some just will not get it. So why not try using the New Testament to explain them?

You really shouldn't believe all of the international statistics you see floating around. Many of them are really not all that accurate.

And finally, Stanford turns himself in. Probably so that he can say he did and they didn't arrest him, so he can say he's innocent, right?


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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 951


There are simply far too many reports like this one. Ones where all of the costs are carefully enumerated and none of the benefits. In this instance, yes, of course, alcohol has its costs: but to refuse to even acknowledge that people enjoy it and thus gain benefits is absurd.

This is the most importnt issue about current financial events. What is going to happen to the trend growth rate?

What's really happening between the hedgies, Obama and the UAW.

Amazing, someone has found a positive result from the ethanol programme.

What's wrong with Friedrich List and his idea of national self sufficiency.

News just in: dog food tastes terrible.

And finally, a national database we really do need.


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