Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 971


A small watercolour (claretcolour perhaps) of what might be going wrong with the NHS. Simply too rule and hide bound.

Given that markets are network goods the wider the market the better the market, no?

Yes, MPs really did change the law so that they don't have to obey the same tax laws as the rest of us.

And some other politicians would like to upend the basic rules of the capitalist game so that their favoured buddies get a better deal.

There are fairly simple and obvious reasons why Chrysler and GM went bust.

This would rather shake up the sporting world.

And finally, better late than never.


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Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

Mises on bad governments

The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.

Ludwig von Mises

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 970


The male teenager is an ugly beast that needs socialising: thus raising the school leaving age is a good or a bad idea?

Another way of stating the old saw: Don't just do something, stand there!

Even the unions don't think that the equity in Chrysler has any value: and that's after the bailout.

Worth checking out, a defence of free trade from 75 years before Adam Smith's.

On the meaning of paedgnostic and the spotting of true stupidities in the public sphere.

Something to occupy those long speeches. How to play Brown bingo.

And finally, when an African in America is not an African American.


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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 969


Increasing the CAFE standards: the only real problem is that it won't in fact work.

Sarcasm rather becomes this comment on the same CAFE standards.

Light rail isn't any better either.

How strange, when the taxpayers are actually asked the say no to more spending, no to more taxes and yes to paying politicians less.

On that M&S 1 p store story. Well of course the items ran out before the queue did!

No, the disdain for Gorbals Mick doesn't have anything at all to do with his religion.

And finally, did you know that information about driving licences is translated into braille?

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 968


Advancing medical technology is not necessarily entirely a good thing.

Will California go bankrupt? More importantly, should it? (yes,-Ed)

A lot of politics seems to be about how to get other peoples' money spent on your own desires.

Sadly, lawmakers don't seem to understand the effects of the laws that they pass.

Excellent! They've worked out how swine flu spreads.

Poor Yazzmonster, she's so upset over recent events.

And finally, what colour is this revolution? Fuschia perhaps?

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Blog Review 967


One theory: house prices are high because it's in the interests of MPs with two of them that prices continue to rise.

This independent regulator of Parliament. How is this going to work and how embarrassing is it anyway?

Should that independent regulator be us?

And how Brownite is all this? The solution is a new quango?

Has Gordon Brown just pointed out that he must stand down as an MP?

No, it's really not a good idea at all.

And finally, the ultimate political insult.

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