Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

What is freedom?


He is free who lives as he wishes to live; who is neither subject to compulsion nor to hindrance, nor to force; whose movements to action are not impeded, whose desires attain their purpose, and who does not fall into that which he would avoid.

Epictetus (ca 55-135 A.D.), Discourses, ca 100 A.D.

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Miscellaneous admin Miscellaneous admin

Not OK computer


As with Al Gore wasting more energy than a small village lighting his house, news that the Met Office climate change supercomputer is polluting the planet should be met with an ironic smile. If indeed there is a problem with carbon output, these fraudsters are not going to be the ones to save the planet.

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Miscellaneous Sophie Shawdon Miscellaneous Sophie Shawdon

Quantum mechanics


Finally, a way of undoing all the mistakes society has made: climate change, the recession, and that Ms. Katona’s fifteen minutes of fame have been indefinitely extended. Perhaps the potentials of this idea need some further investigation...

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Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

Climate change hypocrisy


Nothing is more hypocritical and immoral than rich Westerners driving their gas-guzzling SUVs emoting about the threat to Spaceship Earth from the millions of Indians who want to drive Nanos. Whilst the salving of their consciences by buying carbon offsets (as Al Gore claims to do every time he jets around the world) is akin to the Papal indulgences sold by the Catholic Church, which allowed its richer adherents to assuage their guilt and ‘fornicate on clean sheets’.

Deepak Lal 'Spiking the road to Copenhagen' Buisiness Standard.

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Miscellaneous Wordsmith Miscellaneous Wordsmith

North on trade


There can be no trade unprofitable to the public, for if any prove so, men leave it off; and wherever the traders thrive, the public, of which they are a part, thrives also.

Dudley North 1691, Discourses upon Trade p. viii.

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