International Ben Southwood International Ben Southwood

New ASI briefing paper: The Ties that Bind

The ASI has a new short briefing paper, The Ties that Bind: Analysing the relationship between social cohesion, diversity, and immigration by James Dobson. Its key findings:

  • Social cohesion is the strength of interactions between members of society. These interactions are characterised by a number of norms that include trust, a sense of belonging, and a willingness to participate.
  • Measures of social cohesion include generalised trust, interpersonal trust, civic participation and volunteering.
  • Evidence from the US suggests a strong relationship between rising diversity and lower levels of generalised trust. There is much less evidence for a relationship between diversity and other measures of social cohesion in the US.
  • There are some cultural reasons to suspect that American evidence might not fully apply to Europe and the UK.
  • European evidence at a national level does not suggest a negative relationship between diversity and trust or other social cohesion indicators.
  • Evidence from the UK is mixed. There is some evidence to suggest an association between higher diversity and lower generalised trust – yet there is also conflicting evidence which finds no such association.
  • There is little evidence to suggest a negative relationship between diversity and other measures of social cohesion such as: civic participation, trust in authority, or voluntary work in the UK.

Read the whole paper here.

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Economics Tim Worstall Economics Tim Worstall

Economic history isn't what a lot of economists think it is


That's something of a problem, that economic history is not actually as a lot of economists think it is. Here, for example, is Paul Krugman on the current UK recovery:

Britain’s economic performance since the financial crisis struck has been startlingly bad. A tentative recovery began in 2009, but it stalled in 2010. Although growth resumed in 2013, real income per capita is only now reaching its level on the eve of the crisis — which means that Britain has had a much worse track record since 2007 than it had during the Great Depression.

The rest of the column is about austerity, wrong economic policy, Keynes, you get the general picture. However, Britain's economic history in the 1930s is really not what is being assumed there. In fact, it's Britain's economic history in the 1930s which gave us the whole idea of expansionary austerity....which actually showed it could work.

What Neville Chamberlain did was to take Britain off the gold standard and allow the corrency to devalue (about 25%). At the same time he cut government spending significantly and brought the budget back into some kind of balance. This actually worked: By 1934 Britain was back above 1931 levels of output and it all became just a nasty blip unlike that Depression that the US suffered (the 1920s in te UK were a different matter). That is, fiscal austerity combined with monetary laxness worked and worked very well.

Krugman wants to tell us that it hasn't worked this time: OK, that's fine, it hasn't worked in hte same manner. Krugman also wants to tell us that fiscal expansion would have: but that's to miss the lesson of the 30s. Osborne devalued the pound and had that loose monetary policy through QE. This should have worked as before: but it didn't. What was the one thing that Osborne didn't have? Fsical austerity. So, expansionary austerity worked once, didn't work a second time. And what wsa different was that the second time we didn't actually have the austerity. This isn't an argument that therefore expansion would have worked: it's simply a note that we didn't actually do what worked last time.

Please note, we're not actually arguing that repeating Chamberlain's actions would have worked this time. Rather, we're remarking upon the misunderstanding of what he did, that misunderstanding of what history was. The UK's 1930's recovery is proof that that basic idea, of expansionary austerity, can in certain circumstances work. We cannot therefore go around using it as an example of it not working. and if we do want to apply that lesson to today then the answer would be that it's not worked as well this time around because there hasn't actually been any austerity, even if the monetary policy has been spot on.

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Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie

Economic Nonsense: 42. A planned economy is more rational than an unplanned one


Very few people advocate an unplanned economy.  At a simple level people might suppose that having intelligent and informed people direct the economy is better than having it proceed by blind chance.  But this is not the choice.  The choice is between an economy in which millions of individual decisions made daily interact with each other to produce an overall order, and an economy whose overall order is sought by a few people gathered around a table trying to direct it.  In other words the choice is not between planning and chaos, but between an order produced by the few and an order produced by the many.  It is between planning done by a few at the centre, and planning done by many at the periphery.

When a person makes an economic choice, to buy or not buy, to stay in a job or to change employment, it is not necessary for the information about that choice to be collected and relayed to a directing authority.  The choice itself impacts upon the economy sending information through it that causes it to change and respond.  In a centrally planed economy the information has to be relayed to the centre so that those in charge can add it to other inputs and decide how to respond to it.  That process takes time, and much of the information is outdated or submerged into a fog of other data before it can reach the centre and be acted upon.  In a spontaneous, interactive economy, its effect is immediate.

Much as the directing authority might try to ascertain the circumstances of individual economic participants, they cannot hope to have more knowledge of them than the individual concerned.  The market economy thus has more information at its disposal, and it can act more rapidly, responding to imbalances and redressing them.  This means that the centrally planned economy is by no means more rational than the spontaneous one.  It is true that the billions of transactions that have input into a market economy might be too large for an individual mind to encompass, but that makes it complex rather than irrational.  

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Healthcare Tim Worstall Healthcare Tim Worstall

Observe the naked cash grab by the tobacco control people


It's a general rule of UK taxation that we don't do hypothecation. On the very sensible grounds that how much we can raise by taxing on activity has absolutely no relationship whatsoever to how much we desire to spend on some other activity. Fuel tax is not all spent on the roads, national insurance does not pay for the NHS and so on. But we now have a proposal that we should have an explicity hypothecated tax: Pressure is growing for the introduction of an additional levy on cigarette sales in the UK, a move that campaigners say could help eradicate tobacco consumption within decades.

To tax tobacco more or less: an interesting question. Our supposition is that it's already taxed over the top of the Laffer Curve, given the percentage of the market currently supplied by smuggled and informal imports. But certainly, whether to tax more or not is something that can and should be discussed. But more tax in itself won't bring about that no smoking world simply because we do live in a free society with open borders. However, the idea is worse than that:

“The industry is one of the most profitable on Earth,” Burstow explained. “The two largest tobacco firms in the UK, Imperial and Japan Tobacco International, hold around four fifths of the UK market and achieve joint profits of about £1bn a year. Charging those firms to help clean up the damage their products cause is a rational and justified extension of the ‘polluter pays’ principle to public health policy.”

Stuff and nonsense, the polluters are those who smoke. Just as it is people driving cars who produce fossil fuel emissions, not the petrol companies. But it gets worse again:

Health campaigners say the introduction of a levy equivalent to 25p a pack could raise £500m a year, money that they say should be used to fund measures to help people quit and prevent the uptake of smoking. Health campaigners believe devoting greater resources to tobacco control will bring major benefits.

This is simply a naked cash grab. The various bureaucrats and prodnoses in the "public health" sector want to have an untouchable £500 million a year to spend upon themselves. Whatever happens at the election in a few weeks time this is an idea that must be rejected.

More tax on tobacco? Meh. A dedicated revenue stream for these people? Absolutely no way at all.

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Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie

Economic Nonsense: 41. Immigration is bad for the economy


Many argue that immigration harms the economy.  Some suppose that immigrants are attracted by welfare, and come to live off benefits at the taxpayers' expense.  Others assert the contradictory claim that "they come here to take our jobs."  Schrödinger's immigrant, like his cat, seems to manage two states simultaneously.  Some point to the pressure on services and resources, with immigrant children filling classrooms and their sick taking up hospital beds and lengthening waiting times to see doctors.

The reality is that most immigrants are young and ambitious, coming to better their lives.  They are overwhelmingly fit and looking for work.  Many of the jobs they take up are ones whose low pay and long hours do not appeal to the native population.  Most do not draw benefits or take up hospital space.  In some sectors they help fill skill shortages, and many UK businesses clamour for more educated and talented foreigners to be allowed in.

The work they do adds to our GDP and boosts growth.  The taxes they pay boost our public finances.  Most immigrants have shown some drive in being prepared to move to a new country to improve their lot.  Some have scraped up cash to finance their trip.  Some have taken risks on their journey.  They constitute a huge net plus to the economy, not a minus.  

It is true that in some areas, particularly if they concentrate, they can put pressure on local facilities.  A minority seeks to retain a culture that sits ill alongside the tolerance and liberalism that Britain has developed over its history.  These are indeed problems, but they are ones that can be addressed and dealt with, and some are temporary rather than long-term. 

Immigrants do one more positive thing for the economy.  Most countries in Europe face declining and ageing populations, and will encounter difficulties if there are not enough young people in work and paying taxes to support the elderly with appropriate services.  The UK population is not declining, and it is immigration that is making the difference.  Far from constituting a problem, it is in this case a solution.  

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Economics Tim Worstall Economics Tim Worstall

Only government can screw up markets this badly


A quite lovely piece in The Observer awailin' an' a moanin' about how cocoa is rising in price, which will make chocolate a luxury good, yet also complaining that the cocoa farmers aren't making enough to continue farming. We usually suspect that a rising price will feed through into a better income for producers so that's that problem solved then. Indeed, it's difficult to work out how it could be otherwise:

“In the next five years the price of chocolate will skyrocket, and we should think about it as very much a luxury,” said Alejandro Litovsky, founder of consultancy Earth Security Group. In a recent report, Earth Security forecast a cocoa shortfall of a million tonnes by 2020.

Scary, eh?

The chocolate industry is reaping the harvest of poor working conditions and rock-bottom prices in the cocoa heartlands of west Africa, a situation that is driving potential farmers out of the industry in droves.

But it's horribly difficult to understand how we can end up with both happening over time. Rising prices for the beans, and thus the chocolate made from them, will mean that farming those beans will produce a higher income and thus keep farmers in the process or attract more to it.

Unless, unless, of course, there's something screwing up that market mechanism. Ah:

Local investment is hampered by high taxes on farmers, with around 40% of the money paid by commodity buyers going to the government.

Ah, the government is taking a whacking great tax wedge out of the cocoa trade. Meaning that the transmission process of consumer prices to producer prices is prevented in part. And thus we have our problem, the market not working becuase of that governmental intervention.

This isn't all that much of a surprise either. Cocoa farmers in West Africa tend to be poor rural peasants. Political power in such countries comes from the rather richer urban voters. Thus the incentive is for government to sting the farmers and spend the money in the urban areas. This has in fact been going on since Ghana became independent under Nkrumah. There the mechanism was to set the exchange rate very higher. This benefited the urbanites, from whom political power flows, who were able to import at reasonable prices, and hit those rural farmers exporting the cocoa cash crop.

So it appears that there really is something wrong in the cocoa market. That is, there's too much government and not enough market going on. We do, of course, support the campaigners who are bringing such abuses to our attention. But we'd be a great deal happier about it if they could manage to divine accurately what the problem actually is:

But campaigners argue that manufacturers and retailers should do much more. “If the five biggest chocolate companies spent 1% of the $86m they spend on marketing on the Ivory Coast, they could train and support half of the farmers there,” Mechielsen says. “Where are the priorities of those companies?”

Why not suggest that the government lower that taxation rate so the market can have the room to breathe and work?

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Energy & Environment Tim Worstall Energy & Environment Tim Worstall

Introducing the climate deniers at the Renewable Energy Foundation


John Constable of the Renewable Energy Foundation finds that he gets attacked for being something he is not:

Work like this has caused a flurry of unease in certain circles. REF has been falsely accused of hiding its donors, while our new Energy Institute – established with the University of Buckingham – has been branded a “front” for climate sceptics. The Independent quoted one academic who called me a “doubt-monger”.

We feel the pain, we've been accused of similar things ourselves. So, what is it that Constable suggests?

But it also means that there has to be a clear economic signal, which I think is best provided by putting a consistent, economy-wide price on carbon, probably through a carbon tax with corresponding offsets in other taxation. This would be flexible, so economic harm could be kept under control, and it would be technology-neutral, allowing the economy to gravitate towards the cheapest ways of reducing emissions that human ingenuity can discover.

That is also what we have been suggesting this past decade. And it's extremely surprising to be told that we're climate deniers for doing so. For this was, of course, the major recommendation of the Stern Review itself. That source document that everyone is using to tell us that something must be done. Stick on a carbon tax at the social cost of carbon emissions, reduce other taxes to compensate and she'll be right. Perhaps sprinkle a bit of R&D fairy dust tax money around the place as well.

This is not an odd view, is not some denial, it's the straight up mainstream view. We could get everyone from Bjorn Lomborg through Nick Stern, Bill Nordhaus, Richard Tol all the way out to James Hansen to sign on to this. Yes, there's technical arguments about what the social cost is but the basic structure of what needs to be done is evident to everyone who has spent more than 30 seconds thinking about the economics of this.

But then, of course, it's when the economics profession is most united in their view of a matter that no one else takes a blind bit of notice, isn't it?

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Planning & Transport Tim Worstall Planning & Transport Tim Worstall

A most interesting argument about the housing market


We might also term this an interesting installment in our "How to lie with statistics" course. From the Green MEP for the South East:

Perhaps as a result, the south-east has seen the biggest rise in rough sleeping levels with a shocking 96% overall rise since 2010. And in 2013/14, no new social housing was built at all by the region’s local authorities.

This represents a massive political failure to serve the interests of our communities.

Well, no, not really. Here are the numbers for housing completions in Britain. What you will note is that council building of houses is, as is stated, pretty much non-existent. That's because we changed the way we did this, moving over to social housing being constructed by social housing associations, rather than councils directly. We can still argue, of course, that more of these should be built. But the way that number has been quoted leaves the impression that no social housing is being built: when some 25,000 units were last year, at least some of which will be in the South East.

Then there's this which is a most ugly idea:

This should be implemented alongside a “right to rent” policy. Homeowners who are unable to meet their mortgage payments and are under threat of repossession would have a right to transfer ownership to the council, at less than market value, in exchange for the right to remain in the home and pay rent as council tenants. This would stop people living under threat of eviction and in fear of not being able to make next months rent.

This is equivalent to compulsory purchase of the property by the council. And given that it's at less than market value it is a confiscation from the holders of the mortgage. It's flat out theft in fact.

That then has an interesting knock on effect: if the security of a mortgage is to be called into question in this manner then all mortgages will cost everyone more. Further, quite apart from this, negative equity is not eradicated upon the sale of a property. The total amount is still owed to the mortgage holder. so this solution doesn't even solve that problem of people being in negative equity.

Yes, this is election season and all sorts of barkingly mad things are proposed at such times. But really, this could do with a bit more thought.

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Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie Economics Dr. Madsen Pirie

Economic Nonsense: 40. Too much wealth is owned by too few people


Underlying the claim is an assumed egalitarianism.  How much is "too much" and how few is "too few?"  Obviously those making the criticism have some concept in their minds of how they would like to see wealth distributed in society, and it seems they would prefer a more equal distribution than is currently the case.  The obvious question is "Why?"  The answer often given is that this would be 'fairer', but since they seem to define 'fairer' as 'more equal', this is not very helpful.

It does not help, either, that many of these measures of inequality only count certain forms of wealth.  Many people in the UK see equity in housing as their main source of wealth.  For some it is pensions.  Many assessments of wealth distribution, on the other hand, only count assets and investments, and thus miss much of the wealth owned by ordinary people.  Few if any seem to count entitlements to such things as health and education as part of measured wealth, even though they undoubtedly improve the living standards of the average citizen.

It could be argued that societies with an unequal distribution of wealth are able to increase wealth faster, and that poorer people in those societies become richer more rapidly than those living in more equal societies.  To poorer people it matters that they are able to command more resources.  It matters less to them that software multi-billionaires have widened the gap between them and made society less equal.  

Part of the reason this criticism persists is envy, the resentment that some have more, yet aspiration is often motivated by the observation that some have it better.  The success of others can inspire the desire to emulate instead of simply envying.

The false zero sum game probably plays a role in this criticism, the notion that because some own so much, the rest must make do with less.  In fact wealth in constantly being created, and creating wealth is a far surer route out of poverty than redistribution.  Instead of envying those richer than themselves, people would be better advised to try to copy them.

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Students Ben Southwood Students Ben Southwood

Come and work for the ASI in your gap year!


It's that time of year again: the ASI is looking for two new employees, to start in September 2015, and stay for 4-9 months. Our current crop—Sophie and Nick—are not quite finished (they are staying for the Summer before they go to Edinburgh and Cambridge respectively). But we are opening applications nice and early to make it easy for everyone to plan their gap years.

As last year, the crucial requirements are that you:

  • Are on a gap year; you must be 18-20
  • Are open-minded, inquisitive, friendly, intellectually curious, eager to learn and interested in policy
  • Know and have an opinion on the ASI's perspective and what it does
  • Have a broadly liberal perspective on the world

Your duties will include:

  • Organising lunches and dinners
  • Keeping the database up-to-date
  • Managing the blog
  • Reviewing and editing ASI publications
  • Selling ASI merchandise
  • Doing secretarial work for the directors
  • Logging RSVPs for events
  • Meeting a wide range of interesting & important people
  • Learning about social & political science
  • Socialising with the staff
  • Carrying out self-directed research
  • Writing blog posts
  • Setting up and cleaning up after events
  • Mailing out publications to subscribers

Previous interns have gone on to work with the Adam Smith Institute, including the ASI’s current Deputy Director, Sam Bowman, and Head of Digital Policy, Charlotte Bowyer, who was a Gap Year intern in 2009-10.

The role pays the National Minimum Wage. All applicants will interview with President Madsen Pirie and Deputy Director Sam Bowman at the Adam Smith Institute offices in Westminster during the summer.

Please send a CV and cover letter of around 500 words to by May 1st 2015.

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