Adelina Fendrina Adelina Fendrina

Immigration after Brexit

Productivity is the fundamental driver of national prosperity, and thus of increasing wages and improving standards of living. It is therefore only natural that boosting Britain's production capabilities is seen by many as the route to Brexit's success. In fact, leaving the European Union grants the UK the possibility to disengage itself from many of the union's heavy regulatory restrictions and adopt a more liberal approach to a variety of issues, among which is immigration.

When migrants move to countries with higher productivity, they ensure efficiency in labour allocation and also supplement the skill composition of the workforce, which then encourages specialisation, increases productivity and raises national wages. The aim for Britain should therefore be to outline a system of policies that would boost the contribution of immigration to economic growth, namely one based on prioritising highly skilled immigrants because of their higher contributions to innovation and productivity.

One way this could be accomplished is by rethinking the regulatory approach towards non-EU migrants with a view of attracting more high-skilled workers. This begins with recognising that the skilled non-EU migration cap has consistently hindered economic growth – hitting this upper limit for the past few months has led to a staffing crisis in many key economic sectors.

Such labour shortages mean that it is imperative Britain remains open for immigration from the EU – an endeavour which could be achieved by abolishing the net migration target that was meant to scale back immigration to the "tens of thousands", but its impracticality made it economically unfeasible, since it could only be achieved by severely depressing the economy. Furthermore, it is vital that the devised immigration policy does not deter international students from studying in the UK.

If immigration numbers are to be restricted, a way to allocate visas that maximises the economic benefits of immigration would be the establishment of an auction system for employer permits to hire migrant workers. Utilising the price mechanism to form an auction market for tradable employer permits would allow employers to adapt easily to changing economic conditions and market-determined prices would ensure the efficient allocation of scarce resources.

With this in mind, liberalisation of Britain's immigration restrictions is fundamental to ensuring productivity growth and thus improving living standards. As Jonathan Portes, former director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, puts it, being "open for business" means that Britain cannot be closed to migration.

Adelina Fendrina is the winner of the 18-21 category of the ASI's 'Young Writer on Liberty' competition.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The GMB's campaign to re-nationalise the water companies

Into our mailbox drops an insistence from the GMB that the water companies should be re-nationalised. The argument is - and this is all that's there too - that the capitalists are making lots and they shouldn't. This is to entirely ignore the point of prices of course, they're information to us, hugely valuable information: 

Dividends worth £1.4 billion were paid out in 2017 alone, GMB Union figures show

An investigation by GMB, the water union, has revealed the nine privatised water company shareholders have made more than £6.5 billion in just five years.

England’s privatised water companies showered their shareholders with a total of £1.4 billion in 2017 alone. [See note 1 for breakdown by Water Company and year]

The figures come from a joint investigation into the accounts by GMB and Corporate Watch [2] as part of GMB’s Take Back the Tap Campaign to bring England’s privatised water industry back into public ownership.

£1.4 billion isn't a lot here. The equity capital (no, not the regulated capital base, that includes that financed by debt) appears to be of the order of £20 billion. Average return on capital appears to be some 12 to 14%, depends upon the year. That's for non-financial companies as a whole across the economy. GMB and others tell us that the water companies are paying out near all of their profits as dividends, thus that return to shareholders is about the same as the return on capital.

As simple maths tells us, the water companies seem to be making about half the return on capital employed of the economy as a whole. Given their safe-ish status as utilities perhaps that's appropriate.

Which brings us to our point about prices. There should be a price paid for the use of capital. Doesn't matter whether it's the state allocating it or the market. We still need that information from prices to know that we're allocating it where it does the most good. No, we can't go and insist that the state can, through superior knowledge, allocate capital without prices. For that's the reason we privatised the water companies in the first place, the state wasn't allocating enough capital. For decades the UK government invested too little in that infrastructure - given political pressures to spend elsewhere - which is why there was a massive bolus of capital spending immediately following privatisation.

Re-nationalisation would change who received the dividends, certainly. For the simple reason that it would change who provides the capital itself. But it won't change that a return would be made, must be made, upon that capital, thus it's not going to change consumer prices by eliminating either profit or dividends. All this quite apart from the point that taxpayers investing in water companies would appear to bring them half the return they'd get from investing in the economy more generally. A most attractive deal we must all agree.

Oh, and why is the GMB campaigning on this issue? Because they think that re-nationalisation would mean better employment terms for more members of the GMB, obviously. And that's going to increase the return to taxpayers, lower prices to consumers, isn't it?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Well, what would we expect from a commission on social housing?

If someone is going to set up a commission on social housing - a Social Housing Commission even - then we'd not expect them to start telling us all that social housing isn't needed, or we've enough of it, or, in fact, anything other than that we should be spending billions and billions to have very much more of it. 

Fortunately, Ed Miliband and Jim O'Neill don't disappoint:

Our commission will produce concrete recommendations in the autumn, but our work so far leads the two of us to be clear about some basic principles. We must end the prejudice against new social housing which has afflicted our country and damaged people’s lives. And we must see social housing not only as a last resort for the neediest, but as something to meet the demands of those in dire need and those for whom owning is out of reach. Reasonably priced social housing could make all the difference.

We must make a profound and generational shift away from a belief that housing benefits alone can solve this problem and back towards investment in bricks and mortar and a view that affordable housing is a national asset like other infrastructure. And we need to understand that, with the costs of borrowing at historic lows but the sense of anxiety about the prospects of future generations at such a high, investment in social housing is an absolute and vital necessity for our country, whatever party is in government.

Well, yes, that doesn't disappoint, does it? Self-appointed investigation into pet project demands oodles for pet project. We're surprised, right? 

Sadly, there's a significant error in their thinking:

Indeed, we believe that experience and the historical record in Britain suggest something important. The market on its own will never produce the large quantities of low-cost housing that we need.

The market did - in the 1930s that free market, unadorned, produced some 300,000 dwellings a year. That being before the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 (the decade wait there over some European unpleasantness) stopped people from being able to build the houses people wanted to live in where they wanted to live.

So, if we wish to have that volume of housebuilding again the obvious answer is to remove the government imposed bans upon building. As is so often true the solution to one of our ailments is indeed government action. All we have to do is stop government doing what is causing our ailment. Something which a real investigation, rather than a commission, would point out to us.

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Dr. Madsen Pirie Dr. Madsen Pirie


Commentators seem so locked into the aftermath of the Financial Crisis of 2007/8 that they are in danger of overlooking a series of developments that have the potential to change everything. Historically, economic growth has been fuelled by advances in productivity. As workers became more productive, they could earn higher wages. New technology, now emerging in several areas will spur increases in productivity as well as transform people's lives:

Autonomous electric transport

Self-driving transport powered by electricity will transform most people’s lives. The interiors of cars need not look they have done for decades, with people in forward-facing seats.  People might face each other, or have the interiors kitted out as offices or small living rooms, as people choose to do other things than driving. Road crash fatalities and injuries will fall dramatically. Commuting times will fall, and the hassle of commuting will be much diminished.

Commercially the cost of freight transport by road and sea will fall as autonomously driven vehicles become the norm, raising productivity and enabling higher living standards. The same will probably be true of air transport, both freight and passenger, as autonomy and electric power take over. Electricity, powered by fracked gas and solar, will be very cheap. The use of fossil fuels, petrol, diesel, and aviation fuels, will rapidly diminish to near zero.


For almost 3 million years homo sapiens has moved in two dimensions, forward, back, left and right. This is about to change dramatically as people-carrying drones become a reality, and people move in three dimensions. Aircraft did this only to a very limited extent, taking people in groups to pre-set destinations, but drones will achieve it for individuals. Drones will be used for delivery and freight, but the big change will come when they transport people. For decades people have dreamed of flying cars, imagining cars that would sprout wings and take off like planes. Vertical lift drones have changed that, with passengers not required to possess a pilot’s licence since the vehicles will be autonomously driven.

The complexity of controlling traffic in 3 dimensions and avoiding collisions is beyond human skills, but it will be done my machines that react faster and detect potential hazards long before humans could. Traffic jams will be dramatically reduced, as will travel times, and the architecture of city buildings will change to accommodate this development.

GM organisms

Genetically modified organisms have the capacity to transform agriculture and medicine. GM cops can be developed to fertilize themselves by fixing atmospheric nitrogen and to incorporate genes that make them resistant to pests without the need for pesticides. They can be modified to thrive in hitherto infertile lands, such as those afflicted by drought or salinity. They can produce increased crop yields. In short, they herald a second Green Revolution.

In medicine genetic modification has the capacity to remove inherited diseases in the womb, before the child is even born. GM organisms can be used to treat hitherto intractable diseases. CRISPR editing can be used to remove errors in DNA that lead to illnesses or disabilities. It could theoretically be used to alter the genes that cause undesirable traits such as arthritis or dementia to develop.

Cultured meats

When the first lab-grown burger, partly funded by Sergey Brin, was unveiled in 2013, it had cost $230,000 to produce. That cost had fallen to $11 by 2017, and is still falling. Cultured meats are produced from a few cells of the animals, fed with nutrients. This technique can be used to generate muscle, fat and blood, and very soon scientists will achieve the means to develop texture, so that the cultured meat will look, taste and chew like the real thing.

This will lead to an agricultural revolution. For 12,000 years people have practiced animal husbandry. As the cost of cultured meats falls below the cost of animal-produced meats, the millions of acres of arable land given over to sheep, cattle and other livestock will become free for other uses. This will change the physical appearance of most countries. It will greatly improve the diet of poorer people across the world, and eliminate the diseases that can accompany meat, as well as the antibiotic resistance in bacteria caused by the use of antibiotics in agriculture.

Artificial Intelligence

Machines that can emulate human intelligence, but can apply it very much faster, taking in many times more data, are already with us. Their future development will transform many fields of human endeavour. People have pointed out that data trawling, as in police or legal operations, can be mechanized at a thousand times the speed and a fraction of the cost. This will impact upon medical diagnosis, with machine intelligence sorting through seemingly innocuous symptoms to give early warning of disease.

It will reduce the asymmetry of information to make markets more efficient as AI makes public the information concealed within trading movements. It will enable autonomous, self-driving, transport. A major use will be in education, where intelligent programs will give each child an individual tutor, with a class size of one, to bring each child to the maximum of its potential and at a pace it can cope with. The impact upon productivity will be immense.

These five developments are each game changers. Each one has the potential to transform the economy and society. In combination they will change the world into one where humans are more productive than ever before, can enjoy a lifestyle undreamed of in history, and offer opportunities for people to lead more rewarding and fulfilling lives. The drawback is fear, and the possibility that regulation will be applied by governments to hold back the unfolding future and keep the world back to one they think they can control.  

Fortunately there is no world government, and the countries that embrace and encourage these developing technologies will reap the benefits, even if others try to restrain them. We are stepping into an ever-changing river, and new waters are set to flow about us.

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Caitlin Keenan Caitlin Keenan

Is it time to rethink private prisons?

The UK prison system has reached crisis point. From serious overcrowding in 77 out of 119 prisons in the UK, to a rise in custodial deaths, self-harm and assault, it is clear that the government is failing UK prisoners. 25.3% of prisoners re-offend and for young adults the figure is higher at 37.9%. Our prisons clearly do not provide an effective system of punishment or rehabilitation and it is UK citizens who must fund this failure.

Given budgetary constraints, one solution to these problems would be to introduce market forces by experimenting with more private prisons. Currently we have 14 private prisons in the UK. This is a good solution partly because it saves the government money: less is paid to these private companies to run the prisons than it would cost the government to run them themselves. The reason for this is that the government does not have any incentive to run prisons at the lowest cost; arguably it has more important things to deal with, for example Brexit, and struggles to include prison efficiency in its legislative agenda. In addition, it is allocatively inefficient as the government does not provide society with a prison system they want or fully respect. However, if contracted out to private companies, the government would save money and therefore have more money to spend on other priorities.

Moreover, by handing over the prison system to private companies, the government could reward companies based upon their re-offending rates. This means that the companies would put more money and effort into training staff properly and into running effective rehabilitation schemes, hopefully increasing the wellbeing of prisoners and decreasing rates of self-harm and assault. Therefore if prisoner well-being is increased and skills improved, it would lead to a safer society due to reduced re-offending rates. Prisoners would also have the skills to work towards a long-term job and this would reduce crime rates as there would be less unemployment.

Caitlin Keenan is the winner of the Under-18 category of the ASI's 'Young Writer on Liberty' competition.

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Caitlin Keenan Caitlin Keenan

Why young people should support permissionless innovation

There is evidence to suggest the millennial generation has had lower standard of living than the previous generation. A 2016 report by the Resolution Foundation highlighted the divide between millennials and Generation X, showing that people in the younger generation earned £8000 less in their 20s than people in their parents' generation. A key reason for this is our heavily regulated world. The recession of 2008 is partly to blame, however, another reason is due to the tighter business regulations put in place in the 2000s which restrict innovation as it deters entrepreneurs from investing in new ideas. This is unlike the economic environment of Generation X where investment and innovation was widely encouraged. In order to increase our generation’s standard of living, the government needs to take a fresh look at restrictive policies on innovation.

For example, new technologies such as drones and autonomous vehicles can play a part in increasing our standard of living. These technologies could be used to increase productivity. Technological advancements can also cut pollution as we move away from oil and coal and towards cleaner energy (such as solar power and wind). New inventions can also be used for research and development across a whole range of products, improving our favourite gadgets year on year. The government therefore needs to adopt a cautious attitude towards regulating new technologies, allowing entrepreneurs leeway in experimenting with new goods and services.

Furthermore, many onerous regulations discourage competition by cementing the position of large incumbents, who are able to comply with complex and burdensome requirements. If firms do not have any competition, they could use their monopoly power to push up their and exploit consumers.

Innovation without permission is beneficial to society in many different ways. The millennial generation needs to fight against stagnant standards of living and addressing regulations on emerging technologies is one way to do this. Giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to fully and creatively explore new industries will create a richer, happier, freer population.

Caitlin Keenan is the winner of the Under-18 category of the ASI's 'Young Writer on Liberty' competition.

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Caitlin Keenan Caitlin Keenan

Immigration is key to solving the productivity crisis

Productivity across the UK is stalling and until recently inflation was outpacing real wage growth. People have been facing worsening living standards, as people have less real income. Currently the UK falls significantly behind the levels of productivity in similar countries. Between 1997-2007, average productivity grew by 2.1% each year: only 0.01% behind America. But from 2007-2017, the UK has only experienced an average of 0.2% productivity growth per year, falling behind America, Germany, France and more. The financial crash of 2007 is partly to blame for a decrease in productivity, as experienced by all countries worldwide, however the UK has not recovered as well as other countries and this can be put down to poor policies which do little to boost our productivity.

An example of how much the UK is trailing behind Germany in terms of productivity is that in Germany, people clock off on a Thursday afternoon but still produce the same amount as people in England doing a full week’s work.  This shows how vital it is for the UK to boost productivity, and unless we do this the only way to raise incomes would be to increase people’s hours of work: something no one wants.

Immigration is a key policy area which will need to be addressed to increase productivity. Many overlook the advantages of skilled migrant workers in an economy as it is argued that they “steal jobs” from UK citizens. It is also claimed that migrants are a burden on our economy and welfare system. In reality, migrants do not crowd out employment (the so-called 'lump of labour' fallacy) and many take up lower-skilled jobs that UK citizens do not want to carry out.

Furthermore, migrants pass on knowledge to native workers and are often extremely hard-working – they want to earn a good living just like anyone else. On the whole, the economic impact of EU migrants on the UK has been positive. Freedom of movement has increased income for the vast majority of workers and in 2011, EU migrants paid £1.5 billion more into the public purse than they took out, unlike the average British citizen who was a net drain.

Therefore it is clear that migrant workers are a vital part of our economy. We must ensure that during Brexit negotiations we keep this in mind. Foreign workers cannot be deterred due to mounds of bureaucracy nor can foreign students be penalised. Policies need to be put in place by our government to allow free movement to continue if our economy is to become more productive. Also we need to allow workers to come into our economy to fill occupational shortages. If we have occupational shortages and no migrants fill the places due to government policies creating a barrier to their entry, we will have failed in boosting productivity and becoming a more diverse, rich society.

The bottom line is that a boost in productivity will increase our living standards and immigration is a key factor to helping us along the way. Skilled migrants do contribute to the economy and to a much larger extent than many are willing to accept.

Caitlin Keenan is the winner of the Under-18 category of the ASI's 'Young Writer on Liberty' competition.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

After all this time we still don't seem to be getting sex right

To get the joke out of the way, if we're not getting sex right we should speak for ourselves, everyone else seems to be enjoying it all immensely. But that's not quite the point we wish to make. We, societally, still aren't getting the times when sexuality matters, and when it doesn't, quite right.

Civil servants overseeing a controversial policy which forces doctors to ask all patients about their sexuality are unhappy answering the question themselves, Government documents show.

From April next year, all NHS doctors and nurses will have had to enquire about their patient’s sexual orientation, regardless of its relevance to the illness.

The policy has been criticised on the basis it risks making people uncomfortable and damaging the doctor-patient relationship.

Now, a report by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) reveals that more than a third of officials did not feel able to disclose their own status when asked.

The point here being that sexuality does matter at times - and not just when looking for a date. Certain forms of penetrative sex - whatever the sex of the recipient - is useful medical information. Being a lesbian might lead to a certain efficiency in the use of birth control. None of which has any relevance at all to how well the claims clerk at the welfare office deals with matters.

The same is true of such matters as race. The melanin enrichment of our accountant matters not a damn, a West African genetic inheritance is most useful to know when investigating sickle cell anaemia.  

That is, we're getting it all wrong about sex, gender, race and the rest of the distinctions we obsess over.  In vast areas of life none of them matter. Thus the counting of them in those areas is not just unimportant but shouldn't be done. On that Cowperthwaite basis, that if the information is collected then some damn fool will just try to do something with it. Yet at the same time there's a prissiness about collecting relevant and useful data about differences when they do matter.

Civil servants are quite right to insist that private matters are private matters. We're not enhancing the efficiency of doctoring by insisting upon the same point.   

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Still failing Chesterton's Fence over plastics

Varied of the environmentalists are still not grasping the basics of matters. Here it's Lucy Siegle talking of plastics:

The injustice is not only to the planet. Ninety per cent of the cost of disposal of plastic is borne by consumers and just 10% by the manufacturers and retailers that impose it on us in the first place.

There's no one here but us humans to be carrying the costs of anything at all. If we mandate, as an example, a tax upon the production of plastics then that is in the first instance paid by those manufacturers. But of course that all then becomes incident upon consumers as prices rise. No, not because manufacturers raise prices to pass on that cost, but because those that don't go bust.

But this is the real error:

It’s pretty clear to everybody that plastic is a dumb material to pick for everyday use.

So why are we so using it then? Why is it that since their inventions plastics have been used to do near everything? To replace paper, cardboard, wood, metals as the material of choice? 

Chesterton's Fence is to insist that unless you know why something was done you cannot know whether it should still be done. Without asking why we all use plastics, why we started to, we cannot answer the question of whether we should still be using them.

Sure, plastics have costs but then so does getting up in the morning. What we need to know is what are the benefits? Further, do they outweigh the costs? Until we know that last we've no idea at all whether the crusade against them is worthwhile or even useful or not. 

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Jamie Nugent Jamie Nugent

Venezuela Campaign: Hungry for change & hungry full stop

Since Hugo Chavez declared his ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ in 1999, Venezuela has become entirely dependent on imported food. In 2014, it was estimated that 70% of all goods, including food, were imported from abroad. Several years’ mismanagement of Venezuela’s key oil industry has crippled the country financially, especially since oil prices halved in 2014. Price controls on basic foodstuffs, as well as strict controls on the ability to convert bolivars to dollars, has made food unaffordable for most Venezuelans. Many Venezuelan companies cannot afford to produce food for the price set by the state, and have simply gone out of business.

As an example of just how severe the crisis has become, the monthly minimum wage can feed a family for less than a day. Around 10 million Venezuelans, or a third of the population, are on the minimum wage. Even for those who earn more, living has become a daily struggle: one would need 55 times the minimum wage to feed a family for month.

The impact on the country’s health has been devastating. Venezuelans reported losing an average of 8kg in 2016, and 11kg in 2017; more is expected as hyperinflation destroys Venezuela’s currency. Around 8 million Venezuelans only eat two meals or fewer a day. Children under 5 are most at risk during this crisis: the charity Caritas have estimated that half are suffering from malnutrition or are at severe risk. In 2018 alone, 300,000 child deaths have been linked to malnutrition.

Most Venezuelans are now anemic as their diet lacks the iron usually found in meat, green leafy vegetables and maize flour, which have all become increasingly scarce. Medical conditions linked to malnutrition are on the rise, and Venezuela’s hospital’s are unable to cope as they too suffer from shortages made worse by an embargo on international aid.

This is happening now. The Venezuelan people are running out of ways to cope with the severe lack of food. Whatever needs to be done, must be done soon.

More information on the Venezuela Campaign can be found on their website

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