Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

If you don't like the share structure then don't buy the shares

Capitalism is, of course, important. That lust for profits drives a great deal of the innovation we see across the economy. Markets are more important in that it’s that competition which limits the ability to profit and means that we out here gain the most from the system. Markets in that very capitalism itself similarly regulate behaviour.

Which makes this complaint more than a little ridiculous:

A group of powerful investors, including Legal & General, has demanded a crackdown on the shareholding structures used by tech tycoons such as Evan Spiegel and Mark Zuckerberg to retain control of companies after they float.

The group, which includes the Dutch pension giant PGGM, wrote to the two biggest US stock exchanges this month calling for a time limit on the use of multiple share classes with different voting rights.

There’re a number of companies out there into which one can invest. If the business plan of one is not to taste then there’s another which might be of interest. The same is true of the terms upon which one can invest. If this offer - say, no voting rights upon shares to be bought - doesn’t attract then unlike busses there will be another along in a minute.

If you’re not happy with voting rights and multiple share classes then don’t buy the stock. There’s really no great mystery to this at all.

It’s also true that these very investors know this. Bonds offer one deal, interest plus the return of capital - hopefully - and no voting rights. Preference shares another deal, straight equity a third and so on. All of these investors will have some exposure to each and every class of investment under those varied terms. Whining about the detail of one sub-class here is most unbecoming.

For this is rather the point of these public markets in the first place. We get to decide where we’ll invest and which terms we’ll accept for doing so. Demanding what isn’t being offered isn’t the correct plan, not investing on terms we don’t like is.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The joys of price fixing - Sark to rejoin the Dark Ages

Of course prices should be fair and reasonable. Quite how you go about it matters though, as Sark is just finding out. For an attempt to do this means that the island’s electricity supplier - and thus the water system - is going to close down.

At the centre of the row is David Gordon-Brown, the boss of the island’s sole electricity provider, who says that a controversial ban by the island’s government, preventing him from charging more than 52p per kilowatt hour, has forced his company to rack up unsustainable losses and leaves him with no choice but to switch off the lights.

The law for price fixing. The electricity company. The price controller.

Price fixing is terribly attractive to everyone as numerous examples around the world show. There’s also a basic truism to understand. If you set the price of something below the cost of production then that thing ceases to be produced. There are no exceptions to this.

Set the price of electricity upon Sark below the cost of providing electricity to Sark and there will be no electricity upon Sark.

Reality’s a right pain, isn’t it?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

How totalitarian do we want to be in the war on obesity?

We, of course, do not think there should be a war on the outcomes of freely made choices. If it is true that we prefer more food and less exercise to a long life than that’s the emergent outcome from our liberty and that’s the end of that.

There are those, obviously enough, who disagree. They then using that rhetoric of a war, an existential struggle, because that is the manner in which it is possible to restrain liberty in order to gain some desired goal. The thing is, how totalitarian do we want to allow them to be about this?

Restaurants and takeaways could be forced to reduce portion sizes, abolish children's menus and change unhealthy recipes, under official proposals aimed at tackling Scotland's obesity crisis.

Food Standards Scotland (FSS), the government agency governing food standards and nutrition, argued urgent action was required to make meals purchased outside the home less fattening.

It unveiled a public consultation on proposals to create a calorie limit on the dishes offered, alter recipes to include more fruit and vegetables and "redesign" menus to exclude the fattiest foods.

"Small or half portions" should be offered to diners, it said, and a cap imposed on the "energy density" of meals…

To argue that restaurants should do this is just fine. Argue for anything you like. To use the power of the state to force? Seriously? Only x number of chips allowed on a plate by government dictat? They can go boil their heads, can’t they? For that is that step too far into totalitarianism.

We would remind of one little thing. 1939 to 1945 saw Britain at its most vulnerable, engaged in total war against a truly vicious enemy. Certainly, there was food rationing. And what was never rationed? The takeaway food of the day, fish and chips. If we could beat the Nazis without allowing the government to do that then other wars such as that upon obesity, being the mere bagatelles that they are in comparison, can be fought without it too.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Even More Future Inventions

While we cannot accurately predict future technology, we can identify some of the things whose development would be useful and beneficial. It will be down to human ingenuity and creativity to determine if viable versions can be produced. Given the commercial implications, however, it is reasonable to suppose that many of them might happen. Here is my third list:


11. A plant which has been genetically adapted or bred to mop up super-large amounts of CO2. If CO2 is being churned out faster than the eco-system can process it, some extra help of this type to tip the balance would be an asset, especially if the plant could be engineered to grow in places unsuitable for food crops.

12. A de-alcoholizer taken orally as a tablet, liquid or spray which will act rapidly to remove alcohol from the bloodstream, instead of leaving it to be processed in the usual way. This could help people sober up rapidly, lowering their risk of accidents on the way home. It might eliminate morning-after hangovers, and prevent the adverse health effects of processing alcohol via the liver.

13. A new small-scale power source which does not use fossil fuels or put out harmful emissions. Cold fusion would have been ideal, had it been real. What is needed is a technology to give people some independence from large-scale power production and transmission. Perhaps something on a domestic scale can be developed.

14. Membranes to extract heavy metals from water. Osmotic technology has much going for it, and it is possible that membranes could be used for osmotic mining. They could be put in the oceans to collect gold and other elements present in small quantities in seawater. When toxic spills occur, they could extract the lead and mercury and other toxins. It takes creative minds to develop the technology, but as with all these inventions, there would almost certainly be a substantial financial reward to be gained from it.

15. An extra choice on the TV remote to replace the figure performing sign language in the bottom part of the screen by text for those who need it, and to remove it altogether for those who do not. The majority of people who have hearing difficulties are elderly, and while very few old people know sign language, nearly all of them can read. Some people find the rhythmic off-centre motion of the sign language figure to be disturbing. Since the two pictures are superimposed, it should be easy to devise a way to remove one of them for those who do not need it.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

A logically confused piece of ecological blather

We obviously have our preferences here but it’s still entirely legitimate to ponder how we’d like farming to be done. Efficiently by machines or lovingly and tending to Gaia by kumbayah. We prefer eating but you can go with the ecological movement if you prefer.

However, there’s still this logical failure in this argument in favour of the agroecological method:

Agroecological innovations in transitions to sustainable food systems are being driven largely from the bottom up by civil society, social movements and allied researchers.

That’s super given that we’re actual and real liberals around here. People do as they wish, experiment, decide what they’d like to be doing and how. Others watch, copy the methods that work and we all become richer as a result. Result, eh? Exactly what we desire from any socioeconomic system, the maximum of freedom, liberty and wealth.

What confuses is this logical error:

Government, civil society and private sector representatives will soon meet in Rome at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to discuss the future of farming. Who controls the global governance of innovation will be a hotly debated topic.

But given these highly contested views on innovations for food and agriculture, it is vital that everyone is able to exercise their right to have a say on the future of their food supply. Deliberative and inclusive processes such as citizens’ juries, peoples’ assemblies and community-led participatory processes are urgently needed to decide priorities for food and agricultural innovations. This is all the more important in today’s context of rapid global change and uncertainty.

So. Do you want to live in a world in which artificial food is produced by intelligent robots and corporations that put profits before people? Or one where agroecological innovations ensure we can nourish ourselves and our communities in a fair, ecologically regenerative, and culturally rich way?

But why do we have politics involved? Why have a vote? We’re in a bottom up, civil society, voluntary association world aren’t we? What’s government got to do with it, government being that legitimate method of compulsion?

That error rather worries. If agroecology is a better system then it will win in a market system. If it’s not better then why would we use the power of government - or even that tyranny of he majority which is democracy - to insist everyone must do it?

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

More Future Inventions

This is my second list of inventions that present technology cannot yet supply, but which might be developed, given sufficient creativity and determination. To some extent this list, like my first one, is something of a wish list. They are all inventions that would benefit a significant portion of humankind, some more so than others. I take the view that our future technology does not emerge, for the most part, from chance discoveries, but because we are striving towards it. We start with problems or shortcomings, and we set our creativity and our resourcefulness working to provide solutions. We often succeed. Here’s my second list:


6. A really quiet, low-emission aircraft engine. Jet engines are more efficient every year, and much quieter than formerly. We need a jump to a new type of engine that does what we want. It must use less fuel (or less fossil fuel, at least), yet generate more power more quietly. Designers in Cambridge are working on lifting-body shapes with top mounted engines, but we perhaps need something more radical yet, something to replace the jet engine just as the jet engine replaced the propeller.

7. A wearable device which can cool the body and dehumidify the air in close proximity to it. This has to be portable, perhaps worn on the belt or in the pocket, or incorporated within clothing. It could be a small air conditioner circulating cool air around the body, or a perhaps something using the cooling effect of passing current through joined metals.

8. A sonic interrupter. This will not be a noise-cancelling headset. What is needed is something that will give a bubble of silence around the user. It might detect incoming sound waves and flatten them or degrade them sufficiently. Armed with one of these people will be able to create their own zones of silence in public places such as trains and restaurants.

9. Something to pulverise fish bones into fine powder without damaging the soft fish. A lithotripter uses ultrasonics to do this to kidney stones, but we could use something similar to do this to fish bones in supermarkets, restaurants, and even homes. It would end the unpleasantness of people finding bones in their mouth, and the deaths caused by choking on them. Instead the bone powder will add nourishment to the meal.

10. A device that chills as rapidly as a microwave heats. We need something of similar size that can, within seconds, chill a bottle of wine or soft drink, or rapidly cool cooked dishes such as fruit compôte that are best eaten cold.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Aditya Chakrabortty's quite right, money talks

One of the things we might fairly accuse the Guardian of, that left which is its readership and production team perhaps, is a failure to recognise what is as opposed to what they think ought to be. Which means that this about face is worth noting:

On the one hand, you have the self-inflating chaos at Westminster, the fever dreams of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s gang and the rehearsed rage of the Democratic Unionists. And on the other, you have the truth nailed by Philip K Dick. “Reality,” he wrote, “is that which, when you stop believing it, doesn’t go away.” So let’s remind ourselves of some reality.


Even as politicians and the press fantasise about how Britain will leave Europe, big business is already at the departure gate. For Westminster, Brexit is months in the future; for boardrooms making plans, it is the present. Big carmakers have this year halved their investment in new models and factory machinery. The consultancy EY records a 31% slump in the number of foreign businesses setting up headquarters in Britain. Boris Johnson certainly makes good copy – but money talks much louder.

Leave aside the specific example here, that’s just rhetoric, and savour the underlying argument. There’s reality, in which money talks loudly, then there’s politics which can and often does become entirely divorced from that universe outside the debating chamber.

An excellent little point to make about the world. For example, there is no gender pay gap there’s simply a difference in the average manner that men and women organise life after the arrival of children. The UK has not one whit of poverty by any historical or global standard, we have some inequality. Such inequality has fallen in recent years by the standard measures and by proper and realistic ones - measures of consumption after taxes, benefits and government provision of goods and services - is at historical lows. Perhaps companies ought not to pay the management lots of money but they do and societal setups where they don’t have less efficient corporate sectors. Even, Big Tech doesn’t sell data, it just allows advertising to select demographics in exactly the same manner that the Guardian’s jobs page trawls the population that believes none of this paragraph.

All of which rather tells us why we’re not going to see this analysis - money talks, reality matters - spreading to the rest of The Guardian’s pages. For if it did there wouldn’t be a Guardian, would there?

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Dr. Madsen Pirie Dr. Madsen Pirie

Future Inventions

In “The Poverty of Historicism” Popper makes the point that the future state of society will be influenced by the knowledge available to it. Since we cannot predict the future growth of our knowledge by rational or scientific methods, we cannot predict the future course of human history. This is fine, and it rules out all claims about history moving towards an inevitable outcome, whether it be the triumph of any particular class, race or nation.

That said, in my doctoral thesis, published as “Trial and Error and the Idea of Progress,” I attribute more to human motivation than Popper does. Not only does it influence which theories we retain or discard, depending on how much they help us, but it also influences the future course of knowledge. Put bluntly, we try to achieve the things we want, and it influences our research and our future knowledge.

I incline to the view that technology is a more effective solution to many of our problems that trying to bring about behavioural changes. I return to a theme I’ve visited before, setting out some of the technological advances that would benefit us, if they could be invented and developed. We do not know if they can, and we cannot predict accurately if they will, but perhaps they will be more likely to come about if people set to work developing them.

I will present a few lists of inventions that I would like to see developed, they are not here yet but if they could be they would be game changers. Below is the first such list; there will be others.

1. I anticipate advances that make mining easier, less life-threatening to its participants, and with less environmental impact — bugs or nanobots spefically tailored to gobble up the coal, copper, manganese or whatever, and sent down to extract the desired material. They will then be flushed out, the desired resource extracted, and all organized by scientists and technicians in white coats who are not exposed to the hazards associated with conventional mining, all without the impact it has on landscapes.

2. Trees engineered to grow exceptionally quickly, so that they mature in a few years instead of decades. Maybe a team will be able to isolate the growth factors and accelerate them, or maybe incorporate the genetic material from fast growing plants into traditional forest trees. The advent of cultured meats raises the prospect of far fewer acres being needed for animal husbandry, and more available for reforestation. It would be good to be able to see extensive tree cover achieved rapidly where we want it, and of course it would constitute a carbon sink.

3. A cancer-inhibiting molecule that recognizes cancerous cells and zeroes in on them and prevents them from growing. Work is already being done on this several microbiology laboratories, and a Nobel prize awaits the team which can do it, along with the gratification of humankind.

4. Genetically engineered bugs that can digest material we would prefer not to clog up our landfills. Some years ago there was a campaign against disposable nappies, such that many local councils employed ‘real nappy officers’ to persuade parents to use cotton nappies instead, despite the energy, bleach and detergent involved. It would be more environmentally friendly to have organisms that can eat up the disposable nappies in landfills. Similarly there are other materials out there that could be mopped up by organisms created for that purpose.

5. A really efficient, low-energy osmotic desalinator. There is plenty of seawater on the planet, but the shortage is of sufficient fresh water where it is needed. With such a machine, anywhere within range of a coast could produce all the fresh water that is needed. It could be piped, as oil and gas are currently piped, to where it is required. We already have thermal desalinators, but they are energy hungry. And present osmotic ones tend to be energy intensive and to clog up with sludge and require expensive maintenance, so we need some new membrane technology to do it efficiently and cheaply.

I will list more of these ‘future inventions’ that might be developed, given human creativity, ingenuity and purpose. All of them would be of huge benefit to humankind, which itself is a good reason in itself for supposing that they might come about.

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Matt Kilcoyne Matt Kilcoyne

Ayn Rand Lecture — Dr Michael Kauffman

On Wednesday 14th November, we honoured Ayn Rand and her ideas with a special guest lecture at the prestigious Goldsmiths’ Hall. Dr Michael Kauffman, CEO of Karyopharm Therapeutics and an Objectivist, gave our annual Ayn Rand Lecture on "Reason, Purpose, Self-Esteem: Bringing Lifesaving Drugs to Humankind".

Dr Kauffman has enjoyed a long and successful career in the pharmaceutical industry, where he continues to play a key role in developing life-saving drugs. His current work with Karyopharm involves developing novel oral anti-cancer drugs for multiple tumours. Its first product, selinexor, is in late-stage clinical testing in blood cancers.

Give it a watch now 👇 

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Higher prices aren't because costs are higher, they're because they can charge more

Small stores, conveniently located, open all hours, charge more than vast sheds operating at peak efficiency. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, that this happens. We do all, after all, do the bulk shopping in the sheds and top up with what we’ve forgotten at the corner shop. We know it well enough that our habits accord to it.

However, we do need to be clear about why this happens:

Express supermarkets are charging customers up to three times more for their groceries than superstores from the same chain, an investigation has found.

Some fruit and vegetables have a mark up of up to 177 per cent as smaller shops charge more for the same product.

Branded items do not have consistent prices across stores from the same chain either, according to the investigation by the BBC.

The analysis found that a Tesco Express store sold a banana for 25p, while the local superstore sold it at a fraction of the price for 9p.

Similarly at Marks and Spencer, a banana costs 40p in the convenience store and 18p in the big shop.

Only the complete dullards among us don’t know that this is true. But why?

The shops all said the mark-ups were due to smaller shops facing higher operating costs, including higher rents and increased rates for longer opening hours.

No, that’s not it. Costs don’t determine prices - they only determine whether you stay in business given the prices you can charge. Higher prices are charged because people can charge higher prices. Which is a function of competition, nothing else.

Yes, this is an important distinction. It is markets which solve our problems.

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