Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

How glorious it is to be regulated - people die

Well, yes, of course everything needs to be regulated, areweright? The idea that the market unadorned could just be left to its own devices is just so absurd that no one could possibly hold it. Except people like us who just will insist on pointing out that the result of regulation is that people die.

For example, we’d all rather like there to be lots of new drugs to treat the cancers that eat away at all too many of us. We’ve a wondrous pan-continental regulation system to make sure they’re safe, the result of which is that we get very few new anti-cancer drugs:

Cancer patients are missing out on innovative new drugs, with red tape covering clinical trials and licensing among the factors to blame, according to a report by the UK’s Institute of Cancer Research.

Children’s cancers have received little in the way of new treatments, a finding the authors put down to drug companies failing to invest in these rare conditions and using regulatory loopholes to avoid conducting the necessary clinical trials.

Well, one person’s loophole is another’s escape from red tape and expense:

She added that EU regulations say that if a disease does not occur in children, drug companies can opt out of testing the drug on them, even though it might help with other cancers. That, she said, needed to change.

So, if all drugs need to be tested upon children then there will be even more expense, even more red tape, even fewer new drugs:

The team also found new drugs are taking longer to make it through the clinical trial stage of development. Between 2009 and 2016, it took more than nine years for a drug to progress from the first stage of clinical trials to being authorised for a particular use by the EMA, compared with 7.8 years between 2000 and 2008.

“I don’t think this is about being over-cautious because of safety; I think this is regulatory red tape,” said Workman.

Isn’t that regulation a wonderful thing?

There is a theory that every civilisation is eventually strangled by the entrails of its own bureaucracy. We appear to be well along the road to testing that one out again. Perhaps we might want to change path before it truly mestastasizes?

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Dr. Madsen Pirie Dr. Madsen Pirie

Common errors of the Left

It can be depressing to have to revisit arguments won long ago, but some politicians continue to cling to errors that have been exposed, simply because they wish the world were other than it is.

1. Taxes do not change behaviour

In the real world taxes usually change behaviour. Tax increases put up prices, and people usually respond by buying less of something. Increased taxes on cigarettes might lead people to smoke less, but they also lead people to obtain cigarettes from lower tax jurisdictions, or from bootleggers. The result is that less tax is raised than was anticipated. The same is true for taxes on income. They make work and effort less attractive, and they encourage people to use legal means to shelter income from tax. People talk of increasing income tax "to raise more money," but it will hardly ever raise what they anticipate, and will sometimes even reduce the revenue.

2. Price caps make things cost less

In fact they reduce the price, not the cost, of producing things. If people cannot produce goods profitably at a price others will pay, the goods will not be produced. Price caps usually result in shortages. They might lower the price of current goods, but they will reduce the future supply. Price caps on energy will leave producers less to invest in securing and developing future supplies, and to cease producing energy from sources unprofitable at the capped price.

3. Minimum wages help the low paid

They might help those currently working at low wages, but they will reduce the number of jobs available to those looking for work now or in the future. Some firms have responded to minimum wage increases by reducing the number of hours employees work, some by installing machines such as self-checkout tills to reduce labour, and some have gone out of business because their costs became too high.

4. Corporations pay taxes

The source of taxation is somebody's wallet or purse. Corporations are not people, and they do not have wallets and purses. Their shareholders do, their employees do, and their customers do. This means that Corporation taxes fall upon some or all of those three groups. Studies show that about 60% of its incidence falls upon employees, reducing the wages they would have been paid without it. Of the remainder, some falls on customers as firms raise prices to meet the tax burden, and some falls on shareholders, making investment less rewarding, and less likely to be done, thereby cutting future jobs.

5. Improvements for the poor must be paid for by the rich

This is a version of the Zero Sum Game fallacy, of supposing wealth is fixed, and that gains to one group must come at the expense of another. In fact, wealth is created by trade and specialization and groups can become wealthier through growth, rather than by redistribution. Historically it has been the former, rather than the latter, that has improved the lot of the poor. This is also true internationally. Poor countries have become richer through trade, not through redistribution from richer countries. The UK created its wealth in the Industrial Revolution, and the world's wealth then was a tiny fraction of what it is today.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Mike Ashley and Chesterton's Fence

Chesterton’s Fence is a favourite of ours. The lesson being that you cannot decide that something’s no longer necessary unless you understand why it was instituted in the first place. This being a hurdle that Mike Ashley seems not to have cleared:

Retail tycoon Mike Ashley wants to see a 20pc tax levied on online sales and prison sentences for executives who consistently "fiddle" their way out of paying the levy, as part of his plan to save the country's "dying" high streets.

He said any companies with more than 20pc of their sales generated online should have to pay the tax, which would "level the playing field" in the retail sector and give local councils more money to help encourage people to shop close to home, such as offering free parking.

Yes of course this is drivel. No one should be paying extra taxes because they economise on expensive inputs like High Street retail space.

However, the bit that really interests, because we do so love Chesterton’s Fence, is that idea about free parking.

For why was the parking meter first invented? In order to increase retail footfall.

Yes, really. It was noted that the provision of free parking spaces meant that people would turn up, bag a space and then go to work or the like. Do something all day at least. By limiting the time a space could be used - the right way, by price - that meant that more people would use it over the day. Increasing the number of people in the area thereby and so that retail footfall.

Yes, certainly, charging “too high” a price can mean a diminution again. But it seems to be as with booze consumption. None, or no price, is as harmful as a lot, the it inbetween being beneficial compared to either. So with car parking pricing. Free doesn’t work.

Sure, new policy ideas are welcome but it does help if people understand why we’ve got the ones we do first.

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Daniel Pryor Daniel Pryor

I, Sandwich

We’d recommend checking out this great animated video in which Daniel Hannan MEP describes the wonders of the free market and the pricing mechanism using a story about…a chicken sandwich.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The newly anti-Brexit Mail amuses on Netflix

One of the great reverse ferrets in the newspaper industry is how the change from Dacre to Grieg has led to the Daily Mail becoming anti-Brexit rather than the previous rather vociferous pro-. Which does seem to be causing a little misunderstanding on certain of the reporting desks.

Here we’ve a complaint that Netflix is selling some vast amount in the UK, reporting little revenue, less profit and near no profits tax. Well, yes, it is, but why?

Netflix Services UK Limited – the company’s British subsidiary - employed only 14 people at its London office by the end of December, according to its most recent accounts.

Its British arm declared revenues of £23.9m (26.9 million euros) and pre-tax profits of £1.12million (1.27 million euros).

Netflix’s standard package for British users offers unlimited streaming for £7.99 a month. If the company’s 9 million subscribers pay around this much per month, Netflix makes £71.9million from its British subscribers each month. This works out to be around £863m each year.

HMRC could be looking into the transfer pricing deal between the British arm and its Dutch parent, which determines the amount of revenues that Netflix reports in the UK. Netflix did not explain why HMRC was examining its tax arrangements.

It’s not actually necessary for there to be any transfers, let alone abuse of transfer pricing rules, for this situation to happen or to be legal. All we need is the European Union’s own Single Market.

Any EU company, registered, domiciled and sitting in any EU country, may sell in any other EU country. And be taxed where it is registered, domiciled, sitting. Which is what is being done. Not allowing this would mean leaving the Single Market.

So, how’s the Mail’s opposition to Leave working now?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

If taxes are killing a market, why not lift the taxes for all?

This sounds like a sensible enough proposal at first glance but then we find that it perhaps doesn’t go far enough. For we’ve an analysis that a transactions tax is killing market liquidity. This is something we would expect of course. So, therefore, lift that tax for some - but why not lift the tax for all?

Pensioners in large homes should be let off stamp duty fees to encourage them to move to smaller properties, a leading thinktank will recommend on Monday.

The study to be published by the Policy Exchange also suggests purpose built homes for “ageing baby boomers” would encourage more people to move and “free up more family homes for younger generations“.

That a transactions tax reduces liquidity is rather the purpose of them at times. That’s the point of the ludicrous financial transactions tax for example. Thus the idea that a transactions tax like stamp duty reduces liquidity in the housing market isn’t a tough one to follow. Reducing the tax in order to promote liquidity, that process of people buying and selling houses, seems logical enough. Reduce that slice spirited off into the bureaucracy from each sale and purchase and there will be more such sales and purchases, people will indeed be able to move to the “correct” size of dwelling for their life circumstances. Correct here meaning the outcome of their individual decisions unadulterated by that tax wedge.

However, there’s nothing in this at all which suggests that only pensioners should be so favoured. The tax wedge, if it reduces transactions in one part of the market, will similarly be doing to in other parts of the same market. So, we face the same problem. A reduction in market liquidity through over-taxation of transactions.

At which point the solution becomes obvious enough. We’ve a problem from over-taxation, the solution is to reduce that taxation. And to reduce it for all so as to free up that market from the tax-induced constipation.

Lower stamp duty won’t build more houses, but it will enable people to move to larger or smaller as desires indicate, meaning that it will increase the supply of housing.

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Joshua Curzon Joshua Curzon

Venezuela Campaign: The taps run dry for the Chavista revolution

Venezuelan President Maduro and his predecessor Chavez have an extraordinary ability to create scarcity from abundance. Venezuela has the world’s largest proven oil reserves, but now suffers from petrol shortages. There was once a flourishing agricultural sector, now children die of malnutrition and people have lost an average of 11kg in the past year.

Venezuela has the twelfth largest fresh water reserves in the world, but fully 82% of Venezuelans now lack access to running water. That’s worse than 20 years ago—in 1998 nearly 87% had running water. Three quarters of public health centres do not receive regular running water, and the breakdown of the sewage system in hospitals has led to a surge in patient deaths.

In a recent interview with The Venezuela Campaign, SOS Telemedicina Cursos’s Federica Davila exposed the shocking conditions inside the University of Central Venezuela’s hospital, where patients must flush toilets with buckets and human waste is stored next to beds.

Water distribution and sanitation networks cannot be maintained due to a lack of spare parts, and most pumps, valves, and pipes are significantly beyond their expected lifetime. Treatment plants lie abandoned and reservoirs are contaminated with sewage. Caracas’ water utility company Hidrocapital has only 20 of its 400 maintenance teams operational, leaving it struggling to maintain the city’s collapsing infrastructure.

Corruption has destroyed the functionality of the water and sewage treatment systems. Politicians have invested only token amounts after the shortages began in 2005. Keeping water prices artificially low eroded utilities’ ability to maintain their systems, and political loyalty has become the main criterion for appointments. According to Jose de Viana, a former President of water utility Hidrocapital, the sector has been fundamentally de-professionalised.

Maduro’s meddling has just worsened matters. Since 2014 the body responsible for the water sector has been constantly reorganised. The ‘Ministry of the People’s Power for the Environment’ was abolished in favour of the ‘Vice-Ministry of Ecosocialism, Housing and Habitat’, which was then subsumed into the ‘Ministry of the People’s Power for Ecosocialism and Water’, which was split into two, the ‘Ministry of Ecosocialism’ and the ‘Ministry of Water Care’. Since 2014 there have also been five different Presidents of Hidroven (the agency responsible for drinking water).

Access to water is something the UN demands as a basic human right, and which people in prosperous countries think very little about. But without running water people must spend hours a day searching for water that is often unsafe to drink, leaving themselves vulnerable to horrible water-borne diseases—illnesses that Venezuelan healthcare cannot treat due to a lack of water. Bacteria and mosquitoes flourish in the buckets of stagnant water people must store, driving up the prevalence of Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya. The water crisis in Venezuela is just yet another aspect of the humanitarian crisis that corruption and mismanagement have brought upon the country.

More information on the Venezuela Campaign can be found on their website

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Observing an extreme form of the Laffer Curve

It’s possible for prices - and taxation is the price of government, as we know - to become so high that people simply lie, cheat and steal to avoid those prices. The price, say, of a legal heroin high is, given the illegality, effectively infinite. Thus there’s an awful lot of lying, cheating and stealing without the law going on.

Stamps have become more expensive:

The rising cost of postage is fuelling a market in reused stamps, allowing shoppers to buy them online for a quarter of the price.

A first class stamp now costs 67p, but uncancelled ones are available for as little as 16p on sites including eBay.

The Daily Telegraph discovered a booming second-hand market with eBay alone hosting more than 2,100 listings for re-used first and second class stamps.

One seller told the Telegraph they sell 20,000 reused stamps a month, claiming that they had had "no issues to this day" with the stamps they sold. 

We more normally think of the Laffer Curve as being about the interplay of the income and substitution effects. That mixture leading to higher tax rates - sometimes - causing lower revenues and the inverse, lower creating higher. But at the extreme it becomes that lying and cheating which predominates.

It has been observed - not least by us - that when Russia abandoned the old Soviet taxation system and moved to a flat rate income tax of 13% then revenue collected rose substantially. When this is used as an example of the proof of the general Laffer contention the usual answer from those who don’t wish to believe is that this wasn’t about those income and substitution effects. Rather, the old system was so confiscatory that people just lied and cheated.

Well, yes, quite. That is the extreme end of the Curve. We can, obviously enough, increase the inspection of peoples’ finances, as we can monitor online markets for stamps. But at some point we’ve got to also consider the costs of those interventions to support those prices/tax rates. What, for example, would be the cost to civil liberty of cracking down sufficiently that no one could lie, cheat or steal their way around an 80% income tax rate? And yes, there are those seriously suggesting such rates.

We can even approach this in a Marxist manner - every social action produces a reaction before synthesis is reached. Would we actually like that synthesis?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

A most amusing thought about Brexit

We’re told that civilisation is fragile which is to rather misunderstand how civilisation works. For the assumption is that it’s something imposed by government upon a place and is thus something weak. Reality is entirely the other way around:

Brace yourself, Britain. Brexit is about to teach you what a crisis actually is

Cue predictions of the shops empty, riots, the collapse of order and so on. When the actual change that is being proposed is that we’ll have a different group of people sitting in different offices changing a few of the rules which govern our interactions.

It being, of course, our interactions with each other which are that civilisation. The reason we don’t have the Government Shopping Service and all those other accoutrements being that this isn’t something that governments are good at. That self-organising system of markets is what does produce that civilisation that we do enjoy.

A different debating chamber forming our laws doesn’t change any of that.

The prediction then becoming most amusing:

When the grownups fail, as they periodically do, and badly, what you need is better grownups. Awful things have happened, and do happen, in this country, chiefly as a result of bad policy and worse enactment. We don’t need to have homelessness, dependency on food banks or deprived areas ruled by criminals and bullies. We can afford to act against these evils, but we let them happen all the same. That shames us. Hand the keys and the controls over to eternal teenagers – populists of either stripe – and what you’ll get is a situation where that choice is gone.

We’re not special. If, in a deluded fit of national self-harm that ever more resembles the drift into war in 1914, we allow ourselves to wreck the complicated machinery that underpins our everyday lives without us ever having to think much about it, nobody will be coming to rescue us. Cassandra, as Cassandras are always ready to remind you, was right.

The underlying insistence there is that Brussels is the grown ups, we the children. And who can imagine a world in which that could be true?

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