Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Carbon abolition misunderstands the entire climate change problem

Talk about entirely missing the point:

It is time to do this for climate change: to make human carbon pollution illegal in every country in the world. It is time for a “carbon abolition” movement, to put an end to emissions.

The justification for this is:

Human-induced climate change is a moral wrong. It involves one group of humans harming others. People of this generation harming those in future generations. People in the developed world harming those in the developing world. Each of us is emitting carbon that is harming those caught in climate-driven superstorms, floods, droughts and conflicts. And there’s the greatest moral wrong of all – the mass extinction event we have triggered that harms all life on Earth.

Yet until recently, climate change has not been argued as a moral issue. Rather, it has been presented as a technocratic problem, a cost-benefit problem, where the costs of action must be weighed against the benefits of avoiding disaster. The debates have been around taxes, jobs, growth and technologies. While such debates are important – there are better and worse ways to tackle the climate crisis – the effect has been decades of inaction, denial and delay. When something is a moral wrong, particularly a deep, systemic moral wrong, we don’t wait around debating the optimal path or policy; we stop it.

Which is to entirely miss the point. Emissions also have benefits. Things like transport, heating, cooking, civilisation itself. Therefore the discussion must revolve around the costs and benefits of emitting and the costs and benefits of not emitting. We need, that is, the optimal level of emissions in order to maximise human utility over time.

You know, exactly the interesting question that the work of William Nordhaus, Nick Stern, Marty Weitzman and every other economist who has ever even glanced at the subject discusses.

If there were no cost to “carbon abolition” then we wouldn’t in fact have a problem in the first place. This demand is worse than merely utopian, it’s simply wrong.

It also rather misses the point that making something illegal doesn’t stop it - we only have to look at drugs policy to see that.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

H G Wells - the future seen through fiction

Described as the most important English writer of his age, H G Wells was born on September 21st, 1866, and died in 1946, shortly before his 80th birthday. His international fame is demonstrated by his appearance in the cover of Time magazine on the day before his 60th birthday.

He wrote novels, especially science fiction stories that anticipated the future. He managed to make the impossible seem believable, and his record of prediction is impressive. Writing in the late 19th and very early 20th Centuries, he anticipated space travel, aerial warfare, motor transport that led to commuting and suburban spread, changing sexual mores, world wars, and a “world brain” that held all the information. He even foresaw a federal Europe, but thought the UK would be happier to be involved with the US and the English-speaking dominions.

His science fiction novels included The Time Machine (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), The War of the Worlds (1898), The First Men in the Moon (1901), and later The Shape of Things to Come (1933). The last formed the basis for the spectacular 1936 movie, Things to Come, for which Wells wrote the script. It predicted World War II, but had a group of scientists taking over the world to make it more rational.

This reflected Wells’ own outlook of an idealized socialism. He was at one time a member of the socialist Fabian Society, and twice stood as a Labour Party candidate for the University of London. He interviewed Stalin in Moscow, but mixed his praise with criticism of the USSR’s state violence and suppression of free speech. He wrote extensively on human rights, including The Rights of Man (1940), which was drawn upon heavily in the UN’s 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

HG Wells was undoubtedly well-meaning. He genuinely wanted humankind to live in a kinder, cleaner, more rational world. Like many idealistic socialists, he thought other people were like himself, and did not take account of the baser, more self-serving motives that some pursue, and which need mechanisms to control and, if possible, divert to the general good. The market does this to some extend by giving rewards to those who provide goods and services that people value.

His other drawback might have been what F A Hayek called The Fatal Conceit, the supposition that one can think up a better world from scratch, using only the power of reason, rather than building upon and adapting what has been tried and tested over generations. After what we have witnessed, it seems a somewhat naïve belief.

Despite these obvious drawbacks, Wells served to inspire those who yearned for a better world, one whose imperfections were removed, and one from which men and women, now united in common cause, could go out to expand humanity's dominions into the unknown.

The closing lines from Things to Come, thrill us still. Passworthy asks, “Oh, god, is there ever to be any age of happiness? Is there never to be any rest?” And Cabal replies “Rest enough for the individual man—too much, and too soon—and we call it death. But for Man, no rest and no ending. He must go on, conquest beyond conquest. First this little planet with its winds and waves, and then all the laws of mind and matter that restrain him. Then the planets about him and at last out across immensity to the stars. And when he has conquered all the deeps of space and all the mysteries of time, still he will be beginning.”

It's quite an ambition.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The actual problem with the Green New Deal

Both here and in the US there’s this thing called the Green New Deal. A vast and transformative project to, well, actually, to move the world over to an entirely different economic structure. The claimed justification being the need to deal with climate change. Caroline Lucas is to launch the proposal for legislation. There’s a problem with it though:

It’s been more than 10 years in the making, and is the top demand of the youth strikers gathering on Friday for the UK’s largest ever climate protest – which is why Friday is also the first attempt in Britain to put legislation in place to make a Green New Deal a reality for our country. Working with the Labour MP Clive Lewis, I am launching the full version of a Green New Deal bill (formal title, the decarbonisation and economic strategy bill), which sets out a transformative programme driven by the principles of justice and equity. It aims to move our economy away from its harmful dependence on carbon, at the scale and speed demanded by the science, and to build a society that lives within its ecological limits while reversing social and economic inequality.

The problem being that selection of words, justice, equity, social, economic, inequality. None of which have anything to do with climate change of course.

Assume that we do have that technical problem of climate change, as the IPCC avers. The science of how to deal with it is well known. It’s a technical problem with a technical solution, the carbon tax. As we have droned boringly on about for at least the past decade.

There is nothing at all within this solution that requires the following:

and the eradication of inequality

Climate change is being used as an excuse to impose an extremely partial meaning of the words justice, equity, social, economic, inequality. A meaning which very large portions of the population don’t agree with - as evidenced by the fact that no plurality, let alone majority, has ever voted to impose the meanings being used here upon us all.

For that reason, if no other, the proposal must be rejected.

There are, of course, other reasons too. Like the manner in which all of the science of climate change - William Nordhaus, The Stern Review, the IPCC’s own reports and economic models - say that this isn’t even the correct way to deal with climate change itself. The carbon tax is.

We’re in a Rahm Emmanuel world here, never letting a crisis go to waste. The correct response to such manipulations being an Anglo Saxon wave and then going off to do the right thing instead.

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Charlie Paice Charlie Paice

A Third Way for Education

Our school system is far from perfect. 

At the moment reform is being dominated by the left. In the upcoming Labour party conference, a motion, backed by John McDonnell, has been tabled to make it Labour policy to abolish all private schools. This is a massive step up from the already radical proposals from the Labour party. At the same time the Conservative party, unironically, have nothing to do but argue for a continuation of the current system. There must be an alternative to both of these suboptimal realities, a ‘third way,’ if you like, and there is – school vouchers.

A purist school voucher system is where the state has no role in the production of education. There is no “state school” or “private school” distinction. All schools are operated by either charities or businesses. The government however gives a ‘voucher’ or an amount of money indexed in some way to fee inflation to guarantee an education. In this system the state still remains 100% committed to a promise to provide education but is no longer involved in the production of education.  

The current system has created a two opposing systems, with private schools (generally) far superior to state schools. You would think it is common sense to try and help those stuck in the inferior system to access the better system. Instead of two blocs always set against each other in public debates, school vouchers would remove "The Berlin Wall " between them (as the New Statesman puts it) and allow a more sustainable and desirable spectrum to emerge. It would create a system that more accurately reflects our modern society that is no longer divided upon binary lines. Indeed, the BBC states how in "countries where privately-managed schools receive higher proportions of public funding, there is less social segregation". A school voucher system could help bring more equality to our system. 

It is important to remember as well that abolishing private schools would still not bring about an equal schooling system. Currently grammar schools, postcode lotteries and disparity from one local authority to another simply masks inequality in a non-market system. Instead of parents having the option to pay more for a better education they are instead forced to play complex games to get their children into the best school. 

There are no complaints of the inequalities that exist within the independent school system. There would still be some who would not pay any more towards fees and thus remain in a school similar to that which they are currently in but most would probably pay more. Importantly, however, they will be able to pay a little for a little improvement rather than fork out the tens of thousands needed to just get into the independent sector.

Another advantage would be that with a national school voucher that is the same amount for everyone there would be an embedded market mechanism to benefit less affluent areas. In poorer areas of the country wages are lower and thus the voucher spending per pupil will go further for each pupil. Furthermore, school vouchers would bring increased efficiencies as both price and non-price competition result in parents and the state getting better value for money. 

As we can see there is a ‘third way’ so to speak between the sub-optimal scenarios of a divisive status quo and a sterile, restrictive socialist proposal. School vouchers can bring about a more diverse education system that reflects our modern society. Putting choice and competition at the heart of our education system will help to deliver the best education for our children. 

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

A panic started a depression

The panic of 1873 triggered a worldwide recession, starting in the US. On September 20th the New York Stock Exchange suspended trading for the first time, and closed for 10 days. The panic resulted from speculative over-investment in railroads that followed the end of the Civil War. In the five years from 1868 - 1873, some 33,000 miles of track was laid, some resulting from government land grants and subsidies, but mostly funded on borrowed money from the sale of bonds. Vast amount of capital went into railway projects that seemed to offer no immediate or early returns.

By November some 55 railroad companies had folded, and a further 60 went bankrupt within a year. Construction of new track dropped 80 percent, and within two years 18,000 businesses failed. Building stopped, real estate values fell, and profits vanished. In the US the depression was dubbed the “Great Depression” until the crash of 1929, after which it was renamed the “Long Depression.” It lasted until 1878/9.

Its ripples caused an economic depression that lasted longer in Europe. In Britain it began two decades of economic stagnation. Part of it was a consequence on the US Coinage Act of 1873 that had stopped redemption of currency in silver. Part of it was President Lincoln’s printing of paper money to finance the Civil War. But for the most part it was brought about by uninhibited enthusiasm for railroad expansion, the new craze.

A pattern seems to repeat itself in the history of finance. Tulips, the Darien Scheme, the South Sea Bubble, and more recently the dotcom bubble, all seem to involve enthusiastic over-investment followed by a crash and shakeout when panic grips the market and more sober calculation takes over.

Some paint this as a failure of capitalism, but it could be argued that this is part and parcel of how capitalism works. Investment in new ventures that can boost productivity and profit takes place all the time, but at times people are carried away by “animal spirits” and throw caution go the winds in their desire not to miss out on the new big thing. The panic and the collapse redistribute capital, that which is not simply lost, and more balanced judgement leads people to invest more cautiously. Panic and market collapse constitute the ‘error’ part of the trial and error that characterizes how the market progresses and how wealth is gained.

Some economists theorize that the business cycle is part of the process, and a valuable part at that, in that it clears out the deadwood and the marginal, and concentrates resources where they can add value. They suggest that when people such as Alan Greenspan and Gordon Brown try to smooth it, to abolish its downturns, they are doing the economy no favour, but are allowing anomalies to build up to make the ‘bust’ bigger and more damaging when it comes.

Certainly the post-Greenspan crash of 2008 outdid all the smaller downturns that had been previously smoothed added together. And when Gordon Brown, a year before the big Financial Crisis claimed to have abolished boom and bust, he turned out to have been only half right.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

George Monbiot falls for a spoof - and is wrong to boot

The advantage of a newspaper over whoever just publishing stuff on the internet is those teams of editors who have a look at stuff before the print button is pushed. Well, sometimes:

The most expensive yacht in the world, costing £3bn, is a preposterous slab of floating bling called History Supreme. It carries 100 tonnes of gold and platinum wrapped around almost every surface, even the anchor.

That’s actually a spoof press release from 2011 rather than an extant boat. Still, at least The Guardian manages to spell its own masthead correctly these days. Most days.

Sadly the credulity doesn’t stop there.

Immense wealth translates automatically into immense environmental impacts, regardless of the intentions of those who possess it. The very wealthy, almost as a matter of definition, are committing ecocide.

The contention is that a billionaire emits more than a non-billionaire. Which would seem to be true. But that’s not the end of it. Imagine that the $5 billion that wasn’t spent on the yacht were instead spread among 5,000 people - that concentration of great wealth were more evenly distributed. We think that 5,000 millionaires are going to emit less than the one billionaire? Or down some orders of magnitude again. $1,000 in wealth for 5 million people will produce fewer emissions than the toys of a billionaire?

There is also this:

Another issue is that wealth limits the perspectives of even the best-intentioned people. This week, Bill Gates argued in an interview with the Financial Times that divesting (ditching stocks) from fossil fuels is a waste of time. It would be better, he claimed, to pour money into disruptive new technologies with lower emissions. Of course we need new technologies. But he has missed the crucial point: in seeking to prevent climate breakdown, what counts is not what you do but what you stop doing. It doesn’t matter how many solar panels you install if you don’t simultaneously shut down coal and gas burners. Unless existing fossil fuel plants are retired before the end of their lives, and all exploration and development of new fossil fuel reserves is cancelled, there is little chance of preventing more than 1.5C of global heating.

For the sake of argument accept that emissions must be stopped and now. What’s the best manner of achieving this? Having the new technology that people preferentially switch to clearly.

Say, just as an example, that the Bill Gates backed mini-nuclear reactors all cost $1 and actually work. We’ve now near unlimited and near free energy. All those fossil fuel plants will close by lunchtime. It is precisely by the new technology outcompeting the old that we gain the switch away from whatever it was that we used to use and do.

Sadly, Monbiot doesn’t grasp these most basic facts. But then we’ve already that evidence of his credulity leading him into error, don’t we?

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

The Hong Kong transfer treaty

On September 19th, 1984, the UK and China agreed the English and Chinese texts of what came to be known as the Sino-British Joint Declaration. It set out the details of Hong Kong’s status when sovereignty was transferred on 1st July 1997. The Chinese had argued that Hong Kong should simply revert to being Chinese territory when the UK’s lease expired, since the historical treaties that underpinned that lease were acquired under duress. They ruled out any prospect of a continuation of British administration, but in discussions the idea emerged of Hong Kong being a Special Administration Region of the People’s Republic of China, a region with a high degree of self-government, and with the preservation of its lifestyle.

In particular, the document set out that Hong Kong should enjoy a high degree of autonomy, “except for foreign and defence affairs.”

“It shall be allowed to have executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. The Basic Law explains that in addition to Chinese, English may also be used in organs of government and that apart from the national flag and national emblem of the PRC the HKSAR may use a regional flag and emblem of its own. It shall maintain the capitalist economic and trade systems previously practised in Hong Kong.”

The UK’s Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, was criticized for reaching an agreement with a Communist government headed by its Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping, but the truth was that she had limited options. The UK government declared that "the alternative to acceptance of the present agreement is to have no agreement," which to modern ears sounds like “this flawed deal is better than no deal.”

The UK was in no position to resist militarily, and sought to obtain the best deal it could for its Hong Kong subjects. The Chinese, aware that the world was watching, was ready to agree a formula that might one day entice Taiwan to agree to a similar accommodation. Thus the idea of “one nation, two systems” took shape in the Joint Declaration.

Hong Kong, under the benign leadership of its Treasurer, Sir John Cowperthwaite, had gone from being a subsistence economy on a small land lacking resources into becoming a world-class economy with an enviable standard of living, greater than the UK itself enjoyed. It was living evidence that low tax, relatively unfettered, capitalism could generate wealth for a people on a scale previously undreamed of. Its economy was a vital part of China’s own economic progress when it abandoned socialism and allowed capitalism to flourish, so China had every reason to preserve Hong Kong’s economic success.

To strengthen the UK’s hand in the subsequent negotiations, the Adam Smith Institute published in 1989 “A Home for Enterprise,” calling for Hong Kong citizens to be offered the right to settle in the UK if they chose. We rather cheekily suggested that a Scottish island should be made available for them to repeat the success they had made years previously in Hong Kong. The aim was to let the Chinese know that the Hong Kong people had another option if they found Chinese conditions unacceptable

The heavy-handed Chinese attempt to allow extradition to mainland China for trial clearly rides roughshod over the treaty they agreed to, since “independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication” is part of a deal they signed. As the document sets out, "The whole makes up a formal international agreement, legally binding in all its parts. An international agreement of this kind is the highest form of commitment between two sovereign states."

The Hong Kong people naturally protested this flagrant violation of the international treaty, but once again, there is little any outsiders can do other than exert moral pressure. The ASI has renewed its call for British passport holders in Hong Kong to be given the full rights of British citizens, including the right to settle here. If this were to be done, the People’s Republic would denounce it as post-colonialist interference, but it might well make them tread more carefully.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Sirius Minerals and the imminent global shortage of potash

One of the usual claims from the wilder shores of the environmental movement is that the world is about to run out of potash. This would be a problem, if true, because that’s the way that we get water soluble potassium into the soil so that we can grow plants to feed us all. The alternative is to try organic farming, using manure, and also ploughing up all the land we currently leave nature to thrive in.

As we’ve discussed before the claim is nonsense in itself. Because the measurements are being used are those of “mineral reserves”, the definition of which is “here’s what we prepared earlier for us to use in the near future”. What mineral reserves aren’t is “here’s all that we can use”. The most obvious point about this being that our using up, in the near future, what we’ve prepared for us to use in the near future is not a great surprise nor even problem. We can just go and prepare some more for us to use in the next near future.

Which is, in fact, largely what the mining industry does. The digging the stuff out of the ground isn’t the point of it at all. The identifying and preparing the next bolus we’re to dig up is.

Which brings is to Sirius Minerals. This is an attempt to dig up the world’s largest deposit - identified and tested so far of course - of polyhalite. A source of that potassium to be used as with potash.

Thousands of retail investors risk losing their money in Sirius Minerals after it admitted its plan to build a fertiliser mine in Yorkshire was on the brink of collapse and the Government appeared to rule out a rescue.

The FTSE 250 company warned that it had been unable to sell a $500m (£400m) junk bond it needed to unlock $2.5bn in debt financing from JPMorgan, throwing the future of its ambitious scheme to mine under the North York Moors into doubt.

That it’s not possible - so far - to finance such a mine shows that there’s no imminent shortage of what the mine would produce, doesn’t it? Or at least that one of the two beliefs has to be wrong. It cannot be true both that we face an imminent shortage which will end our way of life and also that it’s not possible to finance a method of ending the shortage.

Given that around here we do actually know something about mining it’s the imminent shortage bit that is wrong.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

The Anti-Corn Law League fought for free trade

On September 18th, 1838, the most successful single issue pressure group of the 19th Century was established as a nation-wide organization dedicated to free trade. Specifically, it demanded repeal of the Corn Laws, introduced in 1815 to keep cereal prices high in Britain by taxing foreign imports of cereals.

The laws prohibited the import of foreign corn at less than 80s a quarter (28 lb), a limit replaced in 1828 by a sliding scale. The laws served the interests of the landed classes and aristocracy, who had dominated Parliament. They were opposed by the rising class of industrialists and merchants emerging from the Industrial Revolution, and who wanted cheap food for their industrial workers to stave off upward pressure on wages.

Richard Cobden was its leading strategist, with John Bright as its most eloquent orator. The League organized grass-roots opinion by distributing pamphlets, by correspondence (using the new Penny Post), by newspaper articles, public meetings and speeches. They built on the tactics used by the earlier anti-slavery lobbies. Crucially they based themselves in Manchester, surrounded by the textile trade, and had the financial support of many of the Northern industrialists.

They were well-funded, tightly organized, centrally planned but with numerous local branches, and above all with dedication to a strong central purpose. Thy were for free trade, above all in food. They elected MPs to influence Parliament with their arguments and oratory. Gradually, they built up a huge popular following and either won over or wore down the opposition. Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel is reported to have said at one stage, “You answer them, for I no longer can.”

The Corn Laws were repealed in 1846 when Peel converted to their cause, spurred by the catastrophe of the 1845 Irish famine that the potato blight triggered. The Parliamentary vote result was announced to the applause of Cobden and Bright. Today there are busts of the two of them in both the Reform Club and the National Liberal Club.

They had given free trade ideas a lively popular support within British political culture, a support that would last for half a century until the will-o’-the-wisp of Imperial Preference encroached upon its intellectual territory. There are signs that the movement towards free trade, so ably backed by Cobden and Bright, is gaining traction again, after decades of subservience to the EU’s protectionist Common External Tariff. Once out of the EU, the UK will be free to sign free trade deals that will prosper its citizens instead of French farmers and EU manufacturers. Indeed, it has already negotiated many such agreements, and is in the process of agreeing many more.

It’s a pity that Cobden and Bright look so stern in the busts of them on display. They should be smiling.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Why not, you know, just spend less money?

A report that tells us that farming globally is hugely subsidised. Also, that such money should be spent in another manner. We agree, it should be.

$1m a minute: the farming subsidies destroying the world - report

‘Perverse’ payments must be redirected to measures such as capturing carbon, report says

We do have a slight and small quibble with the insistence there though.

The public is providing more than $1m per minute in global farm subsidies, much of which is driving the climate crisis and destruction of wildlife, according to a new report.

Just 1% of the $700bn (£560bn) a year given to farmers is used to benefit the environment, the analysis found. Much of the total instead promotes high-emission cattle production, forest destruction and pollution from the overuse of fertiliser.

The security of humanity is at risk without reform to these subsidies,

Let us assume that this is all correct. Just so that we can examine what we should do if this is all correct.

Perhaps not what the full report demands.

For what is the actual claim here? That governments are taking 1 to 1.5% of GDP - that is, a percentage point and more of everything - and not just wasting it but actively making matters worse. So, the correct solution would be that government not take 1 to 1.5% of everything, no?

That is, instead of redirecting such subsidies, instead of using those obviously incompetent to be spending the money, why not just reduce the taxation and remove the incompetents from the equation altogether?

After all, consider the deeper claim here. There are some 192 governments out there, most of which have been intervening fiscally in agriculture for most or all of the past century and more. The claim is that absolutely none of them have got this right as yet. Probably enough experimentation with a system to show that process never is going to work.

Leave the money to grow and fructify in the pockets of the populace instead. For evidence that government can’t spend money usefully is hardly evidence that they should have another go, is it?

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