Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

When Spain became a democracy post-Franco

The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a cause célèbre for left-wingers in the West. Some, like Orwell, fought with the International Brigade for the Republican side, fighting against the Nationalist armies led by General Francisco Franco. After the Francoist victory in 1939, Franco ruled as a dictator until his death in 1975. He kept Spain neutral in World War II, despite expectations that he would join the fascist powers, Germany and Italy.

In 1969, Franco designated Prince Juan Carlos, the grandson of Spain's last king, as his chosen successor, skipping a generation. The plan was to restore Spain's status as a constitutional monarchy when Franco died. It was a delicate balancing act for six years as Juan Carlos prepared to succeed. The civil war was still fresh in many minds, with many on the Left thinking the King was too close to Franco, while Francoists had support within the army. A significant fact was that Spain's rising prosperity in the 1960s had seen the emergence of an educated urban class that was ready for change, but wanted it to be peaceful.

When Franco died in 1975, Juan Carlos set in motion procedures to restore democracy to Spain, and on December 27th, 1978, he signed the Act that brought the country's new constitution into effect, after it had been approved in a referendum, preparing the ground for elections. The transition was peaceful, with the Left holding back from the demands of its extremists, and the army keeping out of politics.

The King's popularity was enhanced when he was instrumental in foiling an attempted coup by dissident army officers in 1981. Spain had successfully made the transition from a dictatorship to a constitutional democracy, and had done so peaceably. A similar transition was achieved in Portugal and Greece, and later Chile. Three West European countries that were dictatorships in the 1970s became democratic members of the EU.

Spain has faced friction with its ethnic regions, first the Basque country, and then Catalonia, but the likelihood is that any solutions that resolve these frictions will probably be peaceable, settled by compromise and agreement, rather than by military force. Spain is almost evenly divided between left and right, with a series of elections seemingly unable to entrust either side with the authority to enact major changes, but still having them compete at the ballot box instead of on the battlefield as their predecessors did.

It is one of the virtues of constitutional monarchy that it is flexible, able to adapt to changing circumstances and values. Unlike most dictatorships, it incorporates a procedure for peaceful succession. The UK's Queen Elizabeth has overseen a succession of prime ministers, and the transition of her country from head of a post-imperial commonwealth, to membership of the European Union, and now to its coming status as an independent power playing on a global stage, and trading internationally on such terms as it chooses to negotiate.

Queen Victoria is said to have remarked of Spain and Portugal, "I do think constitutions are so unsuitable for these Southern countries." Whether or not this was true then, it is not true now. Constitutions enable disputes to be settled peacefully, and this lay the groundwork for progress.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The horrendous risks of gambling

We are told that gambling poses some massive risk to the health of the nation:

Gambling-related admissions to hospital have reached more than one a day, as the health service grapples with betting addiction across Britain.

There were 379 such admissions to hospital in 2018/19, up 28% on 2015/16, according to NHS Digital figures that include those diagnosed as having a “pathological” gambling addiction.

Heavens to Betsy that’s appalling, Quick, ban it. Regulate! Something at least.

The something being take a deep breath and think.

The Gambling Commission tells us that some 50% or so - we’re using rough numbers here - of the population gamble in any one month. One admission a day means a one in a million chance of problems leading to NHS admission from gambling.

This is not the same as a micromort because we’re talking about NHS admission here, not actual death - and whatever the more lurid tales of the NHS, no, admission does not equate to death.

How much of a risk is a micromort? Walking 17 miles or cycling 10 - both risks by accident. Government also tells us that we all really must, just must, walk and cycle more.

That is, one micromort is not some killer argument that an activity must be banned, controlled or otherwise regulated out of existence. It can’t be if it is positively insisted that we must go out and take such risks.

So our action to prevent that one hospital admission per day from the effects of gambling is - nothing. Despite the manner in which this is being breathlessly flagged up as some horrendous risk to the life and soul of the nation.

Actually, there’s a greater than one in a million chance that someone will die after getting out of bed this morning - we all do live fewer than one million days after all. We do not thereby regulate getting out of bed, nor ban it.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

The end of the Soviet Union

December 26th, 1991, was a bright day for mankind. It was on that day, 28 years ago, that the Supreme Soviet officially dissolved the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War. The Soviets had always taken the view that Communism would succeed across the world because of historically inevitability, as outlined by Karl Marx. However, they were quite ready to help history along with as much armed force and brutality as it might take.

It reached the ultimate in armed force with the Brezhnev Doctrine, which declared that any country attempting to move away from Marxism-Leninism would be invaded by Soviet forces to override the will of its peoples. The Soviets did indeed suppress popular uprisings in Poland, East Germany, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The problem for the Soviet Union was that Socialism doesn't work, and the peoples of the Soviet satellite states resented their lack of freedom and prosperity compared with the countries of the capitalist West.

The Cold War never resulted in direct armed conflict between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, though there were several 'proxy' wars in the world in which the two sides backed different sides in various conflicts. There were moments of drama in which tanks faced each other yards away at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, or in the Cuban Missile Crisis, when Khrushchev tried to station nuclear missiles in Cuba, minutes away from US soil.

Many commentators seemed to think the Cold War might continue indefinitely. Left-wing academics looked for the ultimate victory of communism, as Khrushchev declared, "History is on our side. We will bury you." Many academics assumed that the outcome would be some kind of draw, with a system emerging that would combine elements of both capitalism and communism. Almost none supposed a total defeat of communism, but it happened.

President Reagan racked up the pressure on the Soviets by a major push to modernize military technology. This came at a time when the Soviet economy was falling further behind, and they found themselves unable to compete. Gorbachev declined to use Soviet troops to bolster up unpopular communist allies in Central and Eastern Europe, and the result was a 1989 wave of popular and usually bloodless revolutions that overthrew the communist regimes.

Even in Russia the Communist Party lost control, and when hardline communists attempted a coup against Gorbachev in August 1991, and saw it thwarted by Boris Yeltsin, the game was up. The 'Commonwealth of Independent States' was created on December 21st, 1991, and the Soviet Union dissolved itself on December 26th.

U.S. President George H. Bush expressed his feelings: "The biggest thing that has happened in the world in my life, in our lives, is this: By the grace of God, America won the Cold War." Indeed it did, and the shadow of nuclear Armageddon receded, as did the threat of a worldwide communist tyranny. Those who affect to support socialism in modern times should look long and hard at what it did, and what it would have done had not free men and women stood their ground against it.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Incentives matter

The first and most basic lesson of economics is that incentives matter. As shown here:

Across race, teen childbearing leads to negative consequences for white teens but no significant negative effects for black or Hispanic and Latino teens.

That this does matter is shown here:

In 2017, the birth rate for Hispanic teens (29 per 1,000) was slightly higher than the rate for non-Hispanic black teens (28 per 1,000), and more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic white teens (13 per 1,000). Rates for other races are reported in the text.

People do more of less costly things, less of more costly. Incentives matter.

This is about something as basic as giving birth - in a world of contraception both pre- and post- actual conception. Leading to the idea that perhaps we should not try to have socioeconomic systems where there are no incentives, or they are ignored.

For prices are indeed prices, people really do react to them.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Understanding Newton's universe

Galileo died in Italy on January, 1642, and on December 25th of that same year, Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, England. He became one of the most influential and distinguished scientists of all time. Remembered for physics, mathematics and astronomy, he also worked on alchemy and theology. He was a bridge between the mediaeval and modern worlds.

Newton's main contribution was to show that the workings of the world could be understood in terms of rational laws, and the same laws that explained the behaviour of objects on Earth also regulated the most distant part of the heavens. Where people had separated existence into two domains, the Earth and the Heavens, Newton showed that they were one.

He wondered why apples separated from trees always moved in the same direction, towards the ground, and postulated that a force might be acting on them. He wondered if that force might apply to all bodies, not only those we see on Earth, but also including the distant ones we see in the heavens. Encouraged by the Astronomer Royal, Sir Edmund Halley, he published his famous "Principia," laying the groundwork of classical mechanics.

Having devised the theory of gravity, he used it to prove mathematically Kepler's empirical laws of planetary motion. He also explained tidal motions, the trajectories of comets and the precession of the equinoxes. The idea that humankind could gain knowledge of a rational and ordered universe laid the basis for the intellectual Enlightenment which followed.

Newton showed that natural laws governed the behaviour of light, using a prism to split white light into it coloured components.  Realizing that telescope lenses would always have colour distortion, Newton invented the reflecting telescope that bears his name, grinding the mirror and the eyepieces himself.

He used his mathematical 'fluxions' - differential and integral calculus (invented independently by Leibniz) to mathematicize other physical sciences, and he set out the systematic basis for a scientific method based on observation and experiment.

He was a fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, then a professor there, requiring Royal dispensation to do so without taking Holy Orders. He served two terms as MP for the University, and was knighted by Queen Anne in 1705. He was Master of the Royal Mint, and President of the Royal Society.

Although Einstein's relativity has made Newtonian mechanics into a special case, his laws still dominate the explanations of most of what we observe. Newton encouraged us and enabled us to be bold. Today when we seek explanations of observed phenomena, it is because Newton taught us that we could do so, and also taught us how to do so. The test is not theory, something dreamed up in the mind. The test is observation, and if the observation does not bear out the theory, we change it or discard it. The universe is no longer a mystery to be gazed at in uncomprehending awe. It is something we can grasp and can understand, and something that we can predict. Newton's ideas still live.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Handbags and gladrags

Scientists appear to be able to explain that dancing around handbags and also Saturday Night Fever:

Cha-cha-chimp? Ape study suggests urge to dance is prehuman

Chimpanzees seen clapping, tapping and swaying along to piano rhythms in a music booth

There are certain predelictions among humans that predate there being any humans at all. Much of the modern world being explained by this part of the findings:

Males tended to dance and hoot a lot more than the females. One 39-year-old male, Akira, spent half his time dancing when the piano was playing. Another male, Ayumu, came second in the dance-off, spending about a third of his time jigging about in one way or another. Next was Gon who spent about 10% of his time moving to the sounds.

The females, meanwhile, seemed far less enthusiastic. All danced for less than 10% of the time the music was played. One female, Chloe, had only one move – the “hanging sway”, as the scientists called it – but she apparently preferred not to bother at all.

So, that’s both John Travolta and the collective amble around the pocketbooks observed on dance floors all over the country explained.

This is, however, more important than just an explanation for why we’ve vast barns all over the country in which people can go and indulge in this primordial behaviour. For it is indeed showing that such primordial behaviour does persist. It therefore probably being a good idea to order society in accordance with those base and basic urges, not try to build something for a species that isn’t going to turn up.

Which brings us, of course, to market exchange and that point of Smith’s about the innate urge to truck and barter - this being something that we have also seen in chimpanzees. A non-market society, one which tries to outlaw something so natural, isn’t going to work very well, is it?

At which point a Merry Christmas. For gift giving is voluntary exchange, isn’t it…..

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Apollo 8 in lunar orbit

NASA made its bravest move in December 1968. On the very first manned flight of the Saturn V rocket, NASA sent it to the moon. Previous orbital flights had been in low Earth orbit, "like a fly walking on the surface of an apple." Now Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders became the first humans to leave Earth orbit and fly to the Moon. On December 24th, 1968, they entered lunar orbit and became the first humans to orbit another world.

They were also the first humans to see the whole Earth from space, like a blue and white marble, while viewers back on Earth thrilled to the spectacle of their home planet as a small globe in the blackness of space.

The mission was dangerous. They had no lunar module with them, and were totally dependent on the engine of the service module re-starting when required to. They had to burn that engine behind the moon, out of contact with Earth, and it had to burn for 4 minutes and 7 seconds. Too short a burn might have flung them out into space with no hope of return, and too short a burn might have sent them crashing into the moon. The crew said it was the longest four minutes of their lives.

They emerged at exactly the predicted moment, however, in an orbit between 193.3 and 69.5 miles from the lunar surface. Everything they had experienced thus far had been predicted, but something unexpected happened in lunar orbit. They saw the first "Earthrise" as the Earth rose above the lunar horizon, the only coloured object to be seen. This is not generally seen from the lunar surface because the Earth is always in view, but it can be witnessed from lunar orbit.

They made 10 orbits of the moon, and made the famous Christmas Eve live broadcast to Earth with a reading from the Book of Genesis. It was then the most watched TV broadcast ever, seen by an estimated quarter of the world's population either live or delayed. Borman signed off by saying, "And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you—all of you on the good Earth."

1968 had been a bad year. The Vietnam war was still raging and saw the Tet offensive. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were both assassinated. There were race riots in the US, student riots in Paris, and a riot that marred the Democrat Convention in Chicago. Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops and tanks invaded Czechoslovakia to crush its bid for freedom.

At the close of the year the flight of Apollo 8 lifted morale. On its return, Frank Borman received a telegram from a stranger that simply said, "Thank you Apollo 8. You saved 1968."

The most apt comment was perhaps the observation that the most interesting thing that humans saw when they ventured out into space was their own planet, the one they had left. They saw how fragile it looked, how beautiful, and how tiny it was, lost in the vastness of space. It gave humanity a sense of perspective that has stayed with many of us to this day. Everything that has happened since the first life-forms crawled out of the primaeval sea happened on that tiny blue and white marble spinning in the emptiness of the universe around it.

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Sam Bowman Sam Bowman

The Bank of England on house prices: why it's still the supply side, stupid

Are houses expensive in the UK because of inelastic supply, or because of lower interest rates? The answer, according to a new paper from the Bank of England, is both. In this paper’s model, constrained supply and falling real interest rates act like two blades of a scissors. Over the past forty years they have together led to house prices having roughly doubled compared to incomes, while rents have remained at roughly the same share (around 40% of people’s incomes).

The model is similar to the one outlined by Ben Southwood here. To restate what he says, the rental cost of a house (ie, how much it costs to live there for one year) is determined by simple supply and demand. The cost of buying a house is determined by how much people expect it to cost to rent the house for the lifetime of the house – effectively, you’re paying up front for the total lifetime use of the house.

But you could always rent today and invest that money in something else, rather than the house. So what you’re willing to pay today for the total lifetime rental value of the house, and what the current homeowner is willing to accept, depends on the opportunity cost of the money you’d be spending. The “opportunity cost of investment” is what we generally refer to as the “real interest rate” – the average risk-free investment you can make. Lower real interest rates mean the opportunity cost of investing in a house is lower, so people are willing to spend more on doing so.

And as the Bank of England paper shows, this is exactly what has happened in the UK since 1980: as the real interest rate has fallen, the price of houses has risen. And they demonstrate that this has been enough to account for all of the rise in house prices over this period – not immigration, not quantitative easing, and not a change in the restrictiveness of our planning laws.

But this rests on a crucial fact about our housing market: that supply is inelastic, or in other words that higher demand does not lead to higher supply as in the markets for most other things. If everyone decided that blueberries were a superfood and we all needed to eat half a pound of them a day, would we expect the long-term price of blueberries to rise? Not really – we’d expect more farmers to produce blueberries, and barring some kind of barrier to production we couldn’t overcome, for the long-term price of blueberries to remain roughly the same.


As the paper shows, while most G7 countries have experienced quite a lot of house price growth since 1980, the UK has had by far the most – Germany, Japan and Italy have had almost no inflation-adjusted increase in house prices, and the USA has experienced less than a doubling of prices over that time.

Since real interest rates have been similar across these countries over this period, real interest rates alone cannot explain the UK’s extremely high house price growth. Applying the sorts of supply and income elasticities that are present in Japan or Denmark (still considerably less elastic than the US) to the UK experience gives a much smaller real house price growth: 88%, instead of 173% that their model implies. Even when we only look at the national picture and do not focus in on the places like London where demand and costs are highest, something is badly wrong.


There is a second point that the authors mention: the constancy of rents as a percentage of income over time (adjusted for quality improvements, imperfectly). This is taken by some to mean that there is no problem in the rental market – and, hence, that the fundamental factors of supply and demand are working healthily in the housing market.

But think about what this actually means: every time someone gets a pay rise, a large fraction of that pay rise immediately is gobbled up by their rent. If everything I spent money on acted this way, pay rises would be meaningless – I would be no better off at all.

The paper’s authors find that around 40% of people’s incomes go on rent. That means that forty percent of whatever pay rises people have gotten for decades has gone to landowners rather than to them. In a market where supply was more elastic, we would not expect this to be the case. It isn’t the case in the markets for clothes or cars, or even for durable goods like ships or airplanes. 

The proportion of renters has increased significantly over time as well, by from 13% to 20% in private rented accommodation in the ten years to 2017. And the age that people stop renting is rising too, so more and more people in their forties are still renting when previously they would have bought a house. So 40% of disposable income and pay rises going on rent is a much bigger problem now than it was thirty or forty years ago – a graph showing rents remaining constant as a share of income can obscure a huge change in the number and composition of people who are renting.


And this doesn’t apply to homeowners - the value of their asset rises when average wages rise. It’s only renters who see their future costs rise like this when incomes rise.

I regard this paper as an important, high quality contribution to the debate, and strong evidence that the supply side in Britain’s housing market is extremely broken. Moreover, it is the side of the equation we can do something to fix – real interest rates are driven by fundamental economic factors that governments can only indirectly affect, and with great difficulty, whereas the elasticity of housing supply is something that the government currently constrains directly via the planning system. And solving that may be less politically difficult than it seems.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

A small observation about the Efficient Markets Hypothesis

We’re always amused by the manner in which all too many people don’t think through the implications of their own beliefs and contentions. In this specific case we’re talking about the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. Which comes in three flavours weak, semi-strong and strong. Which, roughly enough and in sequence, imply that all generally known information is in prices, all public information is in prices and all things known by anyone at all are in prices.

It tends to be that the more right-ish economically that you are the further along that spectrum your beliefs. Near every economist will run with the weak version, not all that many with the strong.

We also have the idea that there can be too much finance in an economy. That some to a lot of it is mere paper shuffling which produces no value. This belief is stronger the further left-ish your economic views, generally at least.

Which is, to us, interesting. Because the less market prices reflect knowledge then the more we require a finance industry to process data into information, no? That being what those financial markets do, give us a price based upon the trades that people make given their knowledge base. That is, if we believe the strong version of the EMH then we only need a small finance industry because not much processing of that information is necessary because it’s all already reflected in prices. Equally, if you hold with the weak version then a large finance industry should be necessary.

Yet - in general of course - the views are aligned entirely opposite. Those who believe the weak want a smaller finance industry, those the strong are just fine with what we’ve got.

Sure, we’ve our own thoughts on this - the strong holds because we have a large finance industry which rather aligns us with Robert Shiller on the point - but we do still think it’s interesting that the general positions don’t quite match up at either end of the respective arguments.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Richard Arkwright, industrial pioneer

Richard Arkwright, described as the "father of the modern industrial factory system," was born on December 23rd, 1732. Without formal schooling, he was taught to read and write by his cousin, then apprenticed to a barber. He was inventive from the beginning, creasing a new waterproof dye for the then-fashionable wigs.

He created a spinning frame to mechanize the thread-making by using wood and metal cylinders to replace people's fingers. It was initially powered by horses, and with a partner, Arkwright started up a horse-drawn factory at Nottingham. He took on investors from the stocking industry to set up the world's first water-powered textile mill at Cromford, employing 200 people to perform both carding and spinning. His new carding machine made thin, strong cotton thread to feed what were now called Arkwright's water frames.

His insight was to realize that mass-produced yarn could be made by applying external power, initially water, to semi-skilled labour operating machines. He was very much an entrepreneur as well an inventor, setting up  a series of water mills across the Easy Midlands. He built cottages near his Cromford mill to accommodate the weavers and their families he attracted, employing whole families, including children, in his factories.

He also pioneered the use of steam power, using a steam engine at Wirksworth to refill the mill pond used to drive the water wheel that powered his machines. He employed thousands of people, and helped shape the early industrialized North of England, as well as helping to set up mills at Lanarkshire in Scotland. He was not popular. His attempt to secure a "grand patent" on his processes was rejected after dragging on for years, and one of his mills was destroyed in the anti-machinery riots of 1779. He was knighted for his work, however, and left a huge fortune of half a million pounds when he died.

Like the other pioneers of England's Industrial Revolution, he was breaking new ground. He changed the face of England, and then the world. Previous generations had looked forward to doing what their parents had done, but now, because of men like Arkwright, each generation would have to live in a world completely different from that of its predecessors.

His innovations caused upset as his machines made traditional crafts obsolete. His factories broke the closed shop of guilds and apprenticeships that had enabled craftsmen to fix prices. His methods produced cheap and affordable yarns that brought to ordinary people what had previously been affordable only to the well-to-do.

The system that he pioneered created wealth on an undreamed of scale, and lifted first England, then the world, out of the subsistence and starvation of a rural economy, and onto the upward path to create the resources that would later pay for sanitation and medicine, and then for education.

There are scholarships in his name that fund hundred of students to achieve the qualifications for university entrance and apprenticeships, especially in engineering. But his real memorial is the modern world itself, the world he entered as a pioneer and an innovator, and helped to shape.

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