Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

We're missing cost benefit analysis in our COVID19 discussion

Cost-benefit analysis is a useful tool for working out what things to do. Most activities have costs, even if it’s only the time it takes to do them. We could have used that time to do something else. We ask if the gain we achieve is worth the time spent doing it. Some activities have risks, and we ask if the benefit derived from the activity justifies the level of risk involved in doing it.

Some surprisingly mundane activities have measurable risk of serious injury or death, including going upstairs, taking a bath, or crossing a road. Some activities have more obviously higher risks to be weighed against the benefits. Mountaineers know that people are killed every year climbing mountains, but do it anyway for the thrill of performing a difficult and dangerous task, and the exhilaration of a successful achievement. 

Cost-benefit analysis only works if both sides of the equation are considered, the gains as well as the possible downside. One problem today is that people have become so accustomed to a safety-first culture that they look only at the risk and ignore the benefits. Yes, some children might sustain injuries playing conkers, but they derive pleasure from playing it, a pleasure denied them when over-cautious schools ban the activity. 

Traditional village sports, such as annual cheese-rolling, are now routinely banned by health and safety officers looking only at the possible sprains and fractures that might come from rough and tumble activities, and ignoring the pleasure derived from participating in traditional community activities. Most people can’t live in cotton wool, and don’t want to. They want to make their own decisions about the balance between risks and benefits.

The precautionary principle represents this culture taken to extremes, with benefits ignored because of possible unknown and unquantifiable risks. Genetically modified foods have been widely consumed in the US for many years without ill-effects. But the safety-first brigade tell us there might be risks involved. Indeed there might be, as there might with more conventional cross-breeding, but the gains of abundant and cheaper foods, and of efficient land usage, seem to far outweigh that unknown and seemingly minute risk on the other side.  Even so, the EU culture is hostile to such innovation, as it seems to be to most innovation — seeing only dangers, instead of opportunities.

Cost-benefit analysis has been notably absent in handling the corona pandemic. The economy has been virtually shut down to minimize risk, without regard for the benefits that a functioning economy provides. People have been confined to their homes to minimize possible infection, without consideration of the benefits that derive from social interaction, in terms of mental health and happiness. 

The authorities do not seem to have considered trying to achieve a better balance between risk and reward, taking an increased, but acceptable, degree of risk in return for keeping the benefits of a still-functioning economy and social interaction tempered by cautious behaviour. It will be instructive to see the results of Sweden’s attempt to achieve such a balance. 

There is no right degree of risk and reward. These are matters of judgement. But both should be taken into account and weighed against each other. That’s what cost-benefit analysis is all about.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The Joy of Planning

As a result of the coronavirus we’re all - where possible at least - working from home. As we all return to our full employment the bet is that we’ll all be working from home more than we used to and perhaps less than we are now. Well, OK, facts have changed and so minds are.

Britain builds the smallest new housing in Europe. Some 80 square metres is the average of a new dwelling. We’re told that there is a thriving industry in three quarters sized furniture specifically designed and sold to be installed in show homes - to make them appear less of the chicken coops they are.

Some 3% of our green and pleasant land is covered with housing. As we’ve noted here before more of Surrey is underneath golf courses than is under that housing that isn’t allowed to be built there. For the planners have decreed that Britons must be herded into that smallest housing in Europe in order to preserve the Green Belt. Or perhaps be punished for the temerity of whatever sins it is we’re all guilty of.

We are now all to work more from those homes that cats cannot be swung in.

So, clearly, those regulations on housing density - the small size is indeed as a result of government’s insistence on how many dwellings must, must, be put in a hectare of land that gains planning permission - are going to be changed, aren’t they?

Which is where we get to a major problem with planning overall. Because of course those housing density rules aren’t going to be changed. Facts may have, minds in one sense have, but the rules and regulations that plan us ain’t. That is, the one thing that planning doesn’t do is actually plan.

Britons are going to be working from home more often. Planning law is not going to change to increase the size of housing. What a lovely example of how planning doesn’t, you know, plan?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Economists use models to make astrologers look good

So goes the not entirely unfair joke, that an economic model is less accurate than pondering the influence of Saturn on which horse is going to win the 3.30 at Wincanton. And yet, if this is true, economic models are beginning to look pretty good:

Why has Sweden done so much better than many predicted? Because others failed to see that society could respond voluntarily to the pandemic. For example, the influential Imperial College model estimates a higher reproduction rate of the disease in Sweden than in other countries, “not because the mortality trends are significantly different from any other country, but as an artefact of our model…because no full lockdown has been ordered.”

In other words, the model could only handle two scenarios: an enforced national lockdown or zero change in behavior. It had no way of computing Swedes who decided to socially distance voluntarily. But we did.

For near the entirety of an economic model is trying to puzzle through how people will respond to changed incentives. Exactly the thing that - so it is claimed - the Imperial epidemiological model did not even try to consider. The assumption there being that there are only two sets of behaviour, that without any incentive to change habits at all, that is no presence of an infectious disease, or only those changes enforced by the power of the state.

This, clearly and obviously, not being how we humans do respond to a change in the incentives around us. Thus the model isn’t, in the slightest, representative of the alternative outcomes possible. The alternatives that are, if we are to restrict ourselves to dealing with only two, being “What would everyone do knowing about the problem but without being forced?” and “What would everyone do if forced?”

The answers being that some to many would change their behaviour with the information and without the force and some - an increasing number over time - would not change said behaviour even with the insistence of that state force. The merits of a forced lockdown are therefore very much less than is being assumed - simply because the model being used is worse than any economic one would ever be.

We are of the opinion that the damage done is vastly worse than the benefit gained so we’re not unbiased here. But it does still come as a surprise to find that the powers over us weren’t even considering the correct question. Which is, to repeat, what is the effect of a forced lockdown given that humans are humans? Instead of the question actually asked, what is the effect compared to no change in behaviour in the presence of a pandemic?

Given that, you know, we’re trying to figure out what humans will do it does seem odd to have left humans out of the question.

But then Hayek wasn’t right enough, was he? The centre can never have the information necessary to make decisions. Then we find out that they’re not even asking the right questions? The validity of government planning is what again?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Would you kill your granny for a haircut?

As economists just will keep on insisting revealed preferences beat expressed every time. As a source of information about what people truly desire that is.

Backstreet barbers are operating despite social distancing rules, causing the hairdressing industry body to issue a warning.

Hairdressers have been advised that they can show customers how to cut their hair via phone calls and social media, but cannot make home visits.

Hairdressers across the UK are taking calls and allowing clients to book home visits, to fix their lockdown hair. To do this would be flouting the coronavirus social distancing guidelines.

Hilary Hall, from the National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF), said hairdressers and barbers had been "besieged" with calls from clients wanting home visits.

No one would ever say that a haircut is more important than the health of the nation’s grannies. But some goodly number of people will act so. Something which is just another example of that problem planners face - how to find out what it is that the populace actually desires to be planned.

We’ve also agreed, along the way, with that gentleman in Sweden. Who keeps saying that yes, lockdowns are an important part of the fight but they must be reserved for the right moment. For they’ll only be effective as long as the majority obey them and the majority won’t for any great length of time. That’s just people for you.

So we’ve been - mildly, you understand - wondering what it is that will be that sign of the closure of society fracturing. We did think of haircuts but rejected it as being unlikely - see, planning is a difficult thing.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

This is entirely logical

Traditionally we here in Britain have not had a wildly intrusive government. It’s one of the things which keeps alive that flame in some that a wildly intrusive government might be useful or effective - a lack of lived experience of what actually happens with one.

Downing Street’s scientific advisers feared people might intentionally seek to contract coronavirus and that a black market in fake test results could emerge if employers allowed workers to return only when they had a positive antibody test.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, known as Sage, was warned last month by its behavioural psychology subgroup that the widespread introduction of antibody tests could lead to a range of potentially dangerous and even criminal “negative behavioural responses” if not handled well.

How it is handled is less important than they might think. For we will absolutely, without any doubt at all, guarantee that if a chitty is necessary to earn a living then there will be a black market in the tests that lead to issuance of that permission. Plus a black market in those working without one, forgery of the pieces of paper themselves and so on. Along with all the associated corruption of the body politic that accompanies such systems.

We say this not because we are particularly gloomy about human nature, nor even because we want to laud some natural instinct to be free of pettifogging regulation. The insistence comes from simple observation of what people do in the face of such incentives. Among us we’ve experience of living in a number of different countries under different legal systems. Britain is, in daily life, remarkably uncorrupt and law abiding by the standards of the world around us. Largely because we’ve so rarely had a system in which it pays to be corrupt.

In any system where “Your papers please” is an important interaction in life then there will be a black market in those papers. This is not a prediction it is a fact.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Nothing is ever as permanent as a temporary government scheme — this must not be true after COVID19

When the Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889, it was expected to last for 20 years. So far, it has lasted for 131 years and counting. The London Eye, opened in the year 2000, had planning permission for 5 years, and it’s still there. Temporary things sometimes last. 

Where in this world can you find something that does that, something that endures through the changing times and the swings of fortune? Look no further than a temporary government programme. Although established to deal with short-term emergencies, they develop a life of their own, one that struggles to survive into perpetuity.

Nowhere is this more true than of temporary taxes. These are often levied by government to provide the funds for a short-term emergency, but they provide such a useful source of revenue that subsequent governments are reluctant to forgo them, long after the emergency is over.

Income Tax was introduced in 1799 by Prime Minister William Pitt as a temporary measure to fund the war against Napoleon. It still survives 221 years later, and although it was introduced at only 6d in the pound, or two-and-a-half percent, it now features a top UK rate of 45 percent. 

Bismarck introduced a tax on champagne to fund the construction of Germany’s Grand Sea Fleet. The remains of that fleet now decay on the ocean’s floor, but Germany still taxes champagne. It is a good working rule of thumb that taxes brought in for a specific purpose will eventually be used to fund the general expenses of government.

The same is true of other temporary programmes. The bureaucrats who staff the new agencies find subtle ways to sustain them when their original use is gone. They redefine the problem to make it endure. When poverty is largely solved, they redefine it as a percentage of median income, to make it true that “the poor ye shall always have with you,” along with the agencies and staff that deal with it.

Sometimes they extend the scope of their agency, to give it other matters to attend to, ones that will necessitate keeping its personnel in their jobs. Sometimes they change its purpose entirely, ostensibly to confront the problems of changing times, but in reality, to keep themselves in gainful employment. This is probably why Milton Friedman observed that there is nothing so permanent as a temporary government programme. 

All of this is pertinent to what will happen after the pandemic crisis is over. Those in government and its bureaucracy will press for ways to keep in being the new bodies set up to handle it, and to retain the powers acquired to mitigate it. The agencies and the powers must be retained, they will say, to be ready to deal with similar emergencies in the future. 

No. Those who favour freedom should ensure that both the agencies and the new powers are done away with when the emergency is gone. If they are needed in future, they can be enacted in future, just as they were this time. They should not be retained in the interim at great cost to taxpayers and to their personal liberties. Temporary must not become permanent. 

In ancient Rome, the slave in the chariot was there to remind the triumphal general beside him that all glory is fleeting. The same is not true, alas, of temporary government programmes and powers.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

As we've been saying all these years

Our insistence has long been that the best way to reduce poverty is to buy things made by poor people in poor countries. Many have told us we’re wrong, this is just economic colonialism, the expansion of global capitalism into a new imperialist phase, exploitation and, well, any other word salad that can be thrown together for a Guardian column.

Now we’re told that the absence of our purchases is causing problems:

According to UN estimates, half a billion people, or 8% of the world’s population, could be pushed into destitution by the year’s end, largely due to the pandemic. The fight against poverty would be set back 30 years.

The crisis could produce famines of “biblical proportions”, with the number of people facing hunger almost doubling to more than 250 million, the World Food Programme (WFP) said. Shortfalls in donor funding and food aid meant 30 million people could die within a matter of months, it added.

Vanishing demand, collapsed distribution chains, and disrupted export markets are pushing people to the brink, affecting groups as diverse as Ethiopian and Kenyan flower producers, Sri Lankan tea-growers, and Bangladeshi garment workers whose contracts have reportedly been cancelled by UK supermarkets.

We should do that rare thing, take a Guardian column seriously. The absence of those purchases is causing poverty. It must therefore be true that the purchases, when they were happening, reduced poverty.

We were right all those years, the way to reduce poverty is to buy things made by poor people in poor countries. This also gives us our policy template for the future. Abolish all restrictions - tariffs, quotas, simply declare unilateral free trade - on purchasing from said poor. In that manner we will maximise our own ability to purchase things made by poor people in poor countries and thus reduce poverty.

We do want to reduce poverty, don’t we? Therefore we must have free trade.

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Eamonn Butler Eamonn Butler

Diverse systems work better than centralised ones

Back in 1948, Lou Weitzman, a young reporter in Arizona, witnessed a house fire. It was in a rural area, which had no fire department to help. So he bought a fire engine and went door to door asking people to subscribe to a new fire service. His company, Rural Metro, is still fighting fires today.

Indeed, Weitzeman provided a better and cheaper service than the city did. While city firefighters mostly sat in the fire station playing cards, he used people with regular jobs, who could be called out instantly to assist. And instead of having a few large trucks located in the busy centre of town, he used lots of smaller, nimbler ones, that could be parked around the whole area and provide that vital first response much quicker.

One lesson for pandemic planning is that, it’s pointless to preserve huge capacity for rare events. Just make sure that you can pull down that capacity when they happen. By having a volunteer service of former healthcare workers, for example. Or agreements with companies that in emergencies they will switch their production to whatever equipment is required.

The second lesson is that diverse systems work better than centralised ones. Germany, with a much more localised healthcare system, managed the crisis better than we have.

Testing, too, only took off when Public Health England stood out of the way and private labs stepped in.

So that’s the third lesson: don’t let bureaucratic control stand in the way of people who can help.


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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

A fundamental misunderstanding about how politics interacts with money

Over in the US - and undoubtedly soon to be repeated here - a call for the trillions being splashed around by government to be used to fundamentally reshape the economy not just to dig said economy out of its current hole:

In this role, the NIA will act directly inside financial markets as a lender, guarantor, venture capitalist, and investment manager. It will combine modern financial engineering with the federal government’s unique scale advantages to boost supply of urgently needed public goods and services: clean energy, high-speed rail and broadband networks, affordable housing, tech startup incubators, and so on. This will create well-paying jobs, increase productivity, reduce inequality, and strengthen communities across America. Importantly, it will do so in partnership with private institutional investors—pension funds, insurance companies, university endowments, etc.—to whom it will offer an attractive opportunity to invest in “safe” assets with higher yields. In this model of public-private partnership, the public leads and private capital follows.

To prevent this partnership from being abused and corrupted by political incumbents and powerful private interests, it will be critical to subject the NIA to multiple layers of public oversight and accountability. Its organizational structure will need to guarantee sufficient insulation from political meddling…

The thought that such political control of investment might be useful strikes us as markedly naive. We are sure that idea died in 1989. But it’s that last insistence that betrays a fundamental misunderstanding. More political oversight does not reduce such abuse and corruption, it provides multiple levels for such influence to be brought to bear. It’s only if one can tell the entire political system to shut up and go away that political incumbents will not - not cannot but will not - divert such funding to their own interests.

Of course, we cannot have the allocation of billions or trillions of the public money without the political process being involved. Therefore we cannot have such allocation of the billions or trillions of public money into investments.

By the way, this isn’t because all in politics are greedy scumbags bent on lifting from the public purse. It’s that the political allocation of trillions will draw greedy scumbags to politics to gain a share of that allocation. It is no more possible to stop this than to stop the wasps finding the jam on a picnic - the only solutions are no jam, or no picnic.

It’s the Willie Sutton lesson in politics. Why wouldn’t the flimflam artists be attracted to where the money is?

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Wouldn't it be nice if we could have everything? In the meantime, priorities matter

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have everything? If we had an infinite amount of money, we could apply it to solving all of our problems simultaneously. We could allocate resources to tackling pollution, AIDS, malaria, biodiversity, gender and racial inequality, transgender discrimination and lack of access to education. Even with that short list, we’d be less than ten percent of the way down the roster of things people want to be solved.

Bjørn Lomborg’s Copenhagen Consensus assembled 60 teams of economists, together with NGOs and acknowledged UN and private sector experts, to research the pressing problems for humankind that might be targeted. They identified a list of the 22 “core issues,” including those already mentioned, plus issues such as global warming, clean water, infant mortality, population growth and poverty.

It’s a daunting list, but it can be tackled systematically. We do what we can, and put most of our energy into those that are the most urgent, and those that can make the biggest impact. 

At a UN meeting addressed by Lomborg, he handed each delegate cards depicting the listed problems, and asked them to arrange the cards in order of importance. Many delegates were flummoxed. One remarked, “but these are all important and worthwhile issues.” Nonetheless, Lomborg asked them to put what they saw as the most important ones on the top of their pile, with the others below them in order of significance.

They were learning about “opportunity cost,” the idea that resources spent on one thing cannot also be allocated to others, and that in life we have to prioritize. Since we lack infinite resources, we have to decide where to put them. Malaria, for example, kills up to 3 million persons per year, many of them young children. It has killed more people than all of the wars of human history, including the two World Wars. Many people would say that the effort to overcome and eliminate it should rank higher than that of providing more transgender toilets. 

Many would say that providing clean water worldwide, and eliminating the diseases spread by contaminated water, would save and enhance more lives that would an intensified campaign against money laundering and illicit financial flows. They might all be “important and worthwhile issues,” but without infinite resources we have to ask which ones are more important and more worthwhile. 

I’ve used the Lomborg technique in my own lectures, handing out cards and asking students to prioritize. Some of them, for the first time in their lives, have to decide just how important some issues are, compared with ones they might rate more pressing, and needing more urgent and more immediate attention.

This approach is set to become more vital in the face of the worldwide economic shrinkage that the current pandemic will produce, at least in the short term. We have to ask ourselves, given fewer resources, which programmes and initiatives might be put on hold while we concentrate our more limited funds on the issues that matter more? Because we can’t do everything, we have to concentrate on the things that will make the biggest positive impact on people’s lives. It’s not that complicated.

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