Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Towards a valuation of Facebook

The Guardian witters about how we should truly value Facebook:

On 2 June, facing an unprecedented public protest by Facebook employees, Mark Zuckerberg told his staff that even if they disagreed with some of his decisions he hoped they agreed that “the net impact of the different things that we’re doing in the world is positive”, according to a transcript published by Vox. “I really believe it is,” he added.

As with all of Facebook’s algorithms, there is no transparency on how Facebook arrived at this net positive impact. We can only look at the outcomes and attempt to reverse engineer the decisions that produced them.

Nick Clegg’s attempt to produce a valuation is also mentioned.

The thing is such a valuation is trivially easy to perform. We can 0 and should - look at the outcomes.

Some 3 billion people think that Facebook adds value to their lives. They do so by using Facebook - humans tend not to do thing that do not increase the utility of the human beings doing the doing.

We do not get to define that increased utility, nor do you and nor even does someone wittering in The Guardian. Increased utility is defined and determined by the individuals trying to maximise it.

How else could it possibly be in a liberal polity? The entire point of which is that we all get to live our own lives by our own lights and good luck to all who sail in that societal boat.

That getting on for half of humanity thinks Facebook is a pretty good idea does rather tell us that it’s a pretty good idea. The alternative is that the elite tells the proles what they may do which is many things but it’s not liberal.

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Charlie Paice Charlie Paice

Crowding out Community

The clapping, the local action groups, the street WhatsApp groups. For a country that’s been told we’ve been made into selfish atomised individualists by the free market, it turns out we can be quite community minded when it comes to it. The strengthening of old community ties, albeit using new technologies, will be a silver lining of the otherwise wretched COVID-19 crisis.

Civil society’s response to COVID-19 has not only provided urgent support to those in need but has also helped forge new ties. The establishment of my street’s group chat has introduced us to new neighbours for the first time since that one-off 2012 street party. 

Indeed, it looks as if it is a feature to stay - early in the lockdown my family were delighted to see a house a few doors down sharing the birth of their baby in the group, an event that would have passed almost completely unnoticed under normal times. 

It’s not just about local groups. I’ve also enjoyed seeing a number of old school friends get back in touch. Many are making the extra effort  to look out for each other's mental health challenges and loneliness in lockdown.

Spontaneous order is not just a phenomenon of the market. Community ties organically spring almost from nowhere. Government programmes on the other hand, tend to be hopeless at artificially creating community. Despite David Cameron’s best intentions and efforts to pursue a ‘Big Society,’ his top-down approach achieved little compared to the organic community that has formed because of this crisis. You can only imagine the cataclysmic failure that would have resulted if the local authority had tried to establish these group chats or a government department to develop WhatsApp. It’s definitely not hard to after watching the recent debacle over the NHS track and trace app

Yet as the country emerges from lockdown, there is a huge risk that too much state interference and direction will undermine this newfound solidarity, replacing it again with individual apathy.  

These groups and networks arose out of a large problem. There was a gap in services, delivering food to those who needed to be shielded or checking up on others’ mental health as they spent weeks on end isolated at home. Community action has responded better than any governmental programme could. There has been little bureaucracy. People have gotten done what needed to get done.  

‘But wait!’ You cry. ‘What about that army of 750,000 volunteering for the NHS? That’s state led and centralised.’ While the willingness of those signing up has been amazing and indeed inspiring, this was still in response to another perceived hole in state provision. Moreover, it has emerged as a brilliant case in point in the inefficiencies and failures of such a centralized system. Some recruits were overburdened with 8 tasks per week while the vast majority have been given no referrals at all and have become increasingly frustrated by it

Yet this increasing centralisation could cause even more damage in the charity sector after the crisis. In early April, the Chancellor announced a £750 million package, half targeted at hospices and domestic abuse centres and the other half bound for local charities including through the National Lottery Community fund. With charities facing a large funding black hole at the beginning of the crisis, just as their work was most crucial, a small bailout in addition to the other support packages was indeed sensible. However, with the Chancellor planning to offer this help ‘into the future as we come out of this crisis’ there is a huge risk that temporary measures become the new status quo, to the detriment of our charity sector and civil society.

Reliance upon taxpayer money rather than donations risks the assimilation of charities into quasi non-governmental organisations - the extreme of which leads to the nationalisation of public conscience and philanthropy. Replacing the compassionate act of giving, either in form of time or money, with funding through taxes will inevitably result in a greater loss of public spiritedness. 

This shows the importance of achieving a strong economic recovery. Growing the economy out of recession will allow the British people once again to afford to give to charities they deem worthy and effective, rather than leaving government bureaucrats to decide their favourites.

The debate over the state’s role in strengthening civil society and communities, the so called “Third Pillar” (the other two being the market and the state), is only likely to grow louder after Covid-19. Devolution of power downwards is regarded by most as crucial at making people more engaged in politics.

Of course this means real devolution, giving powers down to mayors, councils and parishes, not the current kind simply indulging the desires of nationalists, salami slicing off more powers to their own highly centralised governments. Yet even with proper devolution it is important to remember there is little community in local authorities of tens, or more commonly, hundreds of thousands of people. 

This pandemic has served as a healthy reminder that people have the heart and abilities to come together without direction from the state. Communitarians, who advocate a more active government involved in communities and charities, should be reminded of the anthropologist’s Edward Banfield’s research. 

His work in Southern Italy showed how deprivation mixed with an overreaching (and incompetent) state helped contribute to a decline in the ‘social capital’ that many of those yelling for a more active government claim to want.

Prominent Indian economist Raghuram Rajan commented in his recent book, The Third Pillar, how ‘the misplaced expectation that the ghost of the inefficient government will eventually appear and do the job crowds out what little private initiative there is.’

The dark truth might be that we often look to the government to solve these problems, because we are reluctant to take responsibility for these things ourselves. 

We see the problem of not knowing the people on our street, the elderly feeling forgotten, or a lack of support for the vulnerable and expect the state to swoop in as some deus ex machina and solve it. COVID-19 has seemed to change this. Maybe it's because with the Government panicking to save the NHS we knew the rest was up to us, or maybe, when faced with a crisis, we decided to come together and finally take some responsibility. Either way, it has involved a greater level of humanity and solidarity, and nowhere near the amount of bureaucracy, than if it had been led by state officials.

As the restrictions are lifted and we once again venture out of our homes we will all be grateful for the community networks that remain. But caution should be applied towards ideologies who desire to organise and force these connections more centrally. We would do well not to lose faith in the capability of our little platoons, as Edmund Burke classically described. We should cherish the organic communities that form not only around physical localities but also as secondary benefits from churches, workplaces, schools, hobby groups, and even in the modern age, online. And maybe we will have learnt that it is up to us to make these networks and institutions thrive rather than a bureaucratic government. 

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

We must abolish taxation and rely purely upon charity

There’s no doubt about it, demanding that people have money taken off them in order to provide for the poor and or unfortunate robs the transfer of its moral transcendence. If we must, by law, pay for the housing, food and clothing of those poor then there is no moral virtue to that activity, is there?

Thus, in aid of the moral development of us all, we must ban this taxation and transfer. Instead, we must return to a system whereby the richer do exercise that moral worthiness by voluntarily providing. This has been the operating system of the world before now, in fact it was from Ur of the Chaldees up to perhaps the Elizabethan Poor Laws. Time to return to those old verities.

True, there is an argument or two against this. That many of the poor ended up dead in a ditch as a result is one, for reliance upon moral precepts in humans beings can leave rather large holes in the safety net.

And now to the not very well concealed point. When talking about such body products as gametes (both eggs and sperm), kidneys and partial livers and lungs for transplant, whole blood and blood plasma, reliance upon purely that charity isn’t enough - too may end up dead in those ditches. It does actually work with whole blood, doesn’t with gametes - the UK imports many of them given local restrictions upon payment for them - doesn’t with organs as the deaths on the waiting lists prove and most certainly doesn’t as Bloody Well Pay Them shows for blood plasma. No country that doesn’t pay providers collects enough for its own use, all countries that don’t pay providers import from those who do.

We’ve tried the purely voluntary method of providing for the poor and decided that it’s not enough, we must move to a more effective method. Taxation, a social security system and redistribution. We have the evidence that a purely voluntary system of plasma collection does not work. We don’t need to go to compulsion for we know that mere payment works.

And if the compulsion in the payment against poverty is morally correct then why isn’t the payment itself to solve the inadequacy of charity alone in plasma also morally correct?

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Matt Kilcoyne Matt Kilcoyne

We're doing our duty by Hong Kong

For decades the Adam Smith Institute has stood with the people of Hong Kong. The freedom loving dwellers of the pearl of the orient have been a testament to that adage of Adam Smith: 

“Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism, but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things.”

From a sleepy fishing village on the edge of China to a global megalopolis. All built by free trade. 

When Britain agreed to the handover of sovereignty to China in 1997, this country did so on the promise of increasing freedoms for the people of Hong Kong. Instead what we have seen over the past two decades is an increasing level of mission creep by Beijing, as they interfere in the internal affairs of the territory. 

The National Security Law, introduced last night without the people of Hong Kong even so much as seeing it, marks the effective annexation of Hong Kong and brings her people under the extra-territorial control of mainland China. 

The last British Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, said as the law came in, that: "This decision, which rides rough-shod over Hong Kong's elected legislature, marks the end of one-country, two-systems. It is a flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration.”

A good primer on what the law does, how it breaches the joint declaration and why that matters can be found on the BBC

Just hours after implementation, the world has watched mass arrests for people holding British and American flags, and for holding a flag saying ‘Hong Kong Independence’. These are deemed to be in violation of the new law, which seeks to protect the power and dominance of China’s one party communist dictatorship. Press covering protests have been targeted with pepper spray and water cannons. One fifteen year old girl has been arrested for promoting secession. 

Beijing thinks each arrest makes its grip on the territory more secure, but actually each one undermines the attractiveness of the city and increases the incentives for those that want to live in freedom to flee. 

Fortunately the UK has given Hong Kongers a new choice. Around 3 million Hong Kong citizens who either have or are eligible for BN(O) status (and their dependents) will now have 5 years of limited right to remain. After 5 years, they can apply for settled status. After 12 months of settled status, they can apply for British citizenship.

Taiwan too has said that Hong Kongers are free to live in the Republic of China. These options mean that while the Chinese Community Party has seized control of the land of Hong Kong, she may yet lose their most vital asset: the territory’s people. 

As Nus Ghani MP writes in the Telegraph today, the people of Hong Kong now have a choice: to live under Communism or to live under British democracy here in the UK. Hong Kong is still per capita richer than the UK. It is, of course, home for these millions of people and home means a lot. But as we saw with arrests today the creeping cold hand of communism will continue to close over Hong Kong. 

That they have a choice matters. That we’ve ensured promises made to British Nationals that their rights will be upheld in face of coercion and control by communists matters. That we’ve ensured a beacon of hope is lit on a dark day matters. Freedom matters. 

The Adam Smith Institute called for full citizenship for Hong Kongers all the way back in the 1980s when handover was being discussed. We made the same call last year, saying that all those that were eligible should become eligible again. That has now happened and residency and work rights given. We’ve called for a new Hong Kong be allowed to be built in the UK. With freeports on the cards already and planning reform on the agenda, perhaps we’ll get lucky there too. Our work here can sometimes feel abstract, but today it feels tangibly real. We couldn’t do it without you, so thank you. 

Peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice. That’s our offer to the British people of Hong Kong. It’s simple, but it’s good. 

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Hayek was right about the National Health Service

It has always produced great chortles, even guffaws, Hayek’s idea that the National Health Service was part of that Road to Serfdom. For how can free at the point of use health care make you a slave?

Which isn’t, of course, what he was actually saying. Rather, that if a government bureaucracy runs the health care system then at some point down the line our behaviour will be controlled to benefit the health care bureaucracy rather than the service be there to provide us with the health care we desire.

Whether or not lockdown was an entirely good idea is an interesting argument but that it was justified by the need to “save the NHS” is precisely what he meant. So too with this:

Health chiefs are urging drinkers to take it easy when pubs open on “Super Saturday” - amid fears Accident & Emergency units could end up overwhelmed....

People should not celebrate the end of a pandemic by going out and getting roaring drunk because this would inconvenience the health service.

Well, perhaps people shouldn’t get roaring drunk for any reason at all, if they do they should put up with the consequences. But it is still true that Hayek’s point gains continual re-affirmation. There is a difference between a health care system that treats our ills, whatever they are, and one that insists upon us changing our behaviour to suit the health care provision system. We’re on the wrong side of that divide too.

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Eamonn Butler Eamonn Butler

Moths, my jumpers, grand plans, and the UK economy

During lockdown I’ve been wearing more pullovers than usual and discovering just how far the moths have munched their way through the ones at the bottom of the drawer.

So, it’s time to do a bit of darning.

And that’s what the economy needs too. Like my jumper, it’s still holding together. We’re still getting food and other essentials—and soon even non-essentials.

But even so, the economic fabric is full of holes. Like all those pubs and restaurants that will never open again. Events and travel businesses. Sports venues and theatres.

I don’t need to knit myself a new jumper. And we don’t need to build, build, build a new economy. Particularly when it is politicians and officials, not real people, who are doing the building. The waste and delay in public projects is notorious.

Where we do need to build, it is pettifogging planning rules that prevent it. We could create millions of new homes by building higher, more densely, and out. And that would make urban living affordable to millions of young people who are priced out. But our planning system is still stuck in 1947.

Likewise with businesses. We need new enterprises to patch into the holes that the lockdown has created. But high taxes magnify the risk of starting up a new business. And regulations simply cannot deal with new and different ways of doing things.

So, forget the grand designs. Patch things up where it matters by getting tax and regulations out of the way of new business.

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Amos Wollen Amos Wollen

Land Value Tax versus urban sprawl

Adam Smith, writing in The Wealth of Nations (Book 5, Chapter 2), reasoned that, “Ground-rents are a still more proper subject of taxation than the rent of houses. A tax upon ground-rents would not raise the rents of houses. It would fall altogether upon the owner of the ground-rent, who acts always as a monopolist, and exacts the greatest rent which can be got for the use of his ground.”

In modern speak, Smith was referring to the “Land Value Tax” (LVT for short). The name, however, is a misnomer as the Land Value Tax is not a “tax” at all. Rather, it’s a rent on the land that one uses. In this regard, paying LVT is not dissimilar to paying for a parking ticket.  If John purchases a plot of land over which he demand autonomy and of which he demands the state’s protection, then he pays a rent back to the community. After all, if I ensnare a flat chunk of the universe with a picket fence and call it my own, I have taken land from the commons. Land that naturally belongs to everyone. Unearned capital that was given to us by nature. Therefore, it seems plausible that I owe a small debt of reimbursement to the community.

At this point, your neo-liberal alarm bells should be ringing. Claims that the land belongs to everyone have an eerily Marxist undertone, don’t they? Actually, Marx hated the idea, once referring to its progenitor, Henry George, as “utterly backward!”. In fact, the LVT has always marshalled its strongest defenders from free-market thinkers like Milton Friedman (who referred to the LVT as “the least bad tax”).

This modest solution packs a mighty punch. Even if you aren’t convinced that the LVT should replace all taxes (as its original proponents believed), an LVT of 3% (excluding homes and gardens) could raise over £33 billion. This money could be diverted from fiscal vanity projects to invest in green start-ups and conservation.

The tax also ensures a greener future by encouraging the use of brownfield land and land occupied by run-down construction sites. In so doing, the LVT sucks development away from the greenbelt. This, in turn, helps cut back on excessive urban sprawl. By treating the earth as though it belonged to everyone, we would be ushering in a revolutionary new perspective on land – with any luck, a greener one.

Amos Wollen is the winner of the under-18 category in our Young Writer on Liberty 2020 competition.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

If only people would learn from other countries like Germany

This letter to The Guardian could be a spoof we suppose although we think, sadly, that it’s meant to be serious. Germany has, it appears, dealt with the coronavirus rather better than our own dear and pleasant land:

Martin Kettle is absolutely right in his comparison between Germany’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and that of the UK (On different planets: how Germany tackled the pandemic, and Britain flailed, 24 June). But one big factor is the fact that Germany is not, as he writes, just “a bit more prosperous” than Britain. Its standard of living is much higher than ours and there is certainly less of a divide between the rich and poor than there is here. The much higher standards of hygiene in Germany and of health care have also been an important contributing factor to the country’s much lower Covid-19 infection and death rates.

That health care system is certainly less centralised than our own. Testing, for example, was carried out by some 400 labs all over the country instead of our system which seemed to have Public Health England (for England, of course) insisting that only they, the very priesthood, could possibly be competent to do anything. Not a competence they then went on to prove.

It’s also true that the German health care system as a whole is based upon insurance, not direct tax funding, with some 130 different insurance funds. Both the GPs and hospitals are near all in the private sector, not run by the government. All of which makes this such a lovely second point made in the letter:

Our government of Little Englanders and fanatical privateers will never admit that we could learn something from another nation, let alone from Germany. Angela Merkel has pursued a politics of consensus and moderation, whereas our Conservatives have consistently followed the discredited neoliberalism of the US and the chaotic response to this pandemic is a direct result.

Any such move to fund health care in Britain by insurance, or to free the hospitals from the National Health Service, would be decried as the imposition of that neoliberalism, wouldn’t it? Actually, even the modest moves already made are so described.

We agree that we should all learn from foreign countries because the experiments there might indeed be more successful than our home grown attempts. But we would suggest that consideration of what Johnny F has managed to get up to be informed by a modicum of knowledge concerning what Mr. J. Foreigner has been and is doing. For that would seem to be the correct manner of picking the useful information from those experiments in those foreign climes.

You know, that near no one else has the National Health Service being an indication that perhaps the National Health Service isn’t quite the way to do it? And if the absence of the NHS leads to better health care, as is the claim here, then perhaps it’s the NHS that we might want to reform in that neoliberal direction?

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Tim Edwards Tim Edwards

Green is great for business

On its departure from the EU, the UK is faced with the opportunity to improve its global competitiveness and its contribution to the fight against climate change. How will we do this? Through innovation, entrepreneurship and developing top companies to lead the way in environmental capitalism.

The process of ‘Creative Destruction’ pioneered by Joseph Schumpeter led to an enormous improvement in living standards across the world through competition. The engine of capitalism must keep running in the 21st century and remain focused on creating the platform for entrepreneurs to solve the challenges of the day.

We can see from the USA that countries with highly competitive markets, and loose regulatory frameworks continuously produce innovation beyond those of more restrictive ones. This is common knowledge, yet the impact that this innovation can have on the environment is still not fully appreciated by policy makers in the UK.

A key driver of environmental advancement comes from improvements in technology, allowing for companies such as Tesla and Beyond Meat to have the capital required to innovate. This technology combined with a freer business environment allows for domestic innovation to develop at the rate required to compete in the global economy.

To do this, a system of low corporation tax, entrepreneurial hubs and intellectual property law must be refined in order to attract the top talent to develop tomorrow’s technologies. In particular, special focus may be given to green sectors, such as increasing ease of patent application for biological development, or by developing innovation zones in green cities such as Bristol who already have a culture of innovation and sustainability. This will allow for refinement of innovation infrastructure and help create zones for entrepreneurs to work in the UK.

For the UK, this would lead to economic improvements from having more globally competitive firms, but also environmental improvements, due to the proliferation of technology first developed in the UK. We may be able to capitalise on this technology and achieve our environmental targets far quicker than others. Thus the UK should not only prioritise creating a competitive business landscape for economic reasons, but also for environmental reasons. Sustainable capitalism is possible after all.

Tim Edwards is the winner of the 18-21 category in our Young Writer on Liberty 2020 competition.

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Tim Ambler Tim Ambler

Would we miss the Ministry of Housing etc. if it left us?

How many men does it take to change a loo roll? Women believe the answer to be “zero” because it has never happened.  If you got that right, how many people does it take to divide HM Treasury’s funding, once a year, between 354 local authorities and 89 police, fire and other local bodies? 4,067. In 2017/8 the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) had 2,021 HQ staff, a 25% increase in the year, with another 2,046 in its agencies and “designated bodies”. Staff costs were up 22% overall. Police and fire services are not part of MHCLG responsibilities.

MHCLG is Whitehall’s supreme example of Parkinson’s Law.  The 2018/9 accounts list seven strategic objectives, the first five of which are matters for local government, for example: “We are taking steps to help people now to find the right home.”  Well of course, if one wanted a new home in Newcastle, one would head for MHCLG’s palatial offices in Westminster. Grenfell Tower should have been sorted by now by the Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council but four days after the fire on the 14th June 2017, the MHCLG took over which probably explains why, three years later, so much is still unresolved. The sixth item is “providing assurance and stability to our sectors to help them to prepare for EU Exit”.  Clearly local government could not survive Brexit without that. The last is ensuring MHCLG is “a great place to work”. Of course it is; spending other people’s money is fun.

“We have continued to build more homes year on year” (p.8). Nonsense, the MHCLG has not built a single home. “We helped councils in England to prepare for EU Exit by providing over £58 million of funding” (p.9). That reminds me of winning the London Marathon by sponsoring the runner who came first.

Annex A lists whimsical, or so they seem, gifts to charities totalling £16.5M. Almost all are matters for local authorities, parks for example, and quite a few are outside the remit of MHCLG. That is symptomatic of the general problem. In 2018/9, MHCLG spent (net) £38.3bn., £26.6bn. going to local councils, £20.7bn. being the main annual grants and the other £5.9bn. being divided into a dozen or so specific grants which must occupy far too much of the time of hard-pressed council financial officers making applications. A further £11.7bn. was spent on the department’s pet projects.  If the funding all went to local councils as single annual grants, the money would have been better spent.

In 2018/9 the Planning Inspectorate had 650 staff (up 7%) at a cost of £54M gross or £38M after deducting the income from fees. The Inspectorate is mostly known for planning appeals; more than 40% of public inquiries and hearings reverse the local decisions. These appeals provide no fee income but form the majority of the net cost. The two main performance targets and outcomes for planning appeals in the year were (p.131):

  • To determine 80% of written representations in 14 weeks of the start date: 58.8%

  • To determine 80% of householder appeals in 8 weeks of the start date: 75.9%


A Policy Exchange report earlier this year argued that planning should be primarily a matter for local authorities with politicians setting the rules but thereafter butting out. Provided local planning officers follow those rules, there should be no further political involvement.  The Planning Inspectorate would only verify that planning officers comply with their own local rules. Presumably there should also be some monitoring of their compliance with national policies. A senior councillor at one London borough told me that, for ideological reasons, the Greater London Authority did all it could to frustrate local developments that were acceptable in all other respects.  If that is the case, it is a problem for Whitehall to sort out, not the Planning Inspectorate.

National infrastructure planning should be decided at national level but it is far from obvious why officials in Bristol, who may not even visit the site, should be entitled to override local communities and planners at all, never mind more than 40% of the time.  In short, national infrastructure projects, which are few and far between, should be decided by ad hoc committees and local planning left to locals, as suggested above.  This would save not just the £38M net cost of the Inspectorate but also the local costs of dealing with appeals.

“Ministers are preparing for a major overhaul of the planning system in England to speed up approvals for new developments as part of the government’s attempts to kick-start the economy hit hard by the coronavirus crisis.” Replacing the Inspectorate with democratically agreed local planning rules would help such liberalisation provided a small unit within the Cabinet Office checks the guidelines against national policies and removes arbitrary blockages.

The QEII Conference Centre in Westminster makes steady profits (£3.4M in 2018/9) and should be privatised. The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation has not published an annual report for two years but should anyway be the responsibility of one or both of the two local councils: Gravesend and Kent. Any of the other eight quangos linked to MHCLG, and worth preserving, could easily be found homes in other departments.

The department overall competes with local government in deciding how their money should be spent and cutting their funds, rather than strengthening, developing and promoting them as it should. Instead it spends each year devising new ways to spend our money.  They presume that they know better than local government what the locals really need. Since local government is closer to the people who provide the money than the bureaucrats in SW1, it is much more likely that the reverse is the case.  Luckily, the solution is simple: abolish MHCLG and assemble a small team in HM Treasury to divide the total amount up between the local authorities. Local authorities should submit their annual funding requests as formal plans and will quickly learn that those failing to follow national policies may find their grants diminished.

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