Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

A trade deficit doesn't create debt Mr. Timothy

If we are to have a national conversation about trade, manufacturing, debts, foreigners buying up the country and so on then it would be a good and reasonable idea to get the underlying right first:

Economic theory, and generations of politicians, told us not to worry about leaving manufacturing behind.

We’ve not left manufacturing behind. Manufacturing output is still within a few percent of all time highs. It’s double what it was when St Maggie came to power.

Since we moved to a floating exchange rate, economists and politicians have claimed this does not matter. But the trade deficit is both a product of our problems and a cause. It is a product because we do not make, do or sell enough to the rest of the world. It is a cause because the arising current account deficit leads us to sell assets to foreign investors and build up external debt, which leaves us with less control over our economy, and more exposed to investors’ interests and increases in international interest rates.

Economists are right here. Which, given that we are talking about economics seems appropriate.

Then there is the budget deficit and stock of debt…..In 2024-25 Britain plans to issue a record £271 billion in new gilts, and the strangers upon whom we depend will demand higher yields. They will wonder about inflation – higher in services than goods – and the value of Sterling, and price British debt accordingly.

And here’s it’s necessary to become detailed - in order to show why the economists are right.

There is no connection - none - between the size of the national debt and anything to do with trade. We have a national debt because generations of politicians micturate the wealth of the country up the wall. They continually spend more than we the people are willing to pay in taxes - or more than the politicians are willing to try extracting from us. That’s the cause, the only cause, of the national debt.

The trade defict is indeed balanced - exactly, precisely - by a surplus on the capital account. That’s definitional. But while capital might flow in from foreigners into debt instruments - like gilts - it doesn’t have to. It can purchase assets outright. This then leads to the old Warren Buffett argument about Squanderville. What happens when Johnny Foreigner owns all the capital assets in the country?

The UK trade deficit is - of the order of - £80 billion a year, meaning we need to have that same amount coming in on the capital account. In one recent year the UK produced £1 trillion in new wealth. That’s a 9% rise in total wealth - and we sold 8% of that new wealth to foreigners. Thus at the end of the year foreigners owned less of the national wealth than at the beginning of it.

This does not strike us as being a problem.

Painful things to political arguments, facts are. But we do think that facts are where the arguments should start so let’s try doing that, eh?

Our real contempt is reserved for this argument:

Classical economic theory holds that it does not matter who owns what, nor what is made where. Comparative advantage means countries do what they are good at, and buy what other countries provide. Thus, trade makes us all richer.

But this is not the case. First, governments get in the way.

So the solution to governments getting in the way is that we should have more government getting in the way in order to solve the problem of government getting in the way. We all should be contemptuous of that silliness.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Oooh, what a fun argument this is, how very, very, fun

We seem to be watching a new elite consensus view being formed. As ever, it’s wrong, wholly wrong, but it is, we think, very fun indeed. In that forehead slapping, “No, really, they’re not trying this are they?“ definition of fun.

So, Ireland:

At the core of it were a number of key propositions. Ireland would have to embrace the idea of free trade, which meant encouraging competition and ending the protectionism that had been the hallmark of Irish economic policy under Lemass’s predecessor Éamon de Valera (whose economic philosophy had once been satirised as: “Burn everything English except their coal”). Most importantly, though, the strategy required that, henceforth, Ireland would have to be welcoming to foreign capital, which essentially meant being nice to multinationals – giving them generous tax breaks, assistance in finding locations for building and generally bending over backwards to attend to their needs.

Whitaker’s was a bold strategy, but it worked.

Ireland got rich by being standardly classical liberal sensible. OK.

There’s a massive shortage of affordable housing and an associated homelessness crisis: nearly 12,000 people in emergency accommodation and average monthly rents of €1,468;

But there’s a problem associated with those riches. Hmm. The source for this is:

The national budget surplus – essentially the difference between the amount of money coming in and going out in day-to-day expenditure – is forecast to add up to €65.2bn (£56.3bn) over the next four years.

Loadsamoney - Ireland is rich.

This has made Ireland an “outlier”, according to Prof Barrett, who pointed out more than 25% of tax revenue in the Republic of Ireland comes from corporation tax – compared an average figure of less than 10% across Europe.

The money’s made by stinging the capitalists. Rather a Laffer Curve there in fact - low rates means lots of capitalists and so beaucoup de revenue. Could be a plan for more countries really.

Nationwide, the touchstone social and political issue is housing.

Homelessness in Ireland is at a record high – with the most recent figures showing 12,600 people were in emergency accommodation in June.

But the housing shortage is having wider effects.

Ah, housing.

So, The Observer and the BBC agree here, and that is one of those elite consensi forming. Obviously. Ireland’s got rich because low taxes on corporations but this cannot be allowed - we can’t have an example of actual classical liberalism working now, can we - because housing.

And where the argument becomes, in the local argot, a bit of a cute hoor:

Rent controls are a fiscal policy that governments around the globe incorporate to control and regulate the amount that a landlord can charge for a lease of a property. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the rights of sitting tenants, new tenants and landlords. Rent regulation that is too strict can have a negative impact on the market, but complete deregulation can also have negative effects as it will push people into home ownership even where it is not feasible.


Government measures to control rents have backfired and in many cases have led to an increase in rents, a new report has claimed.

The study by economist Jim Power suggests that rent pressure zones (RPZs), introduced in 2016 to limit rent price increases, have resulted in significant "rent rigidities" and an inefficient two-tier system where the proper maintenance of rental properties is no longer economically viable.

Rent controls are not a classical liberal policy. Rent controls are what are screwing the Irish rental property market.

Which is where that argument becomes so fun, isn’t it?

Classical liberalism makes a place rich. Not classical liberalism on rents makes housing expensive. But as the argument - that elite consensus view - is becoming it’s the bit that works, the stinging the capitalists for the costs of running the state that must go and it’s the idiocy of rent controls which is unquestioned and so presumably should stay.

Well, it would be a fun argument if it wasn’t palpably so damn stupid an argument.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

The Annals of State Efficiency - Only 75 years late

We note this from the National Audit Office:

In June 2023, NHS England (NHSE) published its Long Term Workforce Plan (LTWP). Based on an extensive modelling exercise, the LTWP estimated a starting shortfall between workforce supply and demand of approximately 150,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) NHS workers.

The important part of which is here:

For the first time @NHSEngland has produced modelling that combines planning its future services and planning its long-term workforce needs.

Now, government long term planning, we’re really pretty sure that’s going to be done badly. On the useful grounds that we know of absolutely no example at all when it has been done well.

But the British government has been in charge of the planning of the medical workforce since around the time of WWII. For it is government that decides how many doctors and nurses will be trained - they’ve long controlled the budgets for that education. This is, of course, why we’ve so many of both imported as domestic supply has fallen so woefully behind demand.

But put aside our prejudices about such planning. Put aside even the good or bad sense of it. Just relish the efficiency of this particular example.

The government, in that form of the NHS, is only 75 years late in having a plan for that thing that they’ve been in charge of all these decades.

And there are people who disagree with us when we mutter that perhaps government planning isn’t the way to do things, eh?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Absolute poverty numbers prove a couple of things

Much whingeing about the absolute poverty numbers. The Joseph Rowntree folk seem to be taking over the The Guardian about it - situation normal in fact.

Absolute poverty, in this sense, is who is below the relative poverty level of 2010/11. The relative poverty level, as we know, is less than 60% of median household income adjusted for household size (and etc, etc). Absolute poverty, in this sense, is using the 2010/11 measure of relative poverty and comparing to that. There’s a trick used here. We’re old enough to recall when it was relative poverty in 2000/01 that was used. Given that poverty by that measure seemed to be disappearing real fast the rebasing was done. After all, calls for ever more stringent taxation to beat poverty cannot be maintained if poverty is disappearing before our very eyes now, can they? As Chris Snowdon points out, properly measured absolute poverty has fallen from 85% of the population in 1961 to the 14 to 18% of today.

From which we can gain one useful lesson. Economic growth is important - it kills poverty. This means that we can reject all that degrowth nonsense because as we keep being told beating poverty is our prime economic directive.


But there’s also one more thing here. This rise in absolute poverty is more an artefact than a reality. Because this:

Inflation-linked benefits and tax credits will rise by 6.7% from April 2024, in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rate of inflation in September 2023. For example, in 2024/25 Universal Credit standard allowances will increase: From £292.11 to £311.68 per month for single people aged under 25.

Significant portions of - if not all - income of those in absolute poverty will be coming from the benefits system. Benefits are uprated for inflation after the inflation has happened. The measures of absolute poverty are before those benefits upratings. The problem will be - largely - solved when the benefits are uprated. We’re just in that interregnum before they are.

But we can also take another lesson from this. Which is that Modern Monetary Theory does not work. The inflation was indeed caused by that vast money print and spending into the real economy. Which is MMT of course. But if MMT increases poverty in this manner - which it does, the inflation is compensated for later - then we cannot achieve our prime directive of reducing poverty if we use MMT.

So, two useful lessons from these absolute poverty numbers. Both degrowth and MMT are bad ideas not to be used. Well, sure, we know that anyway but nice to have another string to the bow - they increase poverty, see?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

That Labour Theory of Value....

To cast the Labour Theory of Value into colloquial terms - including the conclusion often reached from it.

It’s only human labour that really adds value to things. Therefore, all the value added to something should flow to labour. If capital, or the capitalists - who have not laboured to add value - gain some of that value than that’s expropriation. We should therefore stop that and make sure that labour gains all the value added.

Yes, pretty crude but at the general level of understanding that is what is meant by it.

A veteran metal detectorist hit the jackpot when he turned up late to a group dig only to stumble across the largest gold nugget ever found in England after just 20 minutes of searching.

Richard Brock, 67, travelled three-and-a-half hours from his home in Somerset in May 2023 to join an organised expedition on farmland in the Shropshire Hills.

Despite his metal detector not in full working order, Mr Brock, who has been metal detecting for 35 years, discovered the biggest find of his life after unearthing a 64.8-gram (about 2.28 ounces) golden nugget.

To a useful level of accuracy that’s some £4,000 worth of gold.

The nugget is estimated to sell for £30,000.

Well, maybe it will and maybe it won’t. But this does pose a terrible problem for that Labour Theory of Value.

Yes, of course, we can go through any number of rathole iterations and insist that the labour of detectoring is what added the £26k in value and all that. Or say that natural finds are different or summat.

But what we’ve actually got there is that the prices humans allocate to things are not objective. They are subjective. £4k of gold becomes £30k of nugget because there’s a nice story attached.

We can also continue down the rathole iterations and insist that the absence of a metal detector would lead to no value at all, therefore capital is being expropriated by not gaining all, let alone any, of that value.

But the correct answer here is that the Labour Theory is simply wrong. Sure, we can construct ethical or moral systems in which it should be true. We can even insist that humans be reformed so as to make it true - tho’ we’d observe that New Soviet Man sure took a long time comin’.

Reality is simply that humans do not price things by the labour value in their production. Prices are subjective opinions, not objective realities. Sure, when 8 billion subjectives are aggregated we get to the “real price” of something but we’ve not an objective analysis underlying all of that. Given this it’s not possible to have an objective split of the value added - for that value just isn’t commensurable in that manner.

That is, the Labour Theory of Value is just great except for the one thing - it doesn’t apply to us, us humans, and the prices and values we apply to things.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

One of those times we agree with George Monbiot

As ever, it’s only the diagnosis, not the solution:

The primaries won’t deliver a perfect system. We’ll still be stuck with a centralised and coercive politics, unmatched to the needs of the complex system we call society, based on the illegitimate concepts of presumed consent and remote decision-making. We will properly reclaim that power only when our representative politics are accompanied by participatory and deliberative decision-making.

George is talking about how the people who might get voted in as MPs are chosen. We are - as is our wont - rather more radical. Make who is the MP irrelevant to those areas of life.

We agree entirely that there are vast areas of life that simply shouldn’t be subject to presumed consent and remote decision-making. We agree that those vast areas of life should be dealt with in a participatory and deliberative fashion. Further, locally, by the people directly involved, without imposition by the centre or even the tyranny of the majority.

That means simply not having government, nor the majoritarian tyranny of democracy, involved at all. Just remove government from those areas of life - leave ‘em be for individuals and groups of people as they wish to combine and accumulate to get on with it. Remove, entirely, the power of other people to determine and make it direct decision making by those concerned.

You know, free markets.

Sure, there are some things where that majoritarian imposition is necessary. But the key word there is “some” and the correct definition of that some is “very many fewer than it is currently applied to”.

In a radically free country how we choose the people who might run for the job of getting the bins collected becomes some mild trivia, of interest to the occasional anorak and no more. So, the way to achieve that better politics is to be radically free, no?

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

So cheap, renewables, so, so, cheap

We’re fully aware of the claims about how much - how little - it costs to generate electricity using renewables. We’d also point to this:

A £58bn plan to rewire Great Britain’s electricity grid to connect up new windfarms off the coast of Scotland is expected to trigger tensions with communities along the route.

The £58 billion is a cost of renewables. It’s entirely possible that it’s a worthwhile cost - equally, that it isn’t. But it’s definitely a cost of renewables.

The ESO said three times as much undersea cabling would be laid than onshore infrastructure by 2035 and estimated its blueprint would add £15bn to the economy, creating 20,000 jobs a year.

Those 20,000 jobs are also a cost of renewables, not a benefit.

Note that all of this is true whatever one’s view of climate change, the necessity or not of dealing with it and so on. These are costs of doing that dealing. So, cheap may not be quite the right word. For the cost of renewables is not to be measured by the generation of a watt, it’s the cost of delivering, reliably, a watt to when and where it is to be used.

But our real ire is aimed at this:

Britain’s electricity networks will not hit net zero until 2035, National Grid has said, undermining a key pledge by Labour to hit that target by 2030.

The deadline prompted a backlash from Ed Miliband, the shadow energy secretary, who said a Labour government would make ESO accelerate its programme to hit the 2030 target. A spokesman said: “We said 2030 for decarbonising the grid and we meant it.”

No, not who is demanding what, which political party etc. Rather, that something like this is being determined by political pledges in an electoral (well, almost certainly one) year.

Whether we have a decarbonised grid or not depends upon the benefits of having one against the costs of having one. Accelerating the process makes it more expensive - and thus reduces the net benefit of doing so. It is possible to calculate either way. But who believes that anyone is? We’re being treated to political performativity over the spending of £58 billion and perhaps more. That is, we’re not being treated to rational decision making in the slightest.

Which is why we don’t like politics as the method of economic decision making. Simply because the economic decisions are not, therefore and thereby, made upon economic grounds.

This is not a party political point in terms of who it is demanding whichever - it’s a complaint about party politics itself as a method of economic decision making.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

A small thought on increasing MPs' wages

One of those superfically attractive answers to our collective problems is doing the rounds again. A possibly general feeling that we’re not getting the quality of MP that we deserve and therefore we should raise the price we’re willing to pay and thus gain better ones. This modern world is sufficiently complex to govern that the sort of duffers who think £80k a year is a good income just won’t cut it any more. Therefore pay proper wages and gain those better. Say, oooh, £250k a year?

Well, it’s an idea.

Now, we’ve read our Hayek and know that the problem isn’t the quality of MP, it’s that the modern world is complex and therefore cannot be governed in any detail. The best that can be done is to set the general and base rules and then society is what we end up with from having got those right.

But, OK, all too many have not read Hayek nor understood his point.

So, what we need is an experiment. Those are difficult in economics as it’s terribly difficult to produce a control group, those the change doesn’t happen to, for comparison. We must therefore look for a natural experiment.

Which we do in fact have. For we pay the managers of local councils - not the councillors, the managers - those two to four times what we pay MPs. The result is as we see at Croydon, Birmingham and so on, organisations crumbling into bankruptcy as a result of the decisions taken by those nicely expensive managers.

A beautiful theory killed, once again, by an ugly fact.

Even if Hayek is not right, in that it is theoretically possible to manage in detail but we’re just not using the right people, we find that Britain still cannot be managed in detail because Britain doesn’t contain that management talent necessary to manage in detail.

Thus raising MPs’ wages will not make Britain better governed it’ll just make it more expensively governed. Which, given that we’re at a post-war high for the portion of the economy that flows through said government already doesn’t sound like a desirable - nor even viable - solution.

The necessity therefore becomes reducing the complexity of societal management - and economic, of course - down to where the available talent is capable of doing it. As you might have guessed given our views that means something between Singapore on Thames and radical laissez faire. Not because these are the policies that will make us richer - tho’ they are - or freer - they are - or even those which are logically and ethically correct - which they again are. But because the Rolls Royce minds of this country are incapable of managing anything more than that.

Hey, science is science, experimental outcomes are experimental outcomes and we do, really, have to respect the science. Don’t increase MP pay to try to attract that talent we’ve not got. Cut government to where the duffers can do it.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Shaft the poor, subsidise the rich in French fashion

Sometimes, just sometimes you understand, even cynics like us are shocked at the venality of politics:

It was a pair of $0 faux fur boots that signalled a new low for the fast fashion industry last week. Spotted on an Instagram ad for US customers, it was the latest in an aggressive campaign by Chinese retailer Temu to win market share. Just when you thought fashion couldn’t get any more disposable – it just did.

But fast fashion may have hit a roadblock: last week French lawmakers unanimously approved a bill to impose increasing penalties on fast fashion products, rising to €10 (£8.56) on each item of clothing by 2030. The bill also proposes a ban on fast fashion advertising, effectively undermining the algorithmically attuned, hyper-personalised digital marketing that has become a loaded weapon in the hands of these retailers.

A free pair of boots - faux fur or not - sounds to us like an excellent idea. Some consumer, somewhere, is better off to exactly the value of one pair of boots. Good, the aim of the economy is to make the consumer better off.

Clearly we’re out of touch with modern mores:

A surcharge linked to fast fashion’s ecological footprint of €5 (£4.20) an item is planned from next year, rising to €10 by 2030.

The ecological footprint of a €1 t-shirt is not, by any calculation at all, €10.

We’ve noted before how this appalling idea that the poor might enjoy a change of clothes or two is bringing back sumptuary laws. For if even the poor can dress like a Parisienne in the know then what method left is there for a Parisienne in the know to distinguish herself from the rabble by? If all can eat cake then what value the expensive patissier?

The effect of this is obvious. The poor much pay more for their clothes. Those who currently make them - the poor in those poor, producing, countries - lose work, jobs and income. The only people who gain are the French capitalists who happen to own French clothing factories.

We do wish we were joking but the last time we saw a French taxation idea this bad was the gabelle. Which didn’t lead to a happy time for all concerned.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Aching stupidity over tax on stock buybacks

Leave aside which political party this comes from for of course we don’t do party politics here. Without that party politics - and the possible effect on political fortunes - it’s an achingly stupid idea.

The plan, the set-piece announcement of Saturday’s first full day of the gathering in York, would impose a 4% tax on any share buybacks by FTSE-100 companies, which on the basis of the past two years of such activities would raise about £2bn annually.

As a taxation idea, this would have the appeal of being most probably popular, given that critics of share buybacks say the practice – used to inflate share prices – is often done at the expense of spending on investment, and can be a way for executives to cash in on their stakes.

The party argues that many buybacks are launched by corporations in areas such as banking, food and oil and gas, and that in the latter case the money could instead be used for more investment in green energy.

So, let us start by at least taking the idea seriously. The claim is that if a corporation buys back its shares then that money leaves the company and is not invested by that company. OK, that’s true.

The further claim is that the money which is paid out is not invested anywhere. At least, that’s the implication of what is being said. If it stayed within the company it would be invested, if it leaves it won’t be.

That’s crazed.

For that is then going on to say that only money which stays within the company which made the initial profit is invested. As we say, crazed.

Money that is paid out - whether as a dividend or as a share buyback - can do only one of two things. It can be spent upon consumption by the recipient. Or it can be re-invested in something else. That is all that can happen to it. Money that stays within the company can also do only one of two things. It can be spent upon consumption - say, higher incomes for the workers - or re-invested. That the money is inside or outside the company changes nothing about the only two things that can happen to it.

Except, of course, what the money might be invested in. Take, just as an example, BP. So, they’re good at - optimised for - finding hydrocarbons, pumping them up and delivering them to market. Capital which remains inside BP will be optimally used - because BP is optimised to do this - only if it is used finding, pumping and delivering more hydrocarbons. BP is no good at - say - solar as they’ve already proven. BP used, after all, to be the world’s largest producer of solar panels. They really weren’t all that good at it.

However, we have other companies out there too. Dale Vince at least claims to be good at building windmills. Ecotricity (?) Tesla and so on claim to be good at solar cells. Pensana is - perhaps not well but still - trying to sort out the rare earths supply chain. And on and on - there are other organisations already optimised to do this other green investment apparently desired.

We therefore desire the past profits of fossil fuel production to move out of organisations optimised for fossil fuel production into other, newer, organisations optimised for the challenges of this Brave Green New World.

That means surplus capital crossing the boundaries of these organisations.

The recipients are, largely enough, us. Or at least our pensions funds. There’s whatever it is, £6 trillion, £8 trillion of household wealth tied up in those pensions funds. None of us change our decades long consumption plans because, or despite, capital earnings being returned to us as a share buyback rather than a dividend. The surplus today over current consumption desires (and for decades for a pension fund, that’s all income in whatever form) gets reinvested.

It’s not that we desire to stop this capital reallocation from those optimised for the old economy to those struggling with the new. Nor is it that we’re indifferent to such capital movements. We positively lust after the process happening.

Now some fool wants to tax the very thing we desire? As we say, a proposal of aching stupidity.

Just the one dig at party politics - apparently this is supported by SirEd. Ho Hum. It’s still an achingly stupid idea, a tax on the very solution we desire - moving capital from the old to the new. So, you know, let’s not embed crazed nonsense in the tax system, eh? We’ve quite enough of that already, thanks very much.

Yes, we know the Biden Administration is trying this, we know that Senator Elizabeth Warren desires it too. What other proof does anyone require that it’s crazed?

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