Johannes Matt Johannes Matt

Fiscal choices

We are one week away from the Chancellor’s Spring Statement, which she insists is not an emergency budget (it is).

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Marina Barats Marina Barats

A ticking time bomb: can the state pension be reformed?

As the Labour government debates ways to reduce the spiralling welfare bill, eyeing £5 billion cuts to sickness and disability benefits, it continues to ignore another rapidly soaring component of welfare spending – the state pension.

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Maxwell Marlow Maxwell Marlow

An idea about Pricey Passport Financing

The government has announced that the price of a passport will rise to £94.50 for adults, up from £88.50. To justify this, the Home Office has said:

The new fees will help the Home Office to continue to move towards a system that meets its costs through those who use it, reducing reliance on funding from general taxation. The government does not make any profit from the cost of passport applications.

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Madsen Pirie Madsen Pirie

Is advertising wasteful?

Critics of capitalism sometimes suggest that advertising is wasteful, diverting resources into promoting goods that might otherwise be used to lower the price.

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Tim Worstall Tim Worstall

Mazzonomics isn’t going to work, is it?

The base idea enshrined in the theories of Professor Mazzucato is that the Man from Whitehall does know best. What should be produced, how it should be produced and by whom it should be produced.

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Eamonn Butler Eamonn Butler

What’s wrong with economics — 5 (Policy)

The illusion that one can be scientific about complex phenomena (such as the workings of economic life) that depend on facts, values and information that we could never ascertain, is a dangerous one.

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