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Forum 2020

  • Adam Smith Institute 23 Great Smith Street London SW1P 3DJ United Kingdom (map)

Click here for free registration to Forum 2020 via Zoom!

At the Adam Smith Institute, we advocate for ideas that will make the world a freer, better, richer place. We aim to be radical and reasonable – pushing for bold reforms but backing it up with cold, hard evidence.

In that spirit, we're hosting our fifth Forum online via the Zoom platform. We're virtually bringing together leading thinkers for a day of talks on the underappreciated, underrecognised ideas they believe help explain and improve the world around us.

We're keeping the talks short (most won't go on for longer than 15 minutes) so we can squeeze as many great ideas as possible into the day.

And because we have no overheads this year, Forum 2020 is completely free!


Jonathon Kitson (Independent researcher and forecaster) on ”Superforecasting: How to Make Better Predictions”

Lawrence Newport (Legal Historian and Law Lecturer) on ”Radical Ideas and the Killing of a King”

Dr. Stuart Ritchie (Lecturer at the Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King’s College London) on ”How Much Scientific Research Is Fraudulent?”

Anya Martin (Head of Policy, PricedOut) on ”How Should We Regulate Private Landlords?”

Peter Krykant (Drug Policy Campaigner, opened Scotland's first Safe Consumption Facility) on ”Drug Consumption Rooms: Everyone Benefits”

Laurie Pycroft (Neuroethics Researcher, University of Oxford) on ”Brainjacking and Neurosecurity: Risks at the Frontier of Brain-Computer Interfaces”

Mark Oates (Director of WeVape) on ”Pleasure: Sex, Drugs & Harm Reduction”

Sam Ashworth-Hayes (Freelance journalist and economist) on ”Stronger Sentences, Safer Streets”

Adam Hunt (PhD student at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich) on ”Evolutionary Psychiatry: Explaining the Ultimate Cause of Mental Disorders in a Bizarre Modern World”

Dr. Anja Shortland (Professor in Political Economy, Kings College London) on “The Economics of Kidnapping”


The internet, well…more specifically Zoom. You can register here.


10:00am to 5:00pm, Saturday December 5th 2020


At the end of each session we'll be running a Q & A session with the speakers from each section. You can submit questions via the Zoom app or via Twitter using the hashtag #Forum2020.


10:00-10:10: Introductory remarks

10:10-11:30: Session One + Q & A

11:30-11:50 : Break

11:50-12:20: Session Two + Q & A

12:20-13:20: Lunch break

13:20-15:00: Session Three + Q & A

15:00-15:20: Break

15:20-16:40: Session Four + Q & A

16:40-17:00: Closing remarks

1 December

Health of Nations: From Mass Lockdowns to Mass Vaccinations?

19 January

The End of the Great Stagnation