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Freedom's Fighters with Linda Whetstone

  • Adam Smith Institute 23 Great Smith Street London United Kingdom (map)

We are pleased to announce that our guest this time is Linda Whetstone. Linda is Chairman of the Atlas Network, an international association of free-market think tanks, and of Network for a Free Society. She is a member of the board of the Institute of Economic Affairs and has been a board member of the Mont Pelerin Society. She runs a small business in Sussex with her husband and writes on agricultural, trade, and development issues. She is also the daughter of Sir Antony Fisher, who founded the IEA.

Doors at the Adam Smith Institute open at 6pm, with drinks until 6.30pm when Dr Madsen Pirie, Adam Smith Institute President, and Linda Whetstone will begin the interview. The interview finishes sharp at 7pm. While there is no formal Q&A there is an opportunity to ask Linda questions after the event. Carriages at 7.30pm.

Freedom’s Fighters are one of our smaller events, with just 24 guests. If you would like to RSVP please do so by emailing

If you aren’t able to attend we’ll be filming the event and publishing these on our facebook and youtube pages. You can find our last one, with our blog maestro and Senior Fellow Tim Worstall  below (and links here to our talks withDaniel Hannan MEP, Guido Fawkes founderPaul Staines, economistRuth Lea, and the IEA’sMark Littlewood).

5 February

February TNG with Andrew Doyle

5 March

March TNG — Venezuela