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Freedom's Fighters with Tim Worstall

This Wednesday 17th October 6-7pm we are delighted to host the next in our series of Freedom’s Fighters with our blog maestro and Senior Fellow Tim Worstall. The sessions are informal and exclusive and are opportunities to host discussions with key individuals promoting liberty within the United Kingdom.

Tim is a Senior Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute and has written for a multitude of publishers, including The Guardian, CapX, The Times and The Wall Street Journal. He writes on the subjects of environmentalism and economics, particularly corporate tax; in 2010 his blog was listed as one of the top 100 UK political blogs by Total Politics. He currently runs Continental Telegraph.

We would be delighted to see dedicated and loyal blog readers at the event. Freedom’s Fighters are one of our smaller events, with just 24 guests. I know a great many of you will be interested in attending and as a blog reader we’d be delighted if you’d apply to join us. We would request you to do so by emailing

If you aren’t able to attend we’ll be filming the event and publishing these on our facebook and youtube pages. You can find our last one, with political strategist and former Vote Leave Chief Executive Matthew Elliot below (and links here to ours talks with Daniel Hannan MEP, Guido Fawkes founder Paul Staines, economist Ruth Lea, and the IEA’s Mark Littlewood).

9 October

October TNG with Paul North

6 November

November TNG with Emma Sayle