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Freedom's Fighters with David Davis MP

  • Adam Smith Institute 23 Great Smith Street London United Kingdom (map)

The Adam Smith Institute is delighted to welcome David Davis as the latest guest speaker for out next Freedom’s Fighters session on Wednesday 6th of March. He has undertaken various roles such as Conservative Party Chairman, Shadow Secretary of State for the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and more recently, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union. David has campaigned extensively for freedom and even famously resigned in protest to civil rights violations. He has participated in the Convention on Modern Liberty and Big Brother Watch, helping to bolster cross-party support for freedom.

Doors at the Adam Smith Institute open at 6pm, with networking drinks until 6.30pm when Adam Smith Institute President, Dr Pirie and David Davis will begin the interview, finishing at 7pm. While there is no formal Q&A there is an opportunity to ask David questions after the event. Carriages at 7.30pm.

Freedom’s Fighters are one of our smaller events, with just 24 guests. If you would like to RSVP please do so by emailing

If you aren’t able to attend we’ll be filming the event and publishing these on our facebook and youtube pages. You can find our last one, with the wise and wonderful Linda Whetstone below (and links here to our talks with Daniel Hannan MEP, Guido Fawkes founder Paul Staines, economist Ruth Lea, and the IEA’s Mark Littlewood).  

5 March

March TNG — Venezuela

13 March

Australia-UK drinks with Australian Liberals Abroad and Julia Lopez MP