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How to stamp out street cannabis

  • Room: Exchange 4-5 Manchester Central, Manchester UK (map)

The Adam Smith Institute are hosting a series of panel discussions and debates at the Conservative Party Conference that are free to attend for any Conservative Party Conference attendees. To find out more, email

The drug policy debate in Britain scarcely moves beyond skunk. If we are to have lasting drug reform in the UK, it’s vital to tackle the problem of street cannabis and its associated mental health issues. Successful reformers in Canada and the US have been able to make a conservative case for legalisation on the grounds that a legal regulated market allows the state to regulate purity and strength, crack down on street dealing, and keep it out of the hands of teenagers.

Legalisation also means more money (through reduced policing costs and excise duties) that can be used to properly fund mental health services and mitigate the harms of problem use.

At Conservative Party Conference, we're teaming up with drug policy think tank Volteface and making this case direct to Conservative Party MPs, activists and members.

We've assembled an expert panel including former Criminal Justice Minister Crispin Blunt MP, Steve Moore, who's director of drug policy think tank Volteface, former Cameron Speechwriter and Mail On Sunday Contributing Editor Ian Birrell and Sam Bowman, the ASI's Executive Director. 

It's sure to be a thought-provoking discussion, and we hope you'll be around to see it. We're hosting it inside the Secure Zone (so you'll need a conference pass) in Exchange 4-5 at Manchester Central. The event's free to attend, no need to RSVP, just turn up at 4pm.

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