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November TNG with Andrew Boff on Sex Work

For our November TNG we're hosting Conservative London Assembly Member Andrew Boff on the topic of sex work.

On the London Assembly Andrew's drawn attention to the violence sex workers often face and made the case that criminalisation and prohibition has led to sex workers being afraid to come forward to the police to report crimes against them. 

In his unsuccesful bid to be the Tory candidate for Mayor of London he argued that London should trial a managed area for street prostitution.

Andrew Boff has been a member of the London Assembly for the last nine years and was until 2016 the Leader of the Conservative Party on the London Assembly. He sits on the libertarian wing of the Conservative Party and has advocated de-criminalising cannabis.

The Next Generation (TNG) is the Adam Smith Institute’s network for young classical liberals and libertarians. Unfortunately we have limited space, so the event is reserved for under 30s.

As ever, there will be complimentary red and white wine on offer.

Please don't turn up before 6pm, as we will not be able to let you in. We hope you can make it.

RSVP on Facebook!

25 October

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13 November

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