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The Wealth Elite: What makes the super rich tick?

Click here to register for this Adam Smith Institute webinar.

The super rich are the subject of intense scrutiny. Entrepreneurs, financiers, property magnets, and beloved celebrities have accrued wealth most of us can only dream of by providing services, creating products or entertaining. But what do we really know about them? How have our views of them changed since the days of JD Rockefeller and JP Morgan?

The uber rich are frequently subject to politicisation and social media scrutiny. Despite all the attention, they are typically painted as monolithic: defined by their high net worth as opposed to any proper understanding of their history, motivations, attitudes and psychology.

In this webinar, we will debunk the myths and delve into what makes the super rich tick: the personality traits, experiences and strategies that enabled them to generate enormous wealth, often from humble beginnings.

For this special webinar, the ASI’s Dr Madsen Pirie will be in conversation with Dr Rainer Zitelmann:

Dr Rainer Zitelmann holds doctorates in history and sociology. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he worked at the Central Institute for Social Science Research at the Free University of Berlin. He was then appointed section head at the major daily newspaper, Die Welt. His recent book, The Wealth Elite, delves into the subject of this webinar.

Dr Madsen Pirie is the co-founder and President of the Adam Smith Institute, a UK neoliberal think tank which has been in operation since 1977.

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