ASI report "Wind Power Reassessed" is featured in The Daily Express and Yorkshire Post

A new report, "Wind Power Reassessed: A review of the UK wind resource for electricity generation", has been featured in The Daily Express and Yorkshire Post. The report, published jointly by the Adam Smith Institute and the Scientific Alliance, severely undermines the case for a move towards more wind generation in the UK because it suggests that wind can never be a major reliable source of energy for the UK. Specifically, the report found that wind farms generate below 20% of their supposed output for 29 weeks a year, and only exceed 90% of their rated output for 17 hours a year.

From The Daily Express:

Experts discovered that turbines break the 90 per cent efficiency mark for only 17 hours a year.

Data showed wind farms generate below 20 per cent of supposed output for 20 weeks a year and less than 10 per cent for nine weeks.

The statistics are in a report by the respected Adam Smith Institute think tank and Scientific Alliance.

The findings follow news that a Lords committee was told relying on wind power would lead to a doubling of energy bills and power cuts by 2030.

Read the full article here.

From the Yorkshire Post:

The study on new data by the Adam Smith Institute and Scientific Alliance says these findings suggest the UK’s energy infrastructure can never be reliant on them in any significant way.

Specifically, the study found that wind farms generate below 20 per cent of their supposed output for 20 weeks a year, and generate below ten per cent for nine weeks a year.

Read the full article here.



Is our present wind fleet really fit for purpose? - Author of new ASI report "Wind Power Reassessed" writes for Conservative Home


ASI report “Wind Power Reassessed” is featured in CityAM and Breitbart London