Author of "Incentive to Invest?" report writes for Conservative Home

Gabriel Heller Sahlgren wrote a comment piece for Conservative Home detailing the links between education quality and long-term economic growth. 

But there’s education and there’s education. Shuffling more people into upper-secondary school and higher education offers a simple solution to the problem. With more schooling years, the story goes, people will acquire the skills necessary to create a competitive economy. Indeed, this idea was partly behind the 2008 Education and Skills Act, which increased the compulsory schooling age to 18.

But simple solutions are rarely good solutions, and this certainly applies here. My paper, published today by the Adam Smith Institute, reviews the existing empirical research and provides new statistical evidence on the impact of education quantity and quality on growth. And, in fact, support for the idea that schooling years per se raise growth is thin, at least in developed economies.

Read the full article here.

The report, “Incentive to Invest: How education affects economic growth”, reveals that Britain could add billions of pounds to its long-term economic growth by increasing access to private education. 


ASI "Incentive to Invest?" report featured in The Daily Telegraph


Press Release: More private education would add billions of pounds to long-term economic growth