Ben Southwood's comments on the Autumn Statement feature in the Daily Express, Huffington Post UK, and This is Money

The Adam Smith Institute's Head of Research, Ben Southwood, was featured in the Daily Express, Huffington Post UK, and This is Money on the Chancellor's abolishment of the stamp duty slab system: From the Daily Express:

It is a victory for the Daily Express End The Stamp Duty Rip-Off crusade and was hailed by economists and property experts yesterday.

Ben Southwood, head of Research at the Adam Smith Institute, said: “The old stamp duty slab system was one of the worst taxes Britain had, and we welcome the Chancellor’s radicalism in abolishing it, rather than simply tinkering around the edges.”

From the Huffington Post UK:

Ben Southwood, head of research at the Adam Smith Institute, said it was an end to "one of the worst taxes Britain had."

"According to the best economic research, raising £1 through stamp duty imposes £2-£5 of cost on the economy. This is a tax cut for the squeezed middle that will make a big difference to a lot of people's lives. Politically, it could be a game-changer."

From This is Money:

Ben Southwood, head of research at the Adam Smith Institute, said: ‘The old stamp duty slab system was one of the worst taxes Britain had, and we welcome the Chancellor's radicalism in abolishing it, rather than simply tinkering around the edges.

‘According to the best economic research, raising £1 through stamp duty imposes £2 to £5 of cost on the economy.Though it will still, as a transactions tax, cost the economy heavily, the reform will reduce the economic cost substantially.

‘This is a tax cut for the squeezed middle that will make a big difference to a lot of people's lives. Politically, it could be a game-changer.’


Kate Andrews' comments on Osborne's proposed spending cuts feature on BBC News online


The ASI's reaction to the Autumn Statement features in Conservative Home and the IBTimes UK