Charlotte Bowyer's comments on Peter Thiel's investment in the marijuana industry feature in CityAM

The Adam Smith Institue's Head of Digital Policy, Charlotte Bowyer, was quoted in CityAM on Peter Thiel's decision to invest in the marijuana industry.

Charlotte Bowyer, head of digital policy at the Adam Smith Institute, commented:

It's great to see a pioneering institution like Thiel's Founders Fund make an investment in the nascent cannabis industry. It is a market which will only grow in size, and the potential rewards for early backers are huge.

Bowyer argues the announcement is a significant advance for the fledgling industry:

Investment like this is a big win for pro-legalization campaigners, and shows that the marijuana industry can move out of the black market to become a legitimate, professionalized sector with potential for tremendous success

Read the full article here. 


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