Coverage on our sin taxes and minimum alcohol pricing report

Chris Snowdon's report 'The Wages of Sin Taxes' was released following Scotland's announcement on a 50p per unit minimum alcohol pricing. The report and our comments on the policy received widespread pick up with over 140 websites featuring our report and responses. Our comments featured on Radio 4's World at One and on nearly every national and regional Scottish paper. Below are some of the coverage highlights:

Radio Five Live: interview with Sam Bowman (listen here from 54mins)

The Scotsman: Chris Snowdon's analysis of minimum alcohol pricing

The Sun: Kicking no butts

Press Association, The Times, Daily Telegraph, Scottish Metro, Daily Record, The Herald, Press & Journal and Daily Express featuring our comments.

Guardian Comment is Free: Minimum alcohol pricing? Blame those vomiting girls

You can read the full report here and press releases here and here


Lost work ethic and the welfare state


Taxes on alcohol and cigarettes don’t discourage consumption and hit the poor hardest