Kate Andrews writes for City AM on Hillary Clinton’s gender problem

Head of Communications at the Adam Smith Institute, Kate Andrews, writes a fortnightly column for City AM on events and issues surrounding the US presidential primaries. This week her focus is on Hillary Clinton's tendency to play the 'woman card' to try and advance her campaign.

She has deluded herself into thinking that the woman card alone can win her the Oval Office. Clinton has been using feminine and feminist rhetoric for years to propel her campaigns. She has never shied away from using pay gap stats (both legitimate and debunked) to promote feminist policies and, most recently, her “grandmother glow” became one of her most repeated catchphrases for book tour talks and stump speeches.
But since the launch of her presidential bid, Clinton has been playing up the woman card outrageously, emphasising gender over policy and claiming victimhood status to demote her opponents.

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