Let people decide how much they work

Labour Party Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell’s idea to force a 4-day work week have now been debunked by a Labour-commissioned report.

Matthew Lesh, Head of Research at the Adam Smith Institute, says the people should be free to decide how much they work:

“It is damning that even the report commissioned by the Labour Party rejected the idea of a 4-day work week as unrealistic and undesirable.

“John McDonnell’s bizarre idea to force people to work less will mean lower wages and fewer opportunities for millions. If we force people to work less they will inevitably earn less. The British economy will also be a much less friendly place to invest and start businesses if staff cannot work a full week. We should celebrate people who work hard to provide for their families, not take away this freedom. Low income Brits in particular want to work more, not less.

“Just forcing people to work less will not magically improve productivity. We need to embrace technological advancements to allow us to work even less in the future. In historic terms we are already working less than ever before, about 30 fewer hours compared to before the Industrial Revolution.”


When Labour went Caracas


Consent held back by pride and prejudice