National Insurance Hike: broken promise and broken policy

In response to the announcement of the Government’s health and social care levy, Adam Smith Institute’s Head of Government Affairs John Macdonald said:

“Today’s announcement marks a historic betrayal from a supposedly Conservative Government that promised to not raise taxes.

“It’s morally bankrupt to ask poorer workers to bailout millionaire property owners. This is a kick in the teeth for all the young working people of this country who have already been hard done by the pandemic. 

“And it risks bankrupting Brits financially, too. It is disastrous to put a tax on employment just as we begin to recover from a historically large recession.

“Throwing more money into a broken social care system will not fix the fundamental problems. We need a serious discussion about how to stimulate private-sector investment and personal responsibility, not simply more cash and state involvement.”

Notes to editors: 

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The Adam Smith Institute is a free market, neoliberal think tank based in London. It advocates classically liberal public policies to create a richer, freer world.


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