NEW POLL: Brits back freer movement with New Zealand

  • 63% of Brits back a free trade deal with freer movement with New Zealand, 8% oppose

  • 69% of Brits support mutual recognition of qualifications of doctors, nurses and teachers, 8% oppose

A new poll from the Adam Smith Institute and C|T Group RSR confirms that Brits are eager to strike a trade deal with New Zealand which includes freer movement and mutual recognition of qualifications. 

The UK is currently negotiating a trade agreement with New Zealand, which is expected to be the second from-scratch-deal since Brexit. The first deal, with Australia, including a commitment to expanding youth mobility and recognising qualifications.

Sixty-three percent of Brits polled said that they support the UK agreeing a free trade deal with New Zealand, that will lead to more opportunities for Brits to move to New Zealand, and New Zealanders to move to Britain while only 8% opposed and 21% neither support nor oppose.

There is sixty percent or more support for freer movement across all major political parties, including Labour (60%), and Conservatives (73%) and Remainers (63%) and Leavers (74%). There is also majority support across all regions. 

Even more, 69% of Brits support a free trade deal that recognises qualifications of trained professionals from New Zealand. With such an arrangement, nurse Jenny McGee from New Zealand, who helped save Boris Johnson’s life, wouldn’t have to retrain as a medical professional after moving to the UK. Again, this is reflected across all regions and political parties. 

An earlier poll from C|T Group RSR and the ASI found that 61% of Brits back more trade with New Zealand, with just 3% wanting less trade. That poll also found that 69% believe that New Zealand has very high or fairly high food and animal rights standards, just 3% thought New Zealand has low standards.

This Ancestry visa allows individuals in the Commonwealth with a single British-born grandparent, largely benefiting white people in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. This restricts access for those of the first nations, Maori, and aboriginal peoples.

The Adam Smith Institute’s Deputy Director and member of the UK Government’s Strategic Trade Advisory Group Matthew Kilcoyne said:

“It's time for Priti Patel to walk away from the Home Office’s long standing opposition to freer movement with our antipodean cousins. A trade deal with New Zealand that includes freer movement would right an historical wrong, that benefits citizens mainly of one ethnic group while excluding Maori citizens, and back the British public's desire to see freer movement as part of any FTA. 

Michael Turner Head of Research (Director) at C|T Group RSR and a Fellow of the ASI, said:

“The strength of support is overwhelming. This polling clearly shows that the UK is outward-looking, eager to grab the opportunities offered by Brexit, and create a more open and prosperous society”

Notes to editors: 

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact our press line, | 07584778207

  • The Adam Smith Institute is a free market, neoliberal think tank based in London. It advocates classically liberal public policies to create a richer, freer world.

  • The ASI is part of an international alliance of think tanks and advocacy groups who back free movement of goods, capital and people with a job or study offer between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

  • The full polling tables can be downloaded here.


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