Pingdemic hits 6.2 million people since May

The Adam Smith Institute estimates 6.2 million people have been asked to isolate by app or contacted by Test and Trace since the start of May. 

  • The number of people asked to self-isolate in the last week is 1.7 million (14-21 July) across the entire United Kingdom, up from 1.2 million in the previous week (7-14 July).

  • 6.2 million people have been contacted by the app or test and trace and asked to isolate since the start of May.

  • The ‘Pingdemic’ has resulted in about a 15% reduction in people using the app between 7 and 14 July. No doubt many fewer again today. This means about 105k fewer notifications then there would have otherwise been between 7 and 14 May.

  • Looking forward, we can project about 2.1 million people to be asked to isolate next week based on current case growth rate.

  • Each case is leading to 5.09 people being 'pinged'.

Matthew Lesh, Head of Research at the Adam Smith Institute, said:

“The 'Pingdemic' is causing substantial financial distress and threatening the viability of thousands of businesses. Supermarket shelves are empty, bins not being picked up and factories being shut down. “

“Ten days of self-isolation for people who have been fully vaccinated is totally farcical. There should be reduced requirements so people can get back to work and their lives as quickly as possible.”

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The Adam Smith Institute is a free market, neoliberal think tank based in London. It advocates classically liberal public policies to create a richer, freer world.


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