Real New Deal is Boris' Promise of Planning Reform

Despite worrying news of an interventionist ‘New Deal’ for the country, the best noises from the Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his speech in Dudley today come in the detail of promised planning reform. Much of which builds on suggestions the ASI has made in recent months and years — including the great research work done by London YIMBY’s John Myers. Matt Kilcoyne, Deputy Director of the Adam Smith Institute, gives the following comment:

"Usually you trail your best lines, but the Prime Minister's best bit is yet to come: promised planning reform is the real new deal. Homeowners will be able to build up via a fast track approval process and neighbours' consent; commercial and residential properties will be able to switch purpose without hindrance; and the developers will get the ability to demolish old stores to get people living on our high streets. This is a plan to build up, rebuild, and repurpose. 

"If Boris delivers this reform package we could finally build homes in the places people want to live, transform our forgotten towns and cities into living metropolises, and help tradesmen bounce Britain back to growth after this viral shock."

For further comment please contact Matt via 07904099599 or email


Giving a stamp of approval to a good tax cut


The protectionist commission Adam Smith warned about