Sajid Javid to announce planning reform inspired by ASI paper

Britain will build hundreds of thousands of new homes twice as quickly as normal, Sajid Javid is to announce at Conservative Party Conference today. And it looks like the Secretary of State may have taken policy inspiration from ASI's smash hit report, The Green Noose.

The plan will see enhanced planning powers to allow construction of houses and apartments on land, much of it derelict around railway stations especially in the South East.

The Mail reported that "calculations suggest that acquiring just 4% of the land adjacent to stations could create space for the construction of an extra 100,000 homes a year for some considerable time ahead", and you can read more about those figures in our paper. 

Ben Southwood, Head of Research at the ASI, responded:

“The ASI is delighted that Sajid Javid and the government are backing our strategy for planning reform and allowing the market to build houses where existing infrastructure already exists, without encroaching onto outstanding natural beauty.
“If the government goes ahead and allows 100,000 houses or more to be constructed each year it could make a huge dent in the UKs housing crisis, drastically increasing the affordability of rents and prices.”

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact Flora Laven-Morris, Head of Communications, at | 07584 778207.


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