Sam Bowman reacts to ruling out of points based immigration system

Sam Bowman, Executive Director of the Adam Smith Institute, reacting to the news that the Prime Minister has ruled out a points based immigration system, said:

“It’s great news that the Prime Minister has ruled out a points-based immigration system for EU nationals. Although we expect that some controls on freedom of movement are inevitable after Brexit, a heavy-handed approach would be bad for Britain. One option may be to only allow people who already have a job offer to immigrate.
“EU immigrants pay more in taxes than they cost in services and so help pay for the pensions, healthcare and education of native Britons, and curbing them harshly would probably make it impossible for us to remain in the Single Market. They do not harm the wages or job prospects of native workers. ( 
“This move by the Prime Minister is doubly encouraging because it suggests that Mrs May wants to go for a global Brexit. She is right to reject policies that would close us off from Europe – the real prize now will be opening up to the world.”

Sam's comments were included in print and online across the Guardian and the Daily Express.

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact Flora Laven-Morris, Head of Communications, at | 07584 778207.


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