'The Case for the (Interim) EEA Option' gets pick up in the Daily Express and Wall Street Journal

The ASI's latest paper 'The Case for the (Interim) EEA Option' has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and Daily Express this morning. The new collaborative report promotes the EEA option as a short to medium term strategy for Brexit.

The Daily Express reported:

A report by the Adam Smith Institute, put together by both Leave and Remain campaigners, has said the only way Britain can successfully exit the 28-country bloc is to choose the ‘Norway option’ - quit the EU but stay in the European Economic Area (EEA). 
This option, while acknowledged as something of a compromise and not a full Leave, would allow the UK to keep control of its borders while still enjoying trade agreements, in the years before a long-term economic deal can be reached with the EU. 
The report said "the only way is EEA", explaining remaining in the economic club would be the best of both world’s for post-Brexit Britain. 

The Wall Street Journal reported:

Some trade experts also think Mr. Davis's optimism that trade deals can be easily reached relies on assuming trade is mostly about manufactured goods.
"It doesn't appreciate the importance of services to the U.K. and of regulatory barriers" said Sam Bowman of the free-market Adam Smith Institute in London. "It's like tariffs are all the matter."

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EEASE US OUT OF THE EU - Why the only way is EEA for a post Brexit Britain