This shared parental leave thing: my fault, I'm afraid

He first advocated the idea in his blogs on the Adam Smith Institute, where he highlighted that there isn't a gender pay gap but a motherhood pay gap. 

He highlights how non-party political groups like the ASI find practical solutions which address the problem. However he also argues a better legislative solution would have been to virtually abolish maternity leave itself. He calls into question the misuse of pay statistics. He argues that the real reason for the motherhood pay gap is as a result of attitudes around the responsibility of rearing children.

Read in full on here.


Tim Worstall writes on the Telegraph website on government plans for shared parental leave. He first advocated the idea in his blogs on the Adam Smith Institute, where he highlighted that there isn't a gender pay gap but a motherhood pay gap. 

He highlights how non-party political groups like the ASI find practical solutions which address the problem. However he also argues a better legislative solution would have been to virtually abolish maternity leave itself. 


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