Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Sam Bowman's comments in defence of Lord Freud feature in The Daily Telegraph, The Times, and The Sun Online

Research Director of the Adam Smith Institute, Sam Bowman, was quoted by The Daily Telegraph, The Times, and The Sun Online on his defence of Lord Freud’s remarks concerning work and disabilities. From The Daily Telegraph:

Scope, the disability charity, yesterday condemned Lord Freud’s comments but he was supported by the Adam Smith Institute, a free market think tank.

Sam Bowman, the organisation’s research director, said: “His point was that the market value of some people’s wages is below the minimum wage.

“This is often true of the severely disabled and can have appalling consequences for their self-esteem and quality of life.

“To point out that someone’s market value is less than minimum wage has nothing to do with their moral value as human beings.”

From The Times:

However, the Adam Smith Institute, a libertarian think-tank, defended Lord Freud, saying: “To point out that someone’s market value is less than minimum wage has nothing to do with their moral value as human beings.

“[Lord] Freud’s point was that we should help people in this situation by allowing them to find jobs paying below the minimum wage and topping up their pay directly to make up the difference.”

From The Sun Online

But the Adam Smith Institute said Ed Miliband’s attack was “shameless".

Sam Bowman, the think tank’s research director, said: “His (Freud’s) point was that the market value of some people’s wages is below the minimum wage.

“To point out that someone’s market value is less than minimum wage has nothing to do with their moral value as human beings."

And it emerged last night that Labour had considered a lower minimum wage for disabled workers back in 2003.


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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Sam Bowman's comments in defence of Lord Freud feature on Channel 4 News and ITV News

Research Director of the Adam Smith Institute, Sam Bowman, was quoted by Channel 4 News and ITV News on his defence of Lord Freud's remarks concerning work and disabilities. From Channel 4 News:

Lord Freud was defended by Sam Bowman, from the Adam Smith Institute, a free market think tank.

He said: "Lord Freud has been shamefully mistreated by Ed Miliband. His point was that the market value of some people's wages is below the minimum wage.

"This is often true of the severely disabled and can have appalling consequences for their self-esteem and quality of life."

From ITV News:

Think tank The Adam Smith Institute has defended Lord Freud's comments regarding disabled workers.

Sam Bowman, research director, said the Conservative welfare minister had been "shamefully mistreated" by Labour leader Ed Miliband, who has called for Freud to resign after he suggested some disabled workers are "not worth" the full minimum wage.

Mr Bowman said: "His (Freud's) point was that the market value of some people’s wages is below the minimum wage. This is often true of the severely disabled and can have appalling consequences for their self-esteem and quality of life."

He added: "To point out that someone’s market value is less than minimum wage has nothing to do with their moral value as human beings.

"Freud’s point was that we should help people in this situation by allowing them to find jobs paying below the minimum wage and topping up their pay directly to make up the difference."

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Press Release: Ed Miliband's attack on Lord Freud is shameful

Commenting on Ed Miliband's attack on Lord Freud's comments about the disabled, Research Director of the Adam Smith Institute, Sam Bowman, said:

Lord Freud has been shamefully mistreated by Ed Miliband. His point was that the market value of some people’s wages is below the minimum wage. This is often true of the severely disabled and can have appalling consequences for their self-esteem and quality of life. Fixing this problem was the justification for Remploy, a government-funded firm that gave jobs to disabled people who could not find work elsewhere.

To point out that someone’s market value is less than minimum wage has nothing to do with their moral value as human beings. Freud’s point was that we should help people in this situation by allowing them to find jobs paying below the minimum wage and topping up their pay directly to make up the difference.

Even if you don’t agree with this method, it is motivated by compassion for the disabled and an understanding of the unpleasant side-effects of our minimum wage laws. Freud’s only crime was to speak bluntly: it is disgraceful to use his words against him in the way Miliband has.

Notes to editors:

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact Kate Andrews, Communications Manager, at / 07476 915072.

The Adam Smith Institute is an independent libertarian think tank based in London. It advocates classically liberal public policies to create a richer, freer world.

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Sam Bowman’s comments on the fall of inflation to 1.2% feature in The Daily Telegraph

Research Director Sam Bowman’s comments on why the fall of inflation to 1.2% is good news were featured in The Daily Telegraph.

"It is usually concerning when the Bank misses its inflation target, but the latest figures look like the exception," said Sam Bowman, research director of the Adam Smith Institute, a think tank.

"Inflation fell because goods such as fuel and food became cheaper globally, in real terms.

"At home, consumer demand seems healthy, so the usual dangers of low inflation do not apply."


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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Ben Southwood's comments on the new pension reforms feature in The Herald

The Adam Smith Institute's Head of Policy, Ben Southwood, was quoted in The Herald, explaining the benefits of the new pension reforms that will come into effect next year.

The reforms come into force next spring and some pension experts fear a "retirement income car crash" as pensioners rush to spend their cash. But Ben Southwood, head of policy at the Adam Smith Institute, said: "Why would people have saved up over such a long time only to blow it all? If we trust people to spend their salary we should trust them to spend their savings."

Read the full article here.

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