Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

IMF fuel subsidies are not what they seem - Sam Bowman writes for the Daily Telegraph

Deputy Director Sam Bowman writes for The Daily Telegraph:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which usually restricts itself to bailing out indebted eurozone countries, has released a paper claiming that more than five trillion – yes, trillion – dollars is spent annually in subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.

At least, that’s how it was reported by most of the media. When you read the report, it becomes clear pretty quickly that the IMF’s definition of a subsidy is a little different from everyone else’s.

Read the full article here.

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Sam Bowman's comments on UK housing prices feature in The IBTimes

Sam Bowman's comments on UK house prices featured in The International Business Times:

One person who does not believe it is a bubble is Sam Bowman, deputy director of the Adam Smith Institute. He said: "It's not a bubble. Values are so high because of restrictions on construction. Prices are higher than they would be if there was more building taking place, so it's not the market that has got it wrong, it's an issue of policy."

Read the full article here.

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

ASI comments on UK net migration figures feature in The Telegraph

Deputy Director Sam Bowman's comments on EU immigration to the UK features in The Telegraph:

Adam Smith Institute welcomes the findings. Sam Bowman says:

Today's immigration figures - the highest on record for immigrants from the EU - are good news for Britons. The vast majority of these immigrants are here for work or study, and the bulk of the evidence suggests that EU immigrants pay more in taxes than they cost the state in spending. The fact that these immigrants are voting with their feet to come to the UK is a big vote of confidence in the British economy.

 Read the full coverage here. 

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

ASI comments on UK net migration figures feature in CityAM

Deputy Director Sam Bowman's comments on EU immigration to the UK features in CityAM:

“Today’s immigration figures - the highest on record for immigrants from the EU - are good news for Britons. The vast majority of these immigrants are here for work or study, and the bulk of the evidence suggests that EU immigrants pay more in taxes than they cost the state in spending. That means less borrowing and lower taxes," said Sam Bowman, deputy director at free market think tank the Adam Smith Institute.

“They bring new skills to the economy and there is some evidence that they create opportunities for low-skilled natives to move into more highly-skilled work."

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Charlotte Bowyer Charlotte Bowyer

Madsen Pirie writes for The Times on EU subsidy of rapeseed

ASI Madsen Pirie writes The Times's Thunderer column on how EU subsidies of rapeseed add to the nation's hayfever:

By careful breeding, Canadian scientists produced a low acid version. Rapeseed was transformed, and spread rapidly across Britain, changing the look of the spring landscape with its lurid yellow flowers. Its UK production soared from about 1,000 tonnes in 1970 to more than two million tonnes in just a few years.

It was not the crop itself that made it a farmers’ favourite but the EU subsidy paid to those who planted it. The EU paid cash not for the crop that resulted but to fund the seeds and planting. It was a bonanza for landowners.

Read the full article here.

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Press release: Record EU immigration level is something to celebrate

Commenting on today's immigration figures, Sam Bowman, Deputy Director at the Adam Smith Institute said: "Today's immigration figures - the highest on record for immigrants from the EU - are good news for Britons. The vast majority of these immigrants are here for work or study, and the bulk of the evidence suggests that EU immigrants pay more in taxes than they cost the state in spending. That means less borrowing and lower taxes.

"Immigrants generally do not create unemployment or drive down overall native wages. They bring new skills to the economy and there is some evidence that they create opportunities for low-skilled natives to move into more highly-skilled work, boosting their wages. The fact that these immigrants are voting with their feet to come to the UK is a big vote of confidence in the British economy.

"There is no economic case for limiting freedom of movement within the EU, and the government is wrong to try to cut the number of skilled and student visas for immigrants from outside the EU. Instead of cutting Britain off from the world the government should focus on making the UK a welcoming destination for the best talents the world has to offer."

The Adam Smith Institute is a free market, libertarian think tank based in London. It advocates classically liberal public policies to create a richer, freer world.

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

Is Grexit finally off the cards? Sam Bowman argues NO in the CityAM Forum debate

Deputy Director Sam Bowman argues that even as Greece pushes closer to a debt deal, a Grexit is not fully ruled out yet:

Greece is in not one, but two holes. It owes €330bn (£237bn) in national debt, equivalent to 196 per cent of GDP, and its nominal GDP is also at a 13-year low. This means that unemployment cannot come down rapidly, as it has in the UK –where nominal GDP grew healthily after the crisis – so nominal wages will have to fall to a “new normal”. That takes an agonising amount of time, because firms prefer to sack some workers instead of cutting wages across the board. Greece’s future, then, looks to be one of persistent high unemployment. Before this is addressed the country cannot hope to overcome its economic malaise – it is simply not credible to expect supply-side deregulations to deliver the sort of growth Greece needs without a healthy level of nominal spending. That means no solution to the debt problem either. If Greece stays in the Eurozone, it will be on life support for the foreseeable future. It’s hard to rule out Grexit just yet.

Read the full debate here.

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Kate Andrews Kate Andrews

ASI comments on the latest CPI figures feature in Newsweek

Head of Research Ben Southwood's comments on the latest CPI figures feature in Newsweek.

This is the first time the UK has entered deflation since official records began in 1996 and the first time since 1960 based on historic estimates.

However, Ben Southwood, head of research at the Adam Smith Institute, said the negative figures should be embraced by consumers.

"We have deflation - albeit extremely mild deflation - for the first time since the 1960s. But this seems to be 'good deflation', coming mainly from cheaper goods - especially cheaper oil - rather than a drop in consumer demand," he said.

Southwood added that the Bank of England, which has set a target of 2% inflation, should remain vigilant against bad deflation.

Read the full article here.

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