Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

Sam Bowman defends CEO pay on BBC 5 Live

Executive Director of the ASI, Sam Bowman, was on BBC 5 Live discussing CEO pay and why they are worth their wages:

One way of checking if salaries are over the top is looking at firm value when they take on a new CEO thats perceived to be good, and if the new CEO comes on and they're paid £5m a year, but the firm value goes up by £50m, then I think thats a sign that the firm has done a really good job, and the new CEO is actually being paid less than they're worth.

Listen to the full interview here (Starts 01:52:35)


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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

Sam Bowman discusses junior doctors contracts on Sunday Politics

Executive Director of the Adam Smith Institute, Sam Bowman, was on the BBC's Sunday Politics discussing the junior doctor contract dispute. He argues that the sticking point ultimately is not to do with patient safety, and is largely just about doctors pay:

If we're talking about how to get the best value for money for people who use the NHS, patients, and taxpayers, then I think the key is to restrict the amount of money we're paying doctors to make sure it doesn't go up any further, because they will go on to earn much more than almost anybody can hope to afford.

Watch the full interview here. (Starts 51:00)

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

ASI report 'A Garden of One's Own' features in The Times

The ASI's latest report on the Green Belt has featured in The Times. 'A Garden of One's own', by Tom Papworth, advocates building on Green Belt land, potentially on golf courses, in order to alleviate the housing crisis in the UK.

A report by the Adam Smith Institute recommended that more golf courses on protected green land should be sold off. Tom Papworth, the author, said: “We have to choose whether to protect valuable inner-city green space or sacrifice our parks for the sake of low-grade farmland, golf courses and already-developed sites that happen to have once been classified as greenbelt.”

Read the full article here.

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

Is Facebook’s decision to pay more tax in the UK a victory for the government? | Tim Worstall argues NO in City AM

Senior fellow of the ASI, Tim Worstall, wrote a debate piece for City AM on whether or not Facebook's tax decision is a victory for the government’s diverted profits tax policy.

Facebook overhauls its tax structure but, no, this does not mean that George Osborne’s Google Tax has worked. Facebook is starting to sell to large UK advertising accounts using UK-based and paid salespeople. This constitutes a “permanent establishment” under the usual international tax laws and the profits from this activity will be taxable in 2017, when Facebook starts doing this.

Read the full article here.

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

ASI greenbelt proposals feature in the Evening Standard

The Adam Smith Institute has featured in the Evening Standard for our position on the Green Belt. We advocate reducing regulations around building on Green Belt land, in order to resolve the growing housing crisis:

To date only the Right-wing think tank the Adam Smith Institute has advocated the alternative of sacrificing some of London’s heavily-protected “green lung” for housing.

Read the full article here.

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

Britain’s Nostradamus Drives a Tesla | Dr. Madsen Pirie is interviewed for The Drive

President of the ASI, Dr. Madsen Pirie, was interviewed by The Drive website to discuss his predictions for the future of transport. He talks about his latest paper, "The UK and the world in 2050", and discusses his predictions that cars will be driverless, and energy will be free.

Not that there’ll be much distinction between home and car, mind. Another goodly chunk of the 2050 report describes the coming age of our robot overlords, who might let us sleep in—all the way to work. “I’m predicting that when we do have driverless cars, there can be sofas in them. You could have a bed. The whole layout of ‘two seats here, two seats there’ is completely outmoded. All you need to tell the car is where to go.”

Read the full article here.

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

"The UK and the world in 2050" features in The Times and The Telegraph

The new ASI paper, "The UK and the world in 2050" has featured in the Times and the Telegraph. The paper suggests a variety of ways in which life will be different in the future, and even states that people will be twice as rich in real terms, and extinct animals will be brought back. From the Times:

In a paper from the Adam Smith Institute, Madsen Pirie, president of the free-market think tank, outlines trends in scientific research and makes predictions about how new technology will solve the energy, environmental and health problems of today.

Workers long accustomed to stagnant pay after years of austerity can look forward to earning twice as much in real terms by 2050, thanks to an average 2 per cent annual growth rate.

and from the Telegraph:

Today's teenagers will live like millionaires by the time they are middle-aged because of improvements in living standards, a respected think-tank has said.

Dr Pirie also predicts that several species of dinosaur will be recreated and roam the earth for the first time in 66 million years.

Read the full Times article here.

Real the Telegraph article here.

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

New ASI paper "The UK and the world in 2050" features in the Sun and the Mail Online

The latest ASI paper "The UK and the world in 2050", written by President Dr Madsen Pirie, has featured on the Mail Online and in The Sun newspaper. The paper makes a number of predictions about what life will be like in 2050, including the rise of GM foods, lab grown meat and driverless cars! From the Sun:

TODAY’S teens will live like millionaires in robot-run homes by the time they hit middle age, a think tank says.

Driverless cars and supersonic planes will also become the norm by 2050.

The Adam Smith Institute predictions also include an end to major diseases and an environmental boost from fast-growing GM trees.

Read the full article here.

And from the Mail Online:

Imagine a world dominated by robots cars and planes, lab grown burgers and even the end of people going bald - and one where everyone could live like today's millionaires.

That is the picture painted today by the Adam Smith Institute which has predicted what Britain and the world might be like as soon as 2050.

As well as being wealthier, the researchers predict everyone will have more leisure time and be much healthier - with many of today's killer diseases like cancer defeated, degenerative illnesses like dementia cured and new organs routinely grown in a lab.

Read the full Mail article here.

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Holly Mackay Holly Mackay

ASI paper "The New Aristocrats" featured in the Guardian

ASI paper, "The New Aristocrats" has featured in the Guardian for its argument that virtue signalling is the new way the 'elite' show their status in society:

According to economists, ostentatious displays of wealth and privilege have become passe, crass and distasteful. The modern way to patronise our fellow humans is to put a bit more thought into it. So instead of impressing with designer handbags, flashy cars and massive rocks, the elite are repackaging their privilege to make them look less disgusting; they’re eco-friendly, they buy Fairtrade and donate to charity.

Read the full article here.


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