Europe Miles Saltiel Europe Miles Saltiel

Britain and the EU: a negotiator's guide

As Britain prepares to re-negotiate its position in the European Union, with the possibility of a full withdrawal if negotiations are unsuccessful, we outline some of the key points for negotiators to focus on. Paradoxically, the UK might well end up with a better deal if it is willing to contemplate life ‘out’, as EU negotiators are likely to stick to their guns if the UK is determined to stay ‘in’.

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Lifestyle, Economy & Tax John C. Duffy and Christopher Snowdon Lifestyle, Economy & Tax John C. Duffy and Christopher Snowdon

The Minimal Evidence for Minimum Pricing

Statistician John C. Duffy and ASI fellow Christopher Snowdon assess the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model, used as the basis for the British and Scottish governments' calls for minimum alcohol pricing. They find that the model is deeply flawed, based on faulty premises and used to justify policy far beyond what it actually proves.

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Banking Mikko I Arevuo Banking Mikko I Arevuo

Market-Based Bank Regulation

Mikko Arevuo calls for a market-based alternative to bank regulation that puts executives on the line for bank failures by giving them a special class of share that makes them more liable for losses. By re-aligning incentives, other forms of bank regulation could be removed and a more stable financial system cultivated.

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Economy & Tax admin Economy & Tax admin

Mind Your Own Business!

We need a real market for corporate control, argues Elaine Sternberg. Private firms may have good reason to pay their executives highly, and shareholder sovereignty should be protected. The most important thing the government can do is to remove state restrictions on shareholder power — and stop meddling in how private companies are run. 

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